Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 22:10:51 PDT 2024

Current Local Weather Roundup

Up-to-date weather conditions and today's extreme temperatures at WeatherCurrents' local weather stations in Southern California. The normal rain season is July 1st through June 30th. Newer weather sites may have a season start date after July 1st.
Temperature Precipitation
Community Now High Low Wind 60 Min. Today Season
Anza 69°F  94°F  69°F  5 mph SE  0.00"  0.00"  1.42"1 
*De Luz N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  1.31"2 
Fallbrook 67°F  90°F  66°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  0.01"1 
French Valley 73°F  96°F  72°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
Hemet 79°F  101°F  74°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
Lake Elsinore 79°F  105°F  73°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
Moreno Valley 80°F  100°F  73°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
Murrieta 74°F  95°F  70°F  2 mph S  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
*Perris N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  138.17"3 
Pinon Hills 78°F  95°F  72°F  2 mph SW  0.00"  0.00"  0.09"1 
*Riverside (Orangecrest) N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  15.83"3 
Riverside (Presidential Park) 78°F  95°F  72°F  3 mph W  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
*San Diego (City Heights) N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  0.00"4 
San Jacinto 80°F  101°F  74°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
Simi Valley 74°F  89°F  67°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
Temecula 73°F  96°F  70°F  calm  0.00"  0.00"  0.00"1 
*Wildomar N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  18.06"5 
Updated 10:10 PM PDT  Yesterday's Roundup
* Weather report not current
1. Season began July 1, 2024
2. Season began July 1, 2021
3. Season began July 1, 2023
4. Season began July 1, 2018
5. Season began July 1, 2019

WeatherCurrents provides near-real time local weather, news and features in Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino and Ventura counties, in Southern California.
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