Currently 45°F in Temecula, California, USA
48°F / 45°F
Monday, February 10, 2025 1:43 AM PST

Sign Up for Temecula Valley Weather Forecasts, Alerts, and Discussion Via Email

There are two email list choices for those interested in Temecula Valley weather, or talking about the local weather with others. The WeatherCurrents email lists offer a unique local group of people interested in the weather and the area. Keep in touch with local weather via email! Subscribers should choose one list or the other since all messages to the announce list also go to the discussion list. Subscribing, unsubscribing, and subscription options are easily managed through the web links below.

Rules For All Lists

  • Email messages sent to will be posted to the appropriate list only if you are a list subscriber. This is to avoid posts to the list from email spammers. No posts are allowed to the announcements list.
  • Advertisements or solicitations will not be allowed without prior consent. Users who engage in these activities without permission will be expelled from the mailing list.
  • No objectionable material may be posted to this list. Participants will refrain from swearing, profanity, from engaging in wars of words with other users, and from posting obscene material of any kind. Violators will be dropped from the mailing list. If there is any question as to what is objectionable, please contact the webmaster.
  • These lists are not moderated. Those who break the rules will be caught and dropped after they've posted. WeatherCurrents will not be held responsible for any objectionable content posted by another user.

Problems subscribing or unsubscribing? Do you have questions about the email list? Ask here.

The Temecula weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Temecula, California is located in the Temecula Valley, in southwestern Riverside County, along the Interstate 15 highway. The Temecula Valley's rolling hills are home to the Temecula wine country, vineyards, golf courses, a casino resort, and Old Town Temecula.
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