Currently 58°F in Temecula, California, USA
58°F / 50°F
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 1:08 PM PDT

Older Temecula Weather News

Editor's Note: Newer news items are available.

6:55am: Reconstruction of Pala Road over Pechanga Creek is complete (south of Pechanga Casino and Great Oak High School), with four new, larger culverts installed, a widened creek bed, and boulders to hold down erosion. The road was paved yesterday and reopened. Thanks to Sue Bram for this report.
9:20am: CalTrans has decided to shut down one lane of Interstate 15 northbound south of the Highway 79 exit in Temecula as a precaution, according to a story in The Californian this morning. A mudslide below the freeway onto the Temecula Creek golf course has undermined the road. A blocked drainpipe caused rainwaters to saturate the soil instead of running off. The lane may be closed two weeks while CalTrans repairs the slope.
Other roads that remain closed include Pauba Road east of Temecula, Pala Road south of Temecula (repairs there are underway), and the Ortega Highway between Lake Elsinore and San Juan Capistrano.
4:50pm: Prado Dam in the Corona area has been reportedly shored up, the mandatory evacuation has been lifted, and Highway 71 has reopened this afternoon.
1:45pm: There are news reports today of a minor leak in the Prado Dam, which holds back the Santa Ana River in the Corona area, near the intersections of Highway 71 and Highway 91. The area has been evacuated as a precaution, and Highway 71 is closed in both directions.
1:00pm: This news story has more information about the road damage in the Temecula Valley.
The heavy rainfall story has been updated with a new photo and more complete rainfall amounts.
11:10pm: The heavy rainfall story has been updated with more road closings, some pictures, the reopening of Highway 79 South, other online news articles, and more.
1:10pm: A feature story on this weekend's heavy rainfall has been posted.
10:30pm: Highway 79 South is closed again due to mud just east of Anza Road, east of the Temecula city limits. Caltrans is working on clearing the road at this hour. Rainfall this evening was some of the heaviest experienced in recent times in the Temecula Valley. Thanks to James Sappington for the report on Highway 79 South.
5:20pm: A particularly heavy band of rain is currently hitting the Temecula Valley, accompanied with wind gusts to 30 mph. Lightning and thunder have been reported from multiple sources, and the power in the Temecula Valley and the Menifee Valley has fluctuated with a couple of the lightning hits.

WeatherCurrents' mobile site has been updated today with increased forecast information, as well as some of the past weather information. This is the first real update in quite some time.

Installation of the Lake Elsinore weather station began yesterday in spite of the rain. With some luck, perhaps weather data will be on the site for Lake Elsinore as early as next weekend.

9:30am: An article in The Californian newspaper this morning details the story of a road behind the Redhawk area, Via Pascal, that's been heavily damaged by recent storms.
9:20am: The owner and operator of, John Toman, was interviewed this week for a radio program that will air this Sunday between 7:00am and 7:30am on local Temecula radio stations 94.5 and 103.3.

This morning's earthquake felt in parts of southwestern Riverside County at about 6:35am was 4.4 on the richter scale and centered in Fontana up in San Bernardino County. See the Southern California Earthquake Data Center for details.

Updated rainfall reports for the Temecula Valley area for Monday and Tuesday:

Location Storm  Source
South Temecula 1.95" WeatherCurrents
Southeast Temecula 2.0" Jim Sappington
North De Luz 1.59" WeatherCurrents
South De Luz 1.82" Steve Rhodes
Northwest Murrieta 1.71" WeatherCurrents
East Murrieta 1.73" Steven Craig
11:00am: Updated rainfall reports for the Temecula Valley area for the Tuesday's and Wednesday's storm:
Location Storm  Source
South Temecula 4.20" WeatherCurrents
Southeast Temecula 4.50" Jim Sappington
Northeast Temecula 3.71" Michael Mojarro
De Luz 2.61" Sue Painter
De Luz 3.00" Steve Rhodes
Northwest Murrieta 3.34" WeatherCurrents
1:00pm: Rainfall in the Temecula Valley in the past two months is about equal to a normal entire season. Normally, January through March is the wettest period of the year, and those three months are still ahead.

Highway 79 south was reopened yesterday at around 5pm, according to a report by Jim Sappington.

9:30am: The latest storm has caused mudslides, downed trees and other problems in the Temecula Valley this morning. Highway 79 south has been closed near Anza Road (at the bridge over Temecula Creek) this morning due to a mudslide. Wind gusts were in excess of 50mph in the 1am hour last night, and rainfall for the storm in in excess of three inches. Jim Sappington contributed to this report.
8:30am: A serendipitous series of events in De Luz should lead to a WeatherCurrents weather site for the hills west of Temecula in early January. Sue and Dave Painter have purchased a compatible weather station and are planning on hooking it into the WeatherCurrents network after it's installed. This is great news for a few of you that have been asking over the years if we could put a station out there. It also should provide a contrast to weather in the Temecula Valley since the weather up in De Luz, La Cresta, and the Santa Rosa Plateau is generally milder than in the valley.
1:12pm: 2003's Mountain fire was finally determined to have been caused by a wellhead electrical malfunction on De Portola Road, east of Temecula.
12:00pm: Links to the National Weather Service's soaring forecast have been restored on all of the sites. They had been previously lost in the NWS web site redesign this past summer.
7:15am: The Press-Enterprise reported yesterday (note: registration required to read the story) that the fire season has officially ended in southern California, something that was widely expected after the frequent rainfall. In northern California, the fire season had been declared over in October.
10:13pm: Frost Warning: For the third morning in a row, widespread frost is predicted in the Temecula Valley, although temperatures are predicted to be a couple of degrees warmer than the previous two mornings.
Today's low of 29.4°F in Temecula this morning was not quite as cold as yesterday's 28.6°F, but again a number of hours this morning were below freezing. The Murrieta weather station (a little more than one year in operation) recorded a record low.
10:13pm: Frost/Freeze Warning: For the second morning in a row, several hours of freezing temperatures and widespread frost are predicted.
3:12pm: This morning was the coldest in more than two and half years in southwest Riverside County. This morning's low of 28.6°F in Temecula was the coldest since 25.4°F was recorded on January 31, 2002. Michael Mojarro reported 27.1°F in northeastern Temecula this morning. Murrieta's low was 28.7°F and Menifee Valley recorded a chilling 26.4°F. Temperatures were below freezing for several hours this morning in the Temecula and Menifee valleys.
8:42pm: Frost/Freeze Warning: A cold night is in store, and frost is predicted to be widespread in the Temecula Valley tomorrow morning. Currently a low temperature of 30°F is predicted, but colder temperatures in the 20's are possible.

Because temperatures may be below freezing for more than a couple of hours in some spots, a freeze warning is in effect. Some sensitive plants may not survive without protection.

10:20pm: More pictures have been added to the snowfall story.
5:50am: We've received more than seventy pictures documenting yesterday's snowfall. Time constraints have prevented many of these photos from being published, and we'll continue to update the story with new photos until we've gotten through them all.

Yesterday's average temperature of 41.5°F was the coolest day this year, and the seventh coldest recorded in the past five and half years. The record is 39.4°F on January 30th, 2002.

WeatherCurrents' Temecula site received over 9,300 page visits yesterday, by far the most for a day in its four year history. It was also a record day for

9:30am: A feature story on this morning's snowfall in southwest Riverside County is now on the site. It will be updated with new photos and information as they come in throughout the day.
8:20am: Those are confirmed snowflakes, not graupel. Some hilly areas of Murrieta have reported accumulations of 4" this morning, but it won't last for long due to the warm ground. Graupel is soft hail and is often mistaken for snow; raindrops that have frozen on the way down but not solidly.
7:45am: Snow!? The latest storm has hit with an incredible, freak white surprise. The snow (actually it may be graupel, we will investigate) is widespread and reports have it falling since 5am all across the Temecula Valley. It's been mixed with rain since early this morning.
7:50am: Rainfall reports for the Temecula Valley for the recent storm:
Location Storm  Source
South Temecula 0.40" WeatherCurrents
Northeast Temecula 0.26" Michael Mojarro
Northeast Murrieta 0.29" WeatherCurrents
6:25am: Once again, if you've recorded rainfall from Sunday and Monday's storm, please submit your totals and we will publish them here tonight. Please include your location (including major cross streets).
11:20am: The Menifee Valley weather site, serving the Menifee/Sun City area, has been released.
9:20am: Frost was reported this morning near Ynez and Rancho California Roads, and is likely the first frost of the season in Temecula. Thanks to Phil Blake for the report.
6:30am: The offshore wind event yesterday was fairly mild as they go, with maximum wind gusts reaching only 22 mph in Temecula, 27 mph in Murrieta, and 21 mph in the Menifee Valley.The winds seem to have peaked yesterday afternoon.
9:05am: Revised rainfall reports for the Temecula Valley and Wildomar (added Wildomar this morning):
Location Storm  October  Source
South Temecula 3.07" 6.02" WeatherCurrents
Northeast Temecula 3.19" 5.79" Michael Mojarro
De Luz 3" N/A Sue Painter
Northwest Murrieta 3.73" 7.33" WeatherCurrents
East Murrieta 2.81" 6.31" Jeff MacLean
Central Wildomar 3.21" N/A Mark Stearns
7:50am: If you've recorded rainfall from this past storm, please submit your totals and we will run them here perhaps tomorrow. Please include your location (including major cross streets). Also, any storm-related pictures would be appreciated; a feature story on the record October rainfall is coming soon.
6:30am: An early morning thunderstorm has left nearly half an inch of rain in Temecula and Fallbrook, and a lesser amount in Murrieta, and may have woken some people early.
9:40pm: Today's rainfall total of 2.17" so far is the most ever recorded by in its five year history, beating 1.99" on February 25, 2003. Today's total of 3.06" in Murrieta is the highest one day rainfall recorded by any of WeatherCurrents' sites.
6:45am: Areas susceptible to flooding will likely be flooded this morning after heavy rainfall this morning. Exercise care driving today; conditions will be treacherous.
3:50pm: This past weekend we began showing sunrise and sunset information on all WeatherCurrents sites. This information is located in the "Currently" section on each main page, underneath "Temperature, Humidity, Wind & Pressure". There is some (but very little) variability of times between the various communities. Note that the times are based on a flat horizon. Hills in some communities will cause the actual sunrise to be later and the actual sunset to be sooner.
3:35pm: After a week of wet weather and between 2 and 5 inches of rain in San Diego and Riverside counties, fire season in the northern part of California has been declared over, but fire units are still on alert in our region. Fire officials are warning that one strong Santa Ana wind event could dry out vegetation. We've also finally released a chronology of significant wildfires in Southwest Riverside County and the Fallbrook area.
10:15am: New today is the current local weather roundup page. For those who would like to see current information for all of WeatherCurrents' weather sites, including temperatures, rainfall and wind data, the new page offers a convenient one stop summary.
3:15pm: The National Weather Service has updated their forecast for this weekend. Rain is likely west of the mountains for late Saturday night and Sunday morning. Up to half an inch is possible. A tropical system is being tracked, and if moisture from it mixes in, totals could be higher.
9:55am: The National Weather Service links have been updated to new equivalents, where possible. They'd all broken earlier this week as a result of a web site reorganization. Gone for now is the soaring forecast; it'll be restored as soon as we can figure out where it went.
9:30am: Normal seasonal rainfall to date is now on the site. This has been a widely requested feature. Note that because there are only three full seasons of precipitation data, and some of those have featured much lower than normal rainfall, the "Normal" reading you see here won't be very accurate for a while.
6:38am: A new feature on the site is the record high and low temperatures section, located under Extreme Temperatures. This has been one of the most highly requested features over the past year. Another, normal seasonal rainfall, is coming soon. Currently these new features will be limited to Temecula only, mainly because none of the other community sites have enough historical data yet.
3:43pm: For those who have been patiently waiting, activity regarding the Wildomar site has finally gotten underway once again. Hopefully, installation will occur in October. Also, installation of the Sun City/Menifee site begins next weekend.
11:00am: Today is the third anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on our nation. So many ordinary people made sacrifices that day to save others. We will never forget.
12:02pm: A photo story for the Morales Fire, contained and due to be extinguished this evening, is on the site. Fire danger remains extremely high this weekend.
4:20pm: The wildfire southeast of Temecula today has been named the Morales Fire. 200 acres of vegetation have been consumed, and it is 50% contained as of this hour. 141 firefighters are reportedly on the scene. The fire is currently moving northeast, and containment is expected tonight around 10pm. A picture, courtesy of Greg Turbeville, captures the smoke plume from the fire from the Redhawk area at about 2:30pm.
2:31pm: Another fire has been reported in the southern part of the Temecula Valley, south and perhaps east of Morgan Hill near where the Eagle Fire burned in May. More details will be forthcoming.
10:00am: August's average temperature of 71.8°F was the coolest in at least six years in Temecula, beating out 72.0°F in August, 2002. It was also the first August in those six years without any triple digit temperatures. However, some places in the Temecula Valley, such as Murrieta, recorded two triple digit days.
4:45pm: This composite picture of a funnel cloud (which reportedly touched ground and became a Tornado) was taken by Shaun Brodie in the Menifee Valley during the thunderstorms of Friday morning, August 13th.
7:45am: The sixth year of weather data capture for Temecula officially began yesterday evening. With five years of historical data completed, look for a couple of new things soon: record high and low temperatures for the day, and normal precipitation to date. The latter is not going to be very accurate for a while yet; we've had lower than normal rainfall the past three years in a row, and there is not even four years of rainfall data to work with yet. So, when that does finally appear on the web site, remember that the actual normal rainfall total to date should really be higher.
3:03pm: Thunderstorms were reported around the Temecula Valley, Hemet and beyond this morning. Michael Mojarro reports a 1" dumping at his home in the north part of Temecula. Katy Parkhurst up in Sun City reports 1/2" of rainfall. South Temecula, where this station is located, hasn't received any rainfall, and only a little rainfall has been recorded up in northwest Murrieta, where the Murrieta station is located. Thunderstorms and rainfall have also been reported in Hemet.
9:58am: This morning's eight hour service outage was caused by faulty software on the web server. Apologies if you were trying to access the web server before 8:30am this morning, when the problem was resolved.
11:20am: A story on the Citrus wildfire near Hemet has been posted on the Hemet site.
6:11am: Yet another fire has been reported, this one much nearer to Hemet, close to the Valle Vista area. Control was expected this morning on a 765 acre wildfire called the Citrus fire. No structures have been burned, but one firefighter has received burn injuries and two others have been treated for exhaustion. One home was evacuated. The cause of the Citrus fire is also under investigation. Photos have been submitted and more information will be posted later this morning on the Hemet site.
9:25am: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) is reporting the Martin fire to be 150 acres in size and 15% contained. No structures are currently threatened. It started 9:30pm last night northeast of Sage and Red Mountain Roads. The cause is under investigation.
8:48am: A new wildfire called the Martin fire has reportedly burned 135 acres near Sage, south of Hemet. It started last night near Martin Road.
9:20am: The Melton fire story has been updated. The current footprint of the blaze is 3,600 acres and it is a reported 50% contained.
2:00pm: The Melton Fire story has been updated. Mandatory evacuation orders have been lifted. The fire is 3,219 acres in size and 20% contained, and firefighters have apparently gained the upper hand.
11:59pm: News reports are calling the wildfire the Melton Fire. A feature on this fire has been posted and will be frequently updated.
10:48pm: There is a fire burning out in higher elevations of the Wine Country area, near Sage, well east of Temecula proper. The fire is clearly visible to the east tonight. Structures have been reported destroyed, and evacuations from the area have also been reported. Pictures have been submitted and more information will be forthcoming shortly. Any additional information or pictures would be appreciated.
11:11am: There is a report this morning of isolated showers in northern Temecula. Thanks to Michael Mojarro for reporting this.
9:05am: The Fallbrook site is finally available. Custom graphics are still to come.
11:22am: There are some thunderstorms floating around the region this morning and some light showers have been reported in the L.A. area. It's possible some of these may reach the Temecula Valley.
10:44pm: Correction on the fire: it is south of Temecula near the Pala Indian Reservation, and has been named the Pala Fire. 200 acres have been reported burned near Route 76, but fire crews are apparently quickly containing this one. No structures are currently threatened.
5:33pm: A fire has been reported near the San Diego County line, out past Aguanga and near Warner Springs. This puts it southeast of the Temecula Valley, but smoke is clearly visible from the valley. Reports have called the fire "significant" but there aren't a lot of details at this point.
4:00pm: Fallbrook update: The wind sensor is still not connected and graphics aren't complete, but the rest of the Fallbrook weather site is operating and has been sending data. The mobile site has been launched today; the web site launch has been delayed again and will be after Independence Day.
4:57pm: Today's magnitude 5.2 earthquake, 60 miles west of Tijuana and four miles deep under the ocean, was felt all over the region, including Temecula and Murrieta. The quake occurred at approximately 3:30pm. For raw information, see this local USGS map.
3:00pm: The weather feed to the web site was interrupted for several hours yesterday by a regional outage from a local cable modem service provider. The outage also affected data feeds from Hemet and Fallbrook.
11:35pm: Temperature data from Fallbrook is now online. However, the official launch of the Fallbrook site is between two and three weeks away.
11:03am: Installation of a weather station in the Fallbrook area begins this afternoon. An official unveiling of the Fallbrook weather site won't be until the middle of June, however. Thanks to Tom Chester of Fallbrook for volunteering to host the equipment.
9:28pm: This afternoon received its millionth view. Thanks to all of you who visit the site and have made this milestone possible., has been on the internet almost four years now, and more than half of the those million views have been within the past year, as it has grown into the busiest of the WeatherCurrents sites.
12:50pm: WeatherCurrents web sites will be down between 10pm and 11pm tonight for scheduled maintenance.
10:35am: A final Eagle Fire update has been posted. One new photo has been contributed. The fire was extinguished on Friday.
8:55am: Today's Eagle Fire update includes a photo taken Wednesday from Aguanga, on the other side of the fire. Full containment of the blaze is expected later today.
10:10am: The Eagle Fire feature has been updated with new information, including links to a couple of stories from this morning's Californian. Last reports had the fire 60% contained with full containment expected Thursday evening. The fire near De Luz and Fallbrook is reported to be fully contained.
10:13pm: Two more Eagle Fire photos have been added, as well as two video clips. All pictures and video is from yesterday. The fire was much less prominent in the Temecula Valley this evening and there is little new to report.
2:03pm: Another round Eagle Fire updates, including eight new photos taken yesterday. The fire's footprint is up to 3,000 acres and 13 structures are reported destroyed.
9:53pm: More Eagle Fire updates, including multiple photos from today. The fire has expanded to 2,500 acres burned today, and has jumped State Route 79 between Temecula and Aguanga, forcing closure of the road east of Temecula.
11:36am: The Eagle Fire feature has been updated with additional photos, some taken from Morgan Hill where the fire began.
10:52pm: See the feature story, photos and information on the Eagle Fire, currently burning in the southeastern Temecula Valley.
10:29pm: A fire is burning south and east of the Redhawk area, well outside the Temecula city limits. More information and contributed pictures will appear very shortly.
8:46am: Yesterday's highs of 101.5°F in Temecula and 97.2°F in Murrieta were by far the hottest April temperatures on record (Temecula's previous April hottest was 93.2°F on April 26, 2000). Yesterday's high in Murrieta was the hottest temperature recorded since that station began operation in November of last year.
10:57am: Yesterday's rainfall totals of 0.31" in Temecula and 0.23" in Murrieta put the Temecula Valley over the 9" mark for the season (Murrieta is a little short, but doesn't have a complete season recorded and would likely be close to 10" if it did). The wettest months of the year are behind us at this point; based on past results, the chances of even an inch more of rainfall before the season close are small.
6:17pm: April's first showers arrived unexpectedly today and more are on the way, if the revised forecasts are any different than the ones that totally missed rainfall this morning.
= 8:15am: March is done, and is the warmest of five years on record, at an average temperature of 61.3°F. This year was much warmer than the even the previous warmest March, which was last year's 57.3°F. Rainfall for the season has suffered as a result, and with rain less likely going forward into spring, it looks as if we will finish the rainfall season well short of a normal 12" to 14".
12:05pm: A long-delayed feature on the winter storms this year has finally been posted.
11:20am: Revised dates for the Wildomar and Fallbrook weather sites are April and May, respectively.
6:22am: The Hemet station has had an equipment breakdown and hasn't been able to capture or transmit any weather data since Sunday morning. Spare parts are on the way and it should be back up within the next couple of days.
7:29am: Yesterday's average temperature of 69.6°F makes it the warmest winter day on record, eclipsing 69.4°F on January 7, 2003. Winter highs in the 90's are not that unusual in the Temecula Valley. One or two per season is about average.
11:09am: In response to multiple requests, rainfall by hour is now available for individual days under the Past Weather section.
10:45am: A new forecast backend begins operation today. You shouldn't notice any real differences on the main page, but it makes it much easier to enter forecast data into the system.
6:16am: The Hemet weather site became available yesterday evening.
5:16pm: Opening of the Hemet site is delayed until tomorrow. For those interested, it should finally be ready sometime tomorrow afternoon.
5:20pm: The WeatherCurrents server will be unavailable tonight at approximately 10pm while maintenance is performed.
1:36pm: Southern Temecula has experienced a couple of fierce downpours, as well as thunder and lightning, in the past couple of hours, and rainfall is quickly heading for the 1.5" mark for the day. Interestingly, northwest Murrieta is not experiencing the same torrential showers this afternoon, nor is Hemet. Both of those areas have winds blowing from the east, which may account for the relatively smaller rainfall totals.
file 10:37am: An update on upcoming weather sites: The Hemet weather site will make its debut this upcoming Saturday, February 28th. The Wildomar and Fallbrook weather sites have been slightly delayed, but all of the equipment is now in and being prepped and we're hoping to have them both up and operating sometime next month.
11:19am: I've received one report of ice pellets (or graupel) falling in the Temecula Valley this morning, on Calle Medusa in northeast Temecula. This is a little like hail except soft. Thanks Michael Mojarra for reporting this. He reports that it looks like sleet. Snow levels are down to 3000 feet this morning, and more weird stuff may occur. We'd appreciate any photos anyone might have of this.
6:04am: The Hemet data feed may begin as early as tonight. If so, at least the current temperature should be available under the local weather roundup of both the Temecula and Murrieta main pages. All of the equipment has come in for Wildomar and Fallbrook has come in and installation of the weather stations at those sites should begin shortly.
10:40am: A relatively dry January is drawing to a close, with only about 1/2" of rainfall in both Temecula and Murrieta. This is nothing new, though, as the Temecula Valley also experienced dry Januaries in 2002 and 2001. February, on the other hand, has a tendency to be very wet, the wettest month of the year on average, with over 5" recorded in Temecula in 2003 and 2001 (but a measly 0.19" in 2002).
9:28am: We're starting to do something different with the featured photos. Starting today, we'll be running more than one simultaneously if we have more than one recent photo that meets the publication criteria. So you may see featured photos alternate.
6:10am: I discovered yesterday morning that I had left the rain gauge unplugged, due to construction in the yard, and it failed to capture rainfall from the latest storm. I used backup manual rain gauge values to fill in results from Tuesday evening and night and early Wednesday morning.
6:10am: Homes have been found for the upcoming Hemet and Fallbrook weather sites. Hemet will take advantage of an existing weather station already in operation there. Fallbrook will be a new installation about three miles south of downtown in the Winterwarm area. I currently expect to have the Wildomar, Hemet and Fallbrook weather pages operating before April of this year.

Minor fixes this morning to the Hourly Summary page, and to the photo links from the Mountain Fire story.

5:55am: The Temecula site redesign has finally been completed. This represents the first real motif change since the site was unveiled in August, 2000. The new design closely follows the design of the Murrieta site, but with different colors and graphics so it will be easy to tell which site you are on if you visit both.
5:55am: The Temecula site redesign has finally been completed. This represents the first real motif change since the site was unveiled in August, 2000. The new design closely follows the design of the Murrieta site, but with different colors and graphics so it will be easy to tell which site you are on if you visit both.
This afternoon I'm investigating a potential site for the Wildomar weather station. If the site is suitable, the third station in the area may be installed in February. The site redesign for Temecula has been delayed a little pending graphics but hopefully will be completed soon.
9:53am: 2003 was a momentous year for WeatherCurrents and its two sites in Temecula and Murrieta. 2003 was the year a lot of the behind the scenes software was rewritten, and this allowed the launch of the second WeatherCurrents site in Murrieta this past month. The big weather-related events for 2003 in the Temecula Valley included a hailstorm on February 20th, the tragic Mountain Fire on October 26th, and a funnel cloud on November 12th. The number of visitors to the web sites has continued to climb. The Temecula site peaked at 4,518 page views on October 28th, and now averages over 1,400 page views per day, and even the brand new Murrieta site was averaging almost 400 page views a day by year end.

2004 should see some new features and additional, expanded local weather coverage. Temecula, and perhaps Murrieta, may get web cams if experiments are successful. The Temecula site is going to get a new look very soon. Other new features being considered include an expanded forecast, graphs, sunrise and sunsets, and moon phases. New local sites may be added all around the Temecula Valley, in places like Menifee, Wildomar, Fallbrook, French Valley, Lake Elsinore, and Hemet and perhaps beyond. Some of those sites are only held up right now pending locations in those communities.

News for 2003
News for 2002
News for 2001
News for 2000

The Temecula weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Temecula, California is located in the Temecula Valley, in southwestern Riverside County, along the Interstate 15 highway. The Temecula Valley's rolling hills are home to the Temecula wine country, vineyards, golf courses, a casino resort, and Old Town Temecula.
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