Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 8:39 PM PST

Current Local Weather Roundup

Up-to-date weather conditions and today's extreme temperatures at WeatherCurrents' local weather stations in Southern California. The normal rain season is July 1st through June 30th. Newer weather sites may have a season start date after July 1st.
Temperature Precipitation
Community Now High Low Wind 60 Min. Today Season
Anza 45°F  64°F  40°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  3.68"1 
*De Luz N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  1.31"2 
Fallbrook 54°F  68°F  53°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  4.90"1 
French Valley 55°F  71°F  50°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  3.05"1 
Hemet 56°F  71°F  42°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  3.05"1 
Lake Elsinore 58°F  76°F  48°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  4.92"1 
Moreno Valley 56°F  74°F  47°F  1 mph E  0.00"  0.00"  2.98"1 
Murrieta 53°F  74°F  50°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  3.35"1 
Pinon Hills 45°F  58°F  37°F  1 mph SW  0.00"  0.00"  2.81"1 
Riverside (Presidential Park) 57°F  72°F  49°F  5 mph SE  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
*San Diego (City Heights) N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  0.00"3 
San Jacinto 59°F  73°F  48°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  2.54"1 
Simi Valley 53°F  73°F  43°F  6 mph NW  0.00"  0.00"  4.93"1 
*Temecula N/A  74°F  52°F  N/A  0.00"  0.00"  3.34"1 
Updated 8:39 PM PST  Yesterday's Roundup
* Weather report not current
1. Season began July 1, 2024
2. Season began July 1, 2021
3. Season began July 1, 2018

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