Currently 58°F in Temecula, California, USA
60°F / 50°F
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 5:16 PM PDT

2002 News

Showers are out of the forecast for now as warmer temperatures due to high pressure aloft greet us for the new year. The storm has missed us to the north. Northeast winds are possible tonight and tomorrow. The warmest days are predicted to be over the weekend, when high temperatures are predicted to reach the mid 70's or perhaps even warmer.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 67°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 33 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low around 35°F.
Wednesday (New Year's Day): Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 69°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low near 37°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low of about 39°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, low around 40°F, high around 75°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 75°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 75°F.

Warmer weather is coming with the new year, but there is a slight chance of showers first on Tuesday. Except for that, high temperatures are expected to warm into the 70's as we move into January, with some offshore flow expected as high pressure gets established over the next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 62°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 33 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 35°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, 20% chance of showers early in the day, high of about 60°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low near 35°F.
Wednesday (New Year's Day): Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 67°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 36°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, low around 40°F, high around 71°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 75°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 75°F.

Most of the current storm has past overnight, but there may be some isolated showers still to come this morning. Rainfall has been modest at 0.06" so far. Expect mostly sunny days over the next week for the most part, with high temperatures mostly in the in the 60's, except for Tuesday, when another storm passes through the region, mostly to the north, with only a slight chance of rain.

Today: Variably cloudy, 20% chance of showers in the morning, high near 58°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 33 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 35°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 64°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low near 35°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of showers, high around 60°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 37°F.
Wednesday (New Year's Day): Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 65°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, low around 37°F, high around 68°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 62°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 67°F.

High pressure aloft will lead to clear skies today, but an approaching Pacific storm will push it out and should arrive Saturday night. Light showers will be possible, and precipitation amounts are predicted to be light. Conditions will clear out for Monday, but another chance of light showers comes Tuesday. Most of the energy of these next two storms is predicted to pass to the north of Southern California.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 35°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, high of about 65°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy, 50% chance of showers, low near 41°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, 40% chance of showers, mainly in the morning, high around 56°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low of about 35°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 60°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, low around 36°F, high around 57°F.
Wednesday (New Year's Day): Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 60°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 61°F.

Continued dry and cool weather until the weekend, when a weak storm system passes through. The mornings aren't predicted to be as cool as they've been though, and after a string of days with frost in the morning, we may get a break from the morning ice until next Monday. The storm arriving is due late Saturday afternoon and should depart Sunday morning. There's another slight chance of rain next Tuesday.

Today: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 62°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 36°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 69°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low near 37°F.
Saturday: Increasing clouds, 30% chance of showers by late afternoon, high around 59°F.
Saturday night: Partly cloudy, chance of showers, low of about 41°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, chance of showers, mainly in the morning, high near 56°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 34°F, high around 59°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, slight chance of showers, high of about 56°F.
Wednesday (New Year's Day): Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 59°F.

Merry Christmas! Weather conditions in the Temecula Valley remain colder than normal through the weekend and beyond, with partly cloudy weather expected most days. There may be some frost tonight, but none is predicted for a week after that. Showers are coming our way Saturday and Sunday.

Today (Christmas Day): Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 62°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 34°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 63°F.
Thursday night: Partly cloudy, low near 38°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 69°F.
Friday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 39°F.
Saturday: Increasing clouds, chance of showers in the afternoon, high near 59°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, chance of showers, low around 44°F, high around 58°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 58°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 59°F.

A small Santa Ana wind condition may affect the region today, but it will be short-lived, as clouds increase tomorrow. This morning was cold and frosty, and tomorrow morning is also predicted to be. There is a chance of showers tomorrow night and Christmas morning. The rest of the week is predicted to be partly cloudy, with a slight chance of showers on Saturday. High temperatures remain well below their normals for this time of year.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 61°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 25 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, very cold with frost, low around 31°F.
Tuesday: Increasing clouds, afternoon breeze, high of about 61°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of showers, low near 41°F.
Wednesday (Christmas Day): Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of showers in the morning, decreasing in the afternoon, high around 58°F.
Wednesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 39°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 60°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 39°F, high around 60°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, slight chance of rain, high of about 60°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 60°F.

9:00 pm: We are expecting frost again tomorrow morning. A statistical projection for tomorrow morning shows an expected low temperature of between 30 and 32 degrees. Very cold.

The latest storm has mostly passed without measurable rain, but there is some chance of showers through today. Two very cold nights are ahead of us, with Monday possibly getting down into the 20's. The next chance of showers are Tuesday and Christmas Day. It is officially winter now, so cold is seasonal. The days are predicted to remain cool throughout the week, with high temperatures in the 50's and sometimes cracking 60°F.

Today: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of showers, chance of thunderstorms, high near 57°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 25 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, local frost, low around 34°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 61°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, very cold with frost, low near 30°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of showers in the afternoon, high around 57°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, low of about 39°F.
Wednesday (Christmas Day): Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high near 55°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 35°F, high around 60°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 56°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 60°F.

More rain is on the day as showers dominate the local weather pattern. The next storm comes through tonight, with showers expected, and rainfall of 1/4" or less. Another storm hits Tuesday morning, and the chance of showers lasts into Christmas Day.

Today: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of showers, high near 55°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 32 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 80% chance of showers, low around 39°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, showers likely (80% chance), decreasing in the afternoon, high of about 55°F.
Sunday night: Mostly cloudy, low near 36°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 57°F.
Monday night: Mostly cloudy, rain likely by Tuesday morning, low of about 40°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely, high near 55°F.
Wednesday (Christmas Day): Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, low around 40°F, high around 56°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 56°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 58°F.

Rain is upon us once again today. Just over a 1/4" has come down at this writing, and 1/2" to 1" total is predicted for this storm. The rain should taper off to showers by 8am or so. Chance of showers continue this weekend, with another storm predicted to arrive Saturday night or Sunday. Mostly dry and cloudy after that through Christmas Day, except for a chance of showers late Tuesday.

A service outage prevented data from getting to the site for about a 12 hour period starting around 5pm yesterday. A problem on the data capture end appears to have exacerbated the problem by not allowing a graceful recovery from the outage, and has been fixed.

Today: Mostly cloudy, rain in the morning, chance of showers in the afternoon, high near 56°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 48 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, 40% chance of showers, low around 40°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely (70% chance), high of about 57°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy, rain likely (70% chance), chance of thundershowers, low near 40°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, chance of showers in the morning (70% chance), decreasing in the afternoon, high around 55°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 35°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 60°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, chance of rain later in the day, low around 35°F, high around 60°F.
Wednesday (Christmas Day): Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 60°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 60°F.

There is frost this morning in many places in the Temecula Valley. No repeat for tomorrow morning, because rain is on the way tonight and the cloud cover will keep it warmer. Rainfall from the new storm is expected to be between 1/2 and 1". Showers are predicted to continue through Sunday, then partly cloudy leading up to Christmas Day.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 61°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 32 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Cloudy and windy, rain likely, low around 44°F.
Friday: Rain likely in the morning, chance of showers in the afternoon, high of about 57°F.
Friday night: Partly cloudy, 30% chance of showers, low near 40°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, 30% chance of showers, high around 58°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, low of about 43°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high near 57°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 36°F, high around 58°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 61°F.
Wednesday (Christmas Day): Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 61°F.

The winter solstice is at 5:14pm on Saturday, December 21.

9:30pm:Frost warning for tomorrow morning in some areas, with an anticipated low temperature of between 33°F and 34°F.

Fair weather through Thursday, thanks to weak high pressure aloft. High temperatures will remain cool, though. Then two storms come through, one starting Thursday night through Friday, and another on Sunday. High pressure is predicted to build again towards Christmas Day, leading to cool but mild temperatures then.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 59°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 33 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 37°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 59°F.
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy, 70% chance of rain, low near 41°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely (70% chance), lessening in the evening, high around 54°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, low of about 38°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 56°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, low around 38°F, high around 56°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 57°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 61°F.

The cold front has passed over us, but we will continue to get scattered showers from the unsettled weather behind. The storm rain total is nearing 1 1/2" inches, the most we've received from a storm in a while, since February, 2001. A weak high pressure system will temporarily stop the moisture on Wednesday on Thursday, but the Friday, the weekend, and beyond are all predicted to be wet.

Today: Mostly cloudy, scattered showers, 50% chance of rain, high near 55°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 25 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of showers, low around 44°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, 30% chance of rain Wednesday morning, high of about 57°F.
Wednesday night: Partly cloudy, low near 37°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 60°F.
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, low of about 40°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely, high near 56°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, low around 42°F, high around 56°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, slight chance of showers in the morning, high of about 57°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, chance of rain, high near 57°F.

A major winter storm arrives this afternoon with two fronts, one hitting tonight and another on Tuesday. Rainfall is predicted to be between 1/2 and 1 1/2" in the Temecula Valley, widespread and steady, with gusty winds from the west. There will be snowfall above 5000 feet. The storms will continue on and off for at least the next week, with less organized storms behind this one.

Today: Increasing clouds, 40% chance of rain this afternoon, high near 65°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 100% chance of rain, low around 48°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, 70% chance of rain, high of about 59°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy, 60% chance of rain, low near 42°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, 30% chance of rain Wednesday morning, high around 58°F.
Wednesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 34°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 62°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, low around 42°F, high around 57°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, high of about 57°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, slight chance of showers in the morning, high near 60°F.

No rain so far as the first weak storm passed mostly to the north, but the next one Monday night isn't expected to miss. Rainfall will be around 1/2" in our area. Another weaker storm is predicted to move through Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, then we'll get a couple of days break until the next chance of rain on Friday. Temperatures for the week will be well below normal.

Today: Partly cloudy, 20% chance of showers this morning, high near 66°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 30 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 43°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, chance of rain increasing to 50% by late afternoon, high of about 65°F.
Monday night: Mostly cloudy, 100% chance of rain, low near 48°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, 50% chance of rain, high around 58°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, slight chance of rain Wednesday morning, low of about 43°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 58°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, low around 40°F, high around 65°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high of about 57°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high near 55°F.

The first in a series of Pacific storms is predicted to arrive tonight in the Temecula Valley. It's unlikely we'll get much measurable precipitation from the first storm, but there should be more substantial rainfall from the second storm. The storms keep arriving all week, with cool temperatures predicted and a chance of showers each day through Friday.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 71°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 48 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of rain, low around 44°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of rain in the morning, high of about 68°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low near 42°F.
Monday: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of rain, mainly in the afternoon, high around 67°F.
Monday night: Mostly cloudy, rain likely, low of about 47°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely, high near 59°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, chance of showers, low around 44°F, high around 56°F.
Thursday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high of about 61°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, chance of showers, high near 56°F.

Some clouds today as the high pressure system aloft this week moves out, to be followed by a series of Pacific storms. Beginning Saturday night, there's a 40% chance of rain. Another storm is predicted to arrive Monday afternoon. That one will be cold with snow expected in the mountains. Showers and cold weather are predicted to continue through Thursday.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 74°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 67 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 39°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 74°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of rain, low near 48°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of rain, mainly in the morning, high around 64°F.
Sunday night: Mostly cloudy, low of about 46°F.
Monday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely, mainly in the afternoon, high near 61°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, showers, low around 44°F, high around 58°F.
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high of about 58°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, chance of showers, high near 59°F.

High pressure aloft will keep temperatures mild and slightly above their seasonal norms for the next couple of days. As the high pressure system moves off, a series of storms will move in, beginning Saturday night. Totals from the storm expected Saturday and Sunday will not be that much, but substantial rainfall is expected from a storm arriving Monday.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 73°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 69 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 40°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 74°F.
Friday night: Partly cloudy, low near 39°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 71°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy, rain likely, low of about 46°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely, high near 62°F.
Monday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely in the afternoon, low around 46°F, high around 61°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely in the morning, high of about 61°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, chance of rain, high near 61°F.

Cool and foggy this morning, so be careful on the roads. High pressure is predicted to keep things dry until this weekend, when a series of storms begins to roll through the region. Until then, temperatures will be hanging around 70°F or below. The next couple of nights will be clear and cold; if they're any colder than predicted, we may see some frost, especially on Friday morning.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 66°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 39°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 68°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low near 36°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, low of about 44°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 68°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely, low around 47°F, high around 61°F.
Monday: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, high of about 61°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, chance of rain, high near 61°F.

This morning's low of 35.3°F was the coldest of the season so far, and there may have been some frosty areas in the Temecula Valley this morning. Patchy fog tonight and most of the rest of the week should keep the morning low temperatures out of the mid 30's. High temperatures are expected to stay under 70°F for the next week, as onshore flow and low pressure systems dominate the local weather pattern. Look for a chance of rain Sunday and Monday as pacific storms roll into the region.

Today: Sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 64°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 48 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, patchy fog, low around 40°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 67°F.
Wednesday night: Partly cloudy, patchy fog, low near 38°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 67°F.
Thursday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 38°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 67°F.
Saturday: Patchy night and morning fog, otherwise mostly cloudy, low around 43°F, high around 67°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain, high of about 61°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, chance of rain, high near 61°F.

The high pressure system was stronger than expected and as a result yesterday was warmer than expected. Low pressure comes over the area today through Wednesday, resulting in partly cloudy weather (except for Tuesday, which should be mostly sunny) and cooler temperatures. Another short-lived high pressure system is predicted for Thursday, then more onshore flow going into next weekend, with a chance of showers on Sunday.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 48 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, patchy fog, low around 41°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 64°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, patchy fog, low near 39°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 67°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 39°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 39°F, high around 66°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 67°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, slight chance of rain, high near 66°F.

Alternating high and low pressure systems cross the region in the next week, with temperatures hanging mostly around normal. Sky conditions, though, are predicted to change from sunny today to partly cloudy Monday, then mostly sunny Tuesday, back to partly cloudy for Wednesday, then mostly sunny again for the rest of the week. Look for foggy mornings tomorrow and Tuesday.

Today: Sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 29 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, patchy fog, low around 39°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 67°F.
Monday night: Partly cloudy, patchy fog, low near 41°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 69°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 37°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny , afternoon breeze, low around 38°F, high around 70°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 70°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 67°F.

A chance of shower this morning will quickly be replaced by high pressure aloft, leading to mild temperatures the next coupld of days. Chilly mornings the beginning of next week, warming slightly by Thursday as another high pressure system moves into the area.

Today: 40% chance of showers this morning, partly cloudy this afternoon, high near 66°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 45 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, patchy fog, low around 39°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 70°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low near 38°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Monday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 37°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 38°F, high around 66°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 67°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 67°F.

A chance of showers has been postponed in the latest forecast until tonight, and should only last through Saturday morning. Otherwise, the predicted weather will be mild, with high temperatures hanging around 70°F or just below for the next week. Look for a couple of days of cold morning temperatures in the upper 30's, though.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 72°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of showers, low around 46°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, 20% chance of showers through the morning, high of about 65°F.
Saturday night: Clear, low near 39°F.
Sunday: Sunny in the morning, partly cloudy in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 43°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 38°F, high around 66°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 70°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 67°F.

Partly cloudy conditions abound over the next week. We may get rain showers late on Friday, lasting perhaps into Saturday morning. Mostly sunny conditions for the rest of Saturday and Sunday, due to a predicted weak high pressure system, which will quickly be pushed and be replaced by onshore flow Monday and beyond.

Today: Partly cloudy, northeast winds possible, high near 74°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 63 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 42°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, 30% chance of showers late, high of about 68°F.
Friday night: Partly cloudy, 30% chance of showers, low near 46°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 65°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low of about 42°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze high near 70°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 43°F, high around 66°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 66°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.

Today will be much like yesterday, with no major wind expected. High pressure aloft will lead to a warm day on Thursday, but the weather will turn to clouds for the weekend, with a slight chance of showers on Saturday. Clear and cool conditions are predicted for the start of next week.

Today: Sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Clear, low around 42°F.
Thursday: Sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 76°F.
Thursday night: Starting clear, then partly cloudy, low near 43°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, slight chance of showers, low of about 45°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, slight chance of showers, high near 64°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, low around 42°F, high around 66°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 66°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.

The long term outlook has changed, with a possible weak Santa Ana event tonight through Thursday, followed by onshore flow and a chance of showers Friday and Saturday. Usually weak wrong way wind episodes in Southern California mean calm or very weak winds in the Temecula Valley, as opposed to the usual afternoon breeze from the west, but we'll see how this one pans out. The storm system arriving Friday is predicted to be mostly to the north of us, and is a classic cool north Pacific storm. NWS weather models are currently projecting 1/4 to 1/2" of precipitation from it in the valleys.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 38 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low around 40°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 71°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low near 41°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 71°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low of about 44°F.
Friday: Increasing clouds, chance of showers by late afternoon, high near 64°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon, low around 50°F, high around 66°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 66°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.

An upper level low gets pushed out today and upper level high pressure will build again, leading to slightly warmer but seasonal temperatures and clear conditions. Current predictions call for the high to begin to weaken by the weekendm, but we should see little change other than temperatures falling a couple of degrees.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 68°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 33 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 41°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 69°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low near 41°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 69°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 41°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 72°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze low around 43°F, high around 70°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 70°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.

Lots of partly cloudy, mild days on the horizon. Onshore flow remains in place, thanks to a nearly stationary low over south central California, and will help funnel clouds through the region over the next week. Conditions may get dryer and warmer towards next weekend.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 67°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy with patchy fog, low around 40°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 68°F.
Monday night: Partly cloudy, low near 40°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 68°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 41°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze low around 41°F, high around 70°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 70°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.

At an average temperature of 60.5°F, this November was the warmest recorded on This should be no surpise given the high number of Santa Ana episodes we experienced this past month. Previously November, 1999 was the warmest at 59.5°F. The average is 57.8°F. Looking forward to the local December climate, the long term average temperature is 53.2°F, and the average low is a cold 38.9°F.

A little bit of rain each of the last four days, ending today. Partly cloudy conditions are predicted for the rest of the next week, with highs right around 70°F, a little below normal.

Today: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of showers, and a slight chance of thunderstorms, high near 64°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 47°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 69°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low near 44°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 69°F.
Monday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 45°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 71°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze low around 45°F, high around 71°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 71°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 71°F.

Some rainfall yesterday, and more in the near future. Showers are most likely tonight and early Saturday, and may even occur into Sunday. Most of next week is predicted to be partly cloudy with mild temperatures expected.

Today: Mostly cloudy, northeast winds possible, showers likely (60% chance), and a slight chance of thunderstorms high near 70°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 91 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 80% chance of showers, and a slight chance of thunderstorms, low around 53°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, 70% chance of showers, slight chance of thunderstorms, high of about 64°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of showers, low near 47°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, slight chance (20%) of afternoon showers, high around 69°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 44°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze low around 44°F, high around 69°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 69°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.

Happy Thanksgiving! The winds from the northeast are just about done and will be replaced by a chance of showers, starting tonight through Saturday. The best chance of rain is currently predicted for Friday night and Saturday. Partly cloudy and cool days for Sunday and beyond.

Today: Partly cloudy, northeast winds possible, decreasing in the afternoon, and a 20% chance of showers, high near 75°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 91 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy and breezy, 40% chance of rain late, low around 53°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, 50% chance of rain, high of about 67°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, showers likely (70% chance), low near 54°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, showers likely (70% chance), high around 62°F.
Saturday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 44°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze low around 44°F, high around 69°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 69°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.

An unusual combination of surface high pressure over the great basin and upper low pressure off the coast makes possible a day where there might be Santa Ana winds and showers, too. The wrong way winds are predicted to last through Thanksgiving Day, and the best chance at precipitation is predicted for Thursday night and Friday.

Today: Partly cloudy, northeast winds possible, decreasing in the afternoon, and a 20% chance of showers, high near 73°F.
Predicted air quality is unhealthful, AQI: 113 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, windy at times, low around 50°F.
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): Partly cloudy, windy at times from the northeast, high of about 76°F.
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy and breezy, 30% chance of showers, low near 53°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy and breezy, 30% chance of showers, high around 68°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers or thunderstorms, low of about 54°F.
Saturday: Becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon, breezy, high near 68°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze low around 43°F, high around 70°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 70°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.

Windy weather continues all the way through Friday, with a very unusual chance of showers Thursday and Friday, despite strong winds from the northeast. This is because a strong upper level low is interacting with a surface high pressure system in the great basin area. Yesterday was an example, where the Temecula Valley picked up some moisture in the morning and then the winds blew the wrong way the rest of the day.

Today: Partly cloudy, northeast winds possible, decreasing in the afternoon, high near 74°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 98 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, windy at times, low around 48°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, windy at times from the northeast, high of about 76°F.
Wednesday night: Partly cloudy, windy at times, slight (20%) chance of showers low near 47°F.
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): Partly cloudy, windy at times, slight (20%) chance of showers high around 73°F.
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy, windy at times, chance of showers, low of about 47°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, windy at times, chance of showers, high near 71°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze low around 42°F, high around 70°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 70°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.

What a difference a day makes. Showers are totally out of the short term forecast (but still may visit us on Thanksgiving Day and Friday), replaced by Santa Ana winds, starting this afternoon and lasting off and on through Wednesday. This Santa Ana is not combined with a local upper level high, so it won't be as warm as the last one, but the winds are really predicted to blow, especially on Tuesday night and Wednesday.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, northeast winds possible this afternoon, high near 70°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, northeast winds possible, low around 45°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, northeast winds possible, high of about 74°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, windy at times, low near 42°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, windy at times, high around 69°F.
Wednesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 43°F.
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): Partly cloudy, slight chance of showers, high near 70°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, slight chance of showers, low around 43°F, high around 70°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 72°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 72°F.

No rain expected today, but showers may occur at points over the next week, beginning tomorrow. A series of storms will brush past the Temecula Valley on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, each bringing a chance of showers. Partly cloudy and cool conditions are predicted for next weekend.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 72°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with areas of fog and local drizzle, low around 43°F.
Monday: Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of showers late, high of about 66°F.
Monday night: Mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of showers, low near 44°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 66°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy, low of about 41°F.
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high near 60°F.
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, low around 42°F, high around 60°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high of about 60°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.

The barometer used for was recalibrated yesterday, thanks to instruments provided by Bob Thorson.

A cooling trend began yesterday and will take high temperatures down to around 60°F, well below normal for this time of year, by the middle of next week. The last couple of weeks have featured above normal temperatures, so the weather was due to swing the other way. Mostly sunny and nice this weekend, but a chance of showers is now predicted for the days around and including Thanksgiving Day.

Today: Mostly sunny and cooler, afternoon breeze, high near 74°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 43°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 77°F.
Sunday night: Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 45°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Monday night: Mostly cloudy, low of about 45°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, low around 45°F, high around 60°F.
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high of about 60°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high near 60°F.

Yesterday's peak temperature of 93.8°F was the second warmest November day recording in the past four years and the warmest November high since 97.4°F on November 13th, 1999. This November is also the warmest on record of the four years (although lower temperatures expected over the next week may change that).

Surface high pressure in the great basin is gone, and with it the threat of Santa Ana winds. The threat actually ended for the Temecula Valley around noon yesterday, when the normal westerly breeze kicked up for the first time in days and quickly cooled the valley. The upper level high in our area remains for another day, so temperatures will be warm today, but will fall into the 60's by Monday and are predicted to remain there through Thanksgiving Day.

Today: Mostly sunny, breezy, high near 87°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 63 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 48°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 78°F.
Saturday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 46°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 75°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 41°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 40°F, high around 66°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 66°F.
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.

The Santa Anas blew in the Temecula area yesterday, but the temperature didn't spike as expected. A little warmer temperature is expected today, and the winds may or may not blow, and after today high temperatures are predicted to slide through the weekend into the 60's by Monday, where they may stay all of next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 88°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low around 49°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 81°F.
Friday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 46°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 75°F.
Saturday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 43°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, low around 38°F, high around 66°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 66°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.

Changes have been made and are being made all this week behind the scenes that will allow the web server to serve more pages in quicker fashion. You may notice periods of 30 seconds or so when the site is unavailable (and the web server is reloading). Just try again if you hit one of these spots.

The Temecula Valley has had very little of the wrong way winds this time around, and that will likely remain true today. However, there has been a lack of breezes from the west, and the result is dry, warm weather, but not the record temperatures that some of the communities around us have been having. Santa Ana wind events can be very local and our area is often passed by when other areas are affected. This morning, however, there are mild winds from the east. Overall it will be even warmer today, then a cooling trend is predicted to take hold into the weekend and beyond.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 91°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 63 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low around 53°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 89°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low near 50°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 83°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low of about 46°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 77°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 74°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 74°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 74°F.

The Santa Ana winds over the next couple of days will be strong in places, and temperatures will be challenging the 90's today and above 90°F Wednesday and Thursday. Conditions will be dry, sunny and nasty over the next three days. Expect cooling after that, down into the mid 70's over the weekend.

Today: Sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 88°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 63 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Clear, northeast winds possible, low around 52°F.
Wednesday: Sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 93°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low near 53°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 92°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low of about 51°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 77°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 77°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 77°F.

Surface high pressure in the great basin again brings the potential of Santa Ana winds to Southern California and the Temecula Valley, and at the very least dry and clear conditions. The latest episode is predicted to last through Wednesday. More warm days after that, but with the usual afternoon western breeze, which isn't as strong this time of year.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 78°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 48 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low around 46°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 82°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low near 52°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 84°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, possibly windy, low of about 51°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, possibly windy, high near 84°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 81°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 81°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.

A respite from wrong ways winds today, but get ready for another santa ana event starting tonight and not abating until Wednesday. Temperatures will be generally in the 80's, then fall into the 70's in the latter part of the week as a cooling trend is predicted to take hold.

Today: Variable high clouds, afternoon breeze, high near 78°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 48 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Variable high clouds, northeast winds possible, low around 45°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 82°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, possibly windy low near 48°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, possibly windy, high around 84°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, possibly windy, low of about 48°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, possibly windy, high near 84°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 78°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 74°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 74°F.

Santa ana winds make their exit this afternoon, leaving mostly sunny condiitions to prevail over the next week. Mild cooling is predicted through Monday, then mild warming Tuesday and Wednesday. Partly cloudy conditions take over Thursday and Friday.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, decreasing in the afternoon high near 84°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 42°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 78°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low near 42°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 78°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 47°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 82°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 82°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 74°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 74°F.

Santa Ana winds continue, warm and dry, from the east and notheast over the next two days, due to surface level high pressure in the great basin. High pressure building aloft will keep conditions warm into the next week, but without the dry wrong way winds.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 88°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 63 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible low around 52°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 89°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low near 46°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 85°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 47°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 83°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 84°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 84°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F.

Dry, wrong way winds continue into the weekend with only mild high temperatures expected. Weather conditions are predicted to be partly cloudy Sunday and beyond, but with only slight downward changes in temperatures.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 81°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible low around 52°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 80°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low near 52°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 83°F.
Saturday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 52°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 80°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 80°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 80°F.

More seasonal offshore flow is coming today and again Friday and Saturday as Santa Ana winds and upper level high pressure dominate the weather pattern. A small break tomorrow from wrong way winds, and the next upper level high pressure system is predicted to degrade on Sunday, leading to milder temperatures into next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 83°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 57 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 48°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 80°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, possibly windy low near 50°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, possibly windy, high around 83°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low of about 50°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, possibly windy, high near 83°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, high around 80°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, high of about 80°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, high near 80°F.

Today should be the worst of the current Santa Ana wind conditions, with winds tailing off in the afternoon and a high temperature near 90°F. Last night was the warmest night we've had in quite a while. High pressure continues to influence the local weather over the next week, but with milder temperatures, although still above normal.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 89°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 63 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 53°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 83°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low near 50°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 79°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low of about 50°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 82°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, high around 82°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, high of about 82°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, high near 81°F.

Gusty Santa Ana winds are probable in the Temecula Valley today as strong surface and upper level high pressure dominate the next few days. Expect rising temperatures, possibly getting into the 90's on Tuesday, before things begin to subside on Wednesday. Next weekend is expected to be cooler with highs down in the mid 70's.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high near 82°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low around 52°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 92°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low near 48°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 84°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 48°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 78°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, high around 78°F.
Saturday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny, high of about 75°F.
Sunday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny, high near 75°F.

The storm total is a healthy 1.16" over two days. What was most remarkable about the rain was how steady it was; it just kept coming. It's been since last November since we've had around an inch of rainfall. Warmer days are on tap starting today, with the a peak in the mid 80's on Tuesday. The rest of the week looks to be in the upper 70's right into next weekend.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 71°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 32 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, some patchy fog, low around 48°F.
Monday (Veteran's Day): Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 79°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low near 46°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 84°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 45°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 77°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, high around 77°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, high of about 77°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, high near 77°F.

Rainfall has been fairly steady since just after 6am yesterday, leaving 9/10 inches on the ground so far with more showers expected this afternoon and tonight. The rainfall should end fire danger, especially if it's followed up by more rainfall soon. There isn't any more precipication in the long term forecast, though, but instead lots of sunshine next week with warmer days and colder nights.

Today: Mostly cloudy, periods of rain, becoming showers in the afternoon, high near 64°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 38 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of showers, low around 52°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 71°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low near 46°F.
Monday (Veteran's Day): Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 78°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 48°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 82°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, high around 76°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, high of about 76°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, high near 76°F.

A spattering of rain so far, but it should pick up today and last all the way through tomorrow night. Rainfall totals are currently expected to be between 1/4 and 1/2 inches. Upper level high pressure is still predicted to get established after the storms, leading to warmer and dry conditions much of next week.

Today: Mostly cloudy, periods of rain, high near 63°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 45 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, periods of rain, low around 57°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely (60% chance), high of about 65°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy, decreasing chance of showers (30% chance), low near 54°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 71°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low of about 49°F.
Monday (Veteran's Day): Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, high around 81°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, high of about 81°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, high near 81°F.

Added for today is an hourly precipitation total. This will help keep tabs of very recent precipitation (i.e. how much rain occurred over the past hour). Enjoy!

A partly cloudy day today, then the tails of a couple of storm systems will leave between 1/4 and 3/4 inches of rain in the Temecula Valley. This is our first chance at significant rainfall of the rainy season, and may end the fire danger if it rains enough. High pressure gets reestablished beginning Veteran's Day and will bring warmer temperatures on the heels of these storms.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 72°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 67 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of showers, low around 51°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, rain likely (60% chance), high of about 65°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, rain likely (60% chance), low near 51°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of showers, then partly cloudy in the afternoon, high around 67°F.
Saturday night: Night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 46°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Monday (Veteran's Day): Mostly sunny, breezy, high around 79°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, breezy, high of about 80°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, breezy high near 80°F.

Enjoy the sunny weather, because rain is on the way. Starting Thursday night there is 60% chance of rain through Saturday morning. Accumulations are currently predicted to be between 1/4 and 1/2 of an inch. Weak high pressure is predicted to be build after that, leading to sunny, clear days early next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 80°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 48°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 72°F.
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy, 60% chance of rain, low near 51°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, 60% chance of rain, high around 65°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, low of about 51°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, then partly cloudy in the afternoon, high near 67°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Monday (Veteran's Day): Mostly sunny, breezy, high of about 73°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, breezy high near 73°F.

ISP problems and misconfigurations have left the site offline for the past 12 hours, and no weather updates have been able to reach the web server for 16 hours. Hang in there; my ISP had a trunk line go down on them and they're routing around it. No weather data is actually lost in these situations.

10:35am: Service from the weather station to the web server is now restored.

Sunny and nice again today, but becoming cloudy for a few days after that, culminating in a cloudy conditions and a chance of showers Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday. High pressure aloft is predicted to return after that clearing the skies out for Sunday and Veteran's Day.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 80°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low near 43°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 80°F.
Wednesday night: Partly cloudy, low around 49°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 71°F.
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, low near 51°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high around 67°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers high of about 67°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, breezy, high near 73°F.
Monday (Veteran's Day): Mostly sunny, breezy high around 73°F.

Yesterday was the warmest day in a couple of weeks, and this morning was the coldest morning since the spring. The next couple of days will be similar, then a cold front will come through towards next weekend, leading to a slight chance of showers Friday and Saturday.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 77°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 75 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low of about 43°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 79°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 43°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 79°F.
Wednesday night: Areas of night and morning fog, low of about 48°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 71°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high of about 67°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers high of about 67°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, high of about 71°F.

A weak high pressure system moving through Southern California today will lead to dry, clear conditions and perhaps some wrong way winds in our area. Weak high pressure aloft is predicted to keep the Temecula Valley cleared out until Friday. Cloudy conditions are predicted going into next weekend.

Today: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 78°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 67 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: High clouds, low of about 46°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 72°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 48°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 75°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 48°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, high of about 73°F.
Thursday: Mostly clear morning, mostly sunny day, high of about 73°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, high of about 74°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, high of about 74°F.

I've added the soaring forecast from the National Weather Service to the links portion today. This is for those going up in balloons, flying ultralights, parachuting, etc.

Lots of variations in cloud levels will lead to very little change in temperatures over the next week. Cloudy on Sunday, then upper level high pressure will push the clouds out for a few days, weakening towards next weekend.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 73°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 57 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low of about 49°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 74°F.
Sunday night: Mostly cloudy, low of about 49°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 71°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 48°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 72°F.
Wednesday: Mostly clear night and morning, otherwise mostly sunny, high of about 72°F.
Thursday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny, high of about 70°F.
Friday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny, high of about 70°F.

More marine layer, and partly and mostly cloudy days, and mild temperatures through the weekend. High pressure aloft is now predicted to become established early next week, clearing things out for a few days but with little effect on temperatures.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 71°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 55 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 48°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 73°F.
Saturday night: Night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 50°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 49°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 72°F.
Tuesday: Mostly clear night and morning, otherwise mostly sunny, high of about 72°F.
Wednesday: Mostly clear night and morning, otherwise mostly sunny, high of about 72°F.
Thursday: Mostly clear night and morning, otherwise mostly sunny, high of about 72°F.

October, at an average temperature of 61.1°F, was the coolest on record in four years of records. November is cooler still, with average temperatures of 59.5°, 53.9°, and 57.2° the past three years. Santa Ana wind conditions and fires are still possible in November. Temperatures typically bottom out in December or January.

Against earlier predictions, it looks like the marine layer will stay with us and there will be little change in temperatures over the next week. The NWS forecast discussion this morning indicates that they're not very sure yet what's going to happen this weekend. There's a subtropical jet off of the coast, and a low pressure system, and it's unclear from the weather models how they're going to interact.

Trick-or-treating weather for tonight looks to be in the low 60's and high 50's, with partly cloudy skies turning to low clouds and fog later in the night.

Today: Occasional high clouds in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 48°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, some high clouds, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Friday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 47°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, some high clouds, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Saturday night: Night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 50°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 68°F.
Monday: Night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy, high around 68°F.
Tuesday: Night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy, high of about 68°F.
Wednesday: Night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy, high of about 68°F.

The morning low clouds and fog will decrease over the next couple of days as a weak high pressure system builds. Mildy increasing temperatures will result, but still well below normal. A subtropical ridge entering the area is predicted to cause partly cloudy conditions over the weekend and beyond, but won't affect temperatures much, which will continue to stay pegged in the lower-to-mid 70's.

Today: Mostly sunny in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high around 71°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 52°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, some high clouds, afternoon breeze, high around 73°F.
Thursday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 52°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, some high clouds, afternoon breeze, high around 73°F.
Friday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 48°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 73°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, high around 73°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, high of about 73°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, high of about 73°F.

Low pressure aloft over the great basin is keeping a deep marine layer intact over the next couple of days, so expect night and morning low clouds and fog and not much warming. High pressure is predicted to build later in the week and will lead to warmer but mild temperatures by the weekend, with the possibility of wrong way winds.

Today: Mostly sunny in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 51°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 72°F.
Wednesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 51°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, some high clouds, afternoon breeze, high around 72°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low of about 48°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 78°F.
Saturday: Mostly clear morning, mostly sunny day, high around 78°F.
Sunday: Mostly clear morning, mostly sunny day, high of about 78°F.
Monday: Mostly clear morning, mostly sunny day, high of about 78°F.

Sunny, dry and mild for most of this week with temperatures a little below normal. Cloudy conditions are predicted next weekend as a cold front approaches.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 73°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 48 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low near 50°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 74°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 50°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 74°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 50°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 71°F.
Friday: Mostly clear morning, mostly sunny day with a high around 71°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, high of about 68°F.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, high of about 68°F.

After 0.02" of rainfall, we're going to have mostly sunny days and clear weather for a while. High temperatures will slowly rise into the mid 70's over the next several days as weak upper level high pressure exerts some influence on our weather. Overall, though, temperatures are predicted to remain below average, as they have for most of this month.

Today: Cloudy morning, mostly sunny and breezy afternoon, high near 70°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low near 49°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 73°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 50°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 74°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 50°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 74°F.
Thursday: Mostly clear morning, mostly sunny day with a high around 74°F.
Friday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny with a high of about 70°F.
Saturday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny with a high of about 70°F.

Only barely measurable precipitation so far from this storm (if we can even call it one), but a chance of showers persists through tonight. Next week will bring sunny and dry conditions and mild temperatures warming slightly up to Halloween.

Today: Mostly cloudy with scattered showers (40% chance), high near 65°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of showers, low around 52°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 70°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low near 49°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 72°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 50°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 73°F.
Wednesday through Friday: Mostly clear Wednesday morning, otherwise patchy night and morning low clouds and fog, and mostly sunny days with highs in the low-to-mid 70's.

A storm front coming through this afternoon and tomorrow will bring a chance of light rain and rain accumulations of about a tenth of and inch in the Temecula Valley. Look for clear conditions and warmer weather next week as high pressure builds aloft.

Today: Mostly cloudy with morning fog and drizzle, and a slight chance (20%) of light rain this afternoon, high near 68°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with periods of light rain (60% chance), low around 54°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of drizzle or light rain, high of about 65°F.
Saturday night: Patchy night and morning fog, low near 50°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 70°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low of about 52°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny and warmer, afternoon breeze, high near 75°F.
Tuesday through Thursday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 70's.

Due to a mistake I made while trying to administer the web server from remote, the web site was down for about 13 hours from around 10pm last night. I was unable to get to San Diego early this morning to correct it due to other commitments. As usual, data was queued on the capture computer and no weather data was lost. Apologies to those who have been trying to access the site during the down time. This was the first significant amount of down time (more than one hour or so) in more than a year.

The weather continues to cool, culminating in a chance of showers Friday night and Saturday as a cold front moves through the area. High pressure aloft beginning Monday is predicted to bring mild temperatures to the area with warming only into the mid-70's.

Today: Becoming mostly sunny this afternoon, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle, low around 55°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy and breezy afternoon, high of about 69°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of showers, low near 56°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of showers, high around 65°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy with local drizzle, low of about 51°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 68°F.
Monday through Wednesday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 70's.

Weak low pressure passes over the Temecula Valley this week, bringing a cold front which may cause showers Friday and Saturday. High pressure is predicted to take hold and bring warming beginning early next week.

Today: Becoming mostly sunny this afternoon, afternoon breeze, high near 72°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle, low around 55°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy and breezy afternoon, high of about 70°F.
Thursday night: Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle, low near 55°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy and breezy afternoon, high around 70°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers, low of about 56°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers, high near 67°F.
Sunday through Tuesday: Sunday: Partly cloudy, high near 71°F. Monday and Tuesday: Night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 70's.

A web server swap has caused some problems which are still not totally resolved as of today. Most everything is working, and I think any outages are past, but we're now running new versions of the web server software so there may still be some problems.

More of the same gloomy weather as the deep marine layer continues, with only afternoon clearing and drizzle possible in the morning. Little warming over the next week as high temperatures remain unseasonably mild under partly cloudy skies.

Today: Low clouds and fog this morning, partly cloudy this afternoon, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle, low around 52°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy and breezy afternoon, high of about 70°F.
Wednesday night: Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle, low near 52°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy and breezy afternoon, high around 70°F.
Thursday night: Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle, low of about 52°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 73°F.
Saturday through Monday: Night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the low 70's.

Dense fog this morning makes for hazardous driving conditions, so be careful. Mornings will be foggy like this all week, but less so by Thursday. High temperatures won't get out of the 70's.

Today: Low clouds and dense fog this morning, turning mostly sunny this afternoon, afternoon breeze, high near 75°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Night and morning low clouds and dense fog, low around 50°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 73°F.
Tuesday night: Night and morning low clouds and dense fog, low near 50°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 73°F.
Wednesday night: Night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, low of about 47°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 71°F.
Friday through Sunday: Night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the low 70's.

Increasing night and morning low clouds and fog is going to be with us for a while, with drizzle possible some mornings. Afternoons for the next week aren't predicted to make it out of the 70's, with some days barely making 70°. Even weak high upper level pressure today and again Thursday won't bump up the temperatures very much.

Today: Low clouds and fog this morning, mostly sunny this afternoon, afternoon breeze, high near 76°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, low around 48°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 75°F.
Monday night: Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle, low near 47°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 73°F.
Tuesday night: Night and and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle, low of about 46°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Thursday through Saturday: Night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the low 70's.

Not much change in our weather over the next week. Mornings will feature low clouds and fog, and the afternoons will be mostly sunny with highs in the low-to-mid 70's, well below seasonal norms.

Today: Mostly sunny this afternoon, afternoon breeze, high near 72°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, low around 49°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 75°F.
Sunday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, low near 49°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 75°F.
Monday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, low of about 50°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 73°F.
Wednesday through Friday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days with highs in the low-to-mid 70's.

There's been no measurable precipitation from the very light showers and drizzle of the last two days, and today will see a change in that weather pattern. Slight warming is expected into the weekend and beyond, with mostly sunny days and high temperatures in the 70's. Little change is predicted in the weather over the next week.

Today: Mostly cloudy with drizzle this morning, partly cloudy in the afternoon, high near 69°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, low around 49°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 72°F.
Saturday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, low near 49°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 75°F.
Sunday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and patchy fog, low of about 48°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 73°F.
Tuesday through Thursday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days with highs in the low-to-mid 70's.

We've had some drizzle and some light rain, but nothing measurable out of this storm so far. The best chance at measurable precipitation is this morning, with a 40% chance. Light showers are also possible Friday morning, but should be gone by the weekend, although the clouds won't completely be.

Today: Mostly cloudy and cool, 40% chance of scattered light morning showers, high near 63°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of scattered late night and early morning light showers, low around 53°F.
Friday: Becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high of about 65°F.
Friday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 50°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 71°F.
Saturday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 50°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 73°F.
Monday through Wednesday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the low 70's.

The first half of this month has featured temperatures well below normal for this time of year. Normally October is marked by alternating cool periods and warm, windy Santa Ana events. Instead, the average temperature has fallen almost ten degrees from September and there have been very few warm days.

Some patchy fog is possible this morning, but we're entering three days of unseasonably cool weather, with highs in the 60's and a chance of light showers starting tonight. The light showers are predicted to last through Thursday morning, but the clouds will persist, with highs only making the low 70's by the weekend.

Today: Mostly cloudy and cool, afternoon breeze, high near 68°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of scattered late night night and early morning showers, low around 53°F.
Thursday: Mostly cloudy and cool, afternoon breeze, high of about 63°F.
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy, low near 50°F.
Friday: Becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high around 67°F.
Friday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 50°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 71°F.
Sunday through Tuesday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the low 70's.

Dense fog again this morning in the Temecula Valley, so be careful on the roads. Low pressure will bring with it a chance of scattered late night and early morning showers tonight and tomorrow night, extending into the mornings. High temperatures both days will be unseasonally cool, dipping into the 60's. A little warming is predicted into the coming weekend with high temperatures still well below normal.

Today: Dense fog this morning, turning mostly sunny, with the usual afternoon breeze, high near 76°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of scattered late night night and early morning showers, low around 53°F.
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 67°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of scattered late night night and early morning showers, low near 53°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high around 68°F.
Thursday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 53°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 71°F.
Saturday through Monday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the low 70's.

Watch out for dense fog this morning. Poor visibilies in spots will make driving tough. High temperatures will trend much cooler over the next several days and a low pressure system begins to assert itself. Highs may be below 70°F by Wednesday, and aren't predicted to warm up much for next weekend.

Today: Dense fog this morning, turning partly cloudy, with the usual afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 53°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 78°F.
Tuesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 53°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy and cooler, afternoon breeze, high around 68°F.
Wednesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 53°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 68°F.
Friday through Sunday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the 70's.

A weak high pressure system will keep high temperatures around 80 degrees for the next two to three days. By mid-week, low pressure aloft will settle in and local temperatures will drop to 70°F or under for a few days. Some warming is predicted into next weekend.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 55 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low around 53°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 81°F.
Monday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 53°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 81°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 51°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy and cooler, afternoon breeze, high near 69°F.
Thursday through Saturday: Thursday and Friday: Parly cloudy nights and mornings, partly cloudy days with highs near 70°F. Saturday: Mostly sunny with a high near 78°F.

A weak high pressure system building is going to make things a little warmer than last predicted, but this weekend should still feature mild temperatures and cloudy weather. It will be pushed out later next week by an upper level low, and temperatures will fall slightly then.

Today: Mostly cloudy this morning, becoming partly cloudy this afternoon, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with patchy fog, low around 54°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 84°F.
Sunday night: Mostly cloudy with patchy fog, low near 54°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 84°F.
Monday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 53°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Wednesday through Friday: Wednesday: mostly cloudy and cooler with a high near 72°F. Thursday and Friday: Parly cloudy nights and mornings, partly cloudy days with highs near 80°F.

Mild temperatures and some clouds are in the forecast for the next week. High temperatures will barely break 80°F as a result of slow-moving upper level low pressure and onshore flow. Low clouds and fog are around this morning, but drizzle, present yesterday, is not predicted to be.

Today: Becoming partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 78°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 53°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 80°F.
Saturday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 53°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 80°F.
Sunday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 54°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Tuesday through Thursday: Mostly cloudy nights and mornings with patchy fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the mid 70's.

Watch out for drizzle and locally dense fog this morning. Not much change through the weekend and beyond as onshore flow is predicted to dominate the local weather pattern, bringing with it cooler weather.

Today: Becoming partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 83°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 53°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 80°F.
Friday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 53°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 80°F.
Saturday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 53°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Monday through Wednesday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy days with highs in the lower 80's.

Some changes were made yesterday to the web server, which will cause this page and others on this site to be served up compressed to web browsers which support it. Those of you with dial up connections should notice that the pages load a little quicker, especially on refreshes. If your browser has trouble with the newly compressed pages please let me know

Weak low pressure aloft should bring cooler temperatures and night and morning low clouds and fog through the weekend. A slight warming trend begins Saturday.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 88°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 54°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 83°F.
Thursday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 53°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 80°F.
Friday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 53°F.
Saturday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 82°F.
Sunday through Tuesday: Partly cloudy nights and mornings, partly cloudy days with highs in the lower 80's.

A developing cooling trend starts at the coast and spreads inland, dampening temperatures for the rest of the week. As the high pressure system weakens, partly cloudy skies will replace the sunny weather we've been having.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 54°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 88°F.
Wednesday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 55°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 83°F.
Thursday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 55°F.
Friday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 83°F.
Saturday through Monday: Partly cloudy nights and mornings, partly cloudy days with highs in the lower 80's.

Sometimes when the northeast (Santa Ana) winds occur, they don't show up in our area, as was the case yesterday. High pressure aloft still brought warm weather, though, and that will last through today before cooling the next several days. Another mild warming trend is predicted going into next weekend.

Today: Sunny and warm, northeast winds possible, high near 93°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 67 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Clear, low around 54°F.
Tuesday: Sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 86°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low near 53°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 83°F.
Wednesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 53°F.
Thursday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 79°F.
Friday through Sunday: Friday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy with a high near 70°F.
Saturday and Saturday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with high in the 70's and low 80's.

No Santa Ana winds as of yet, but the next two days may bring some. At the very least, the weather will be dry and warm with cool nights. Temperatures are predicted to slide downwards during the week and low clouds and fog may make an appearance as early as Tuesday night.

Today: Sunny and warmer, northeast winds possible, high near 93°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 67 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Clear, northeast winds possible, low around 53°F.
Monday: Sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 93°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low near 52°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 87°F.
Tuesday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 52°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Thursday through Saturday: Thursday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny with a high near 80°F.
Friday and Saturday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days with high in the low 70's.

The warming trend continues, culminating in a couple of 90°F+ days Sunday and Monday, maybe accompanied by wrong way winds. Next week, temperatures are predicted to trend all the way back down into the 70's.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 88°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low around 55°F.
Sunday: Sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 92°F.
Sunday night: Clear, locally windy, low near 50°F.
Monday: Sunny, locally windy, high around 90°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 53°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F.
Wednesday through Friday: Wednesday: Mostly clear morning, mostly sunny day with a high near 83°F. Thursday and Friday: Partly cloudy nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs in the upper 70's°F.

More warming today and into the weekend, with days near or above 90°F expected and clear weather. The weekend might be windy, and Santa Ana winds might affect Saturday and Sunday. High pressure aloft will weaken by Tuesday, and there will be a cooling trend along with possible onshore flow (low clouds and fog) after that.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 83°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 47°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 88°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low near 53°F.
Sunday: Sunny, locally windy, high around 93°F.
Sunday night: Clear, low of about 60°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, locally windy, high near 93°F.
Tuesday through Thursday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs in the upper 80's°F.

Weak high pressure is taking over and high temperatures will warm gradually over the next few days into the 90's by Sunday. A Santa Ana wind condition may not materialize until Sunday, though, if at all.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 78°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 48°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 82°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low near 51°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 88°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low of about 56°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F.
Monday through Wednesday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs near 90°F.

After a cool day today, high pressure will begin to build and mild Santa Ana winds are possible beginning tonight. The nights and mornings will be cold, but the days are predicted to warm gradually into the weekend.

Today: Mostly cloudy, partly cloudy in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high near 66°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 35 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low around 47°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 79°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low near 47°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 79°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low of about 49°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 82°F.
Sunday through Tuesday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs in the low 80's.

A chance of showers is in the forecast for the next couple of days as a low pressure system pushes through. Weak upper level high pressure begins to build later this week, leading to clear and windy conditions but not a lot of heat.

Today: Mostly cloudy, 20% chance of showers, afternoon breeze, high near 67°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Variably cloudy with a 30% chance of rain, breezy, low around 52°F.
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of showers, breezy, high of about 66°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, possibly windy at times, low near 49°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, possibly windy at times, high around 78°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, possibly windy at times, low of about 49°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, possibly windy at times, high near 81°F.
Saturday through Monday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs in the low 80's.

In spite of the cool weather at the end, this September was the hottest of the four on record with an average temperature of 73.0°F. In addition, September was the hottest month of 2002. October can be warm as well, but normally there is a large drop (5 degrees or more) in average temperatures between the months. October can feature cool weather like what's predicted the next couple of days or warm Santa Anas and very dry conditions. The drop off in temperatures at night in October is especially dramatic -- by the end of this month lows will be mostly in the 40's.

September was also the most active month in history, with over 28,000 page views from 4,200 unique vistors, shattering the previous records set this past July.

The cool weather lately has moderated September from one of the hottest months back down to average. Expect the unusually cool weather to continue, with plenty of clouds until Thursday and even a slight chance of rain on Wednesday and possibly Tuesday as well.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 74°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 45 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with patchy night and morning low clouds and fog, drizzle or sprinkles possible, low around 57°F.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy with drizzle or sprinkles possible, high of about 67°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of showers, breezy, low near 52°F.
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of showers, breezy, high around 68°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, possibly windy at times, low of about 48°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, possibly windy at times, high near 78°F.
Friday through Sunday: Patchy night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 70's.

A little bit of rainfall this morning, and there will be some lingering clouds, but probably not any more precipitation. The next week will be unusually cool for this time of year, with highs mostly in the 70's.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 73°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 57°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high of about 75°F.
Monday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 55°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high around 75°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 52°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 68°F.
Thursday through Saturday: Mostly clear nights, mostly sunny days with highs in the upper 70's.

Unusually cool weather dominates the forecast for the next week. Tonight there is even a slight chance of showers. Lots of clouds are predicted until Thursday.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 70°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 48 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy with patchy fog and a 20% chance of showers, low around 57°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy turning mostly sunny in the afternoon, afternoon breeze, high of about 71°F.
Sunday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 55°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 77°F.
Monday night: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 56°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 75°F.
Wednesday through Friday: Partly cloudy Wednesday, mostly sunny Thursday and Friday with highs in the 70's.

The web server move is complete as of yesterday afternoon, and things should be stable once again. There were several short disruptions yesterday.

Clouds and mild temperatures are in the forecast for a while, with high temperatures not predicted to make it into the 80's for the next week. Low pressure will also bring with it low clouds and fog, and partly cloudy days.

Today: Partly cloudy and cooler, afternoon breeze, high near 78°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, drizzle possible, low around 55°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 72°F.
Saturday night: Mostly cloudy with patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 55°F.
Sunday: Becoming partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 74°F.
Sunday night: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 56°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 77°F.
Tuesday through Thursday: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise partly cloudy days, with highs in the low mid-to-upper 70's.

The web server is being moved at some point today, probably in the afternoon. This will take this site offline for one to two hours.

A cooling trend is in place and should lead to high temperatures in the 80's by the weekend, but today will still be hot and a ninth triple digit day for 2002 is a possibility. The rest of September is predicted to be cooler and closer to seasonal averages than the last week.

Today: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 98°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 67 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 59°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 90°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low near 58°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 90°F.
Friday night: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 87°F.
Sunday through Tuesday: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

Mild temperatures will round out this September as high temperatures fall all the way down into the upper 70's by Saturday, courtesy of a low pressure system, onshore flow and morning cloud cover. This weekend should feature very mild weather. The low pressure system is predicted to weaken early next week, though, and warming may begin again.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 90°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 71 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 58°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 85°F.
Friday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 55°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 79°F.
Saturday night: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 56°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 80°F.
Monday through Wednesday: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs in the low 80's.

Seven triple digit days now for the year, with yesterday's 103.9°F the third highest of the year. Today may break 100°F as well, but that should be the last one for a while, and perhaps the year, as the high pressure system breaks down and onshore flow resumes.

Today: Partly cloudy and not as hot, afternoon breeze, high near 99°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 60°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 93°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low near 60°F.
Thursday: Mostly clear, afternoon breeze, high around 93°F.
Thursday night: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 88°F.
Saturday through Monday: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

Yesterday's triple digit scorcher was the sixth of the year, with a seventh 100°F+ high predicted today. Six is one more than all of 2001, and triple digit highs are possible into October (the latest occurrence on record is October 21st, 1999). Weather conditions will begin to cool after today, though, and will settle into more seasonal highs in the upper 80's by Wednesday.

Today: Sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 101°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 63 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 60°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny and not as hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 97°F.
Tuesday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 59°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 91°F.
Wednesday night: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 58°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 88°F.
Friday through Sunday: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

Hot weather continues with a run at triple digits the next couple of days. Strong high pressure is causing high heat in the inland valleys and deserts. Expect some cooling towards the middle of next week. Fall begins tonight at 9:55 pm.

Today: Sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 98°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Clear, low around 60°F.
Monday: Sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 98°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low near 60°F.
Tuesday: Sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 94°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 58°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 90°F.
Thursday through Saturday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs near 90°F.

Fall starts on Sunday, but the weather is going to very summer-like: scorching hot. Strong upper level high pressure will keep the days sunny and hot for the weekend, then cool gradually only down to the low 90's for next week.

Today: Sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 96°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 71 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Clear, low around 58°F.
Sunday: Sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 98°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low near 60°F.
Monday: Sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 97°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 60°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 93°F.
Wednesday through Friday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days, with highs in the low-to-mid 90's.

Wrong way winds are out of the current forecast, but temperatures will remain on the hot side for the next few days. The above average temperatures are caused as usual by upper level high pressure. Fall begins Sunday at 9:55 pm.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 94°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 58°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 96°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low near 58°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 96°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low of about 56°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 93°F.
Tuesday through Thursday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days, with highs in the low 90's.

The first Santa Ana condition of the season is expected today, with wrong way winds possible in the Temecula Valley. When Santa Anas occur, the Temecula Valley doesn't always get winds from the east; sometimes the normal afternoon west wind pattern continues anyway. We often experience the hottest weather of the year in late September when the Santa Anas begin. Wrong way winds are possible through Saturday.

Today:  Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible with gusts up to 25mph, high near 90°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight:  Mostly clear, northeast winds possible with gusts up to 25mph, low around 64°F.
Friday:  Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible with gusts up to 25mph, high of about 94°F.
Friday night:  Mostly clear, northeast winds possible with gusts up to 25mph, low near 64°F.
Saturday:  Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible with gusts up to 25mph, high around 94°F.
Saturday night:  Mostly clear, low of about 63°F.
Sunday:  Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 93°F.
Monday through Thursday:  Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days, with highs in the low 90's.

Mild today, but the first Santa Ana condition of the season shows up tomorrow, bringing the possibility of dry northeast winds during the day and the night. Normal weather is predicted for the weekend, with the typical afternoon breeze from the west, and temperatures will slip a little into next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 83°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low around 56°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high of about 90°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, northeast winds possible, low near 64°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, high around 90°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low of about 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 90°F.
Sunday through Wednesday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

Milder days and foggy nights, much like yesterday, for the next couple of days, followed by some warming as high pressure builds above the Great Basin area (in Nevada and Utah).

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 57 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 56°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny and cooler, afternoon breeze, high of about 82°F.
Wednesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 56°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny and warmer, afternoon breeze, high around 90°F
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low of about 59°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 90°F
Saturday through Monday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

At a high of 99.5°F, yesterday won't be remembered as a triple digit day, even though it rounded up that way. For those looking for relief, high pressure aloft will begin to break down today and give way to mild onshore flow for the rest of this week. This should cause the high temperatures to fall 10° or more.

Today: Mostly sunny and a little cooler, afternoon breeze, high near 94°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 55 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low around 58°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny and cooler, afternoon breeze, high of about 87°F.
Tuesday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 58°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 87°F
Wednesday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 58°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 90°F
Friday through Sunday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs near 90°F.

Hot weather continues today, but expect rapid cooling tomorrow as a low pressure system takes over. Things won't begin to warm up again until later in the week, and even then, only mildly.

Today: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 95°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 58°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny and cooler, afternoon breeze, high of about 84°F.
Monday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 57°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 84°F
Tuesday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 59°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 87°F
Thursday through Saturday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

As the end of summer approaches, we continue to have mostly summer-like weather, with hot conditions expected today and tomorrow (although nothing like the hot weather the first few days of the month). Some cooling is predicted into next week, thanks to an expected low pressure system, which may bring low clouds and fog back to the valley.

Today: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 95°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 69 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 59°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 95°F.
Sunday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 58°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 89°F
Monday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 58°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 88°F
Wednesday through Friday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

A warming trend continues, with hot weather predicted for the weekend. Milder weather begins Monday with the return of night and morning low clouds and fog.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 93°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 95°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low near 59°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 95°F
Sunday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 58°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 89°F
Tuesday through Thursday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

Very warm the next three days, then cooling in the days following as high pressure aloft breaks down. Low clouds and fog return as early as Sunday.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 59°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 93°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low near 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 94°F
Saturday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 56°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 87°F
Monday through Wednesday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days, with highs in the mid-to-upper 80's.

Some reengineering of the main page yesterday includes the use of Cascading Style Sheets (known as CSS). Older web browsers won't work well with CSS, so some of you might notice a difference if you're not using a newer web browser. CSS has allowed the typical served size of the main page to shrink by 15%.

The events of this past year had its genesis in the horrific attacks on our country one year ago today. Thousands of people were killed in three places because they were Americans. We remember those Americans today. We grieve still with their loved ones. We honor all of the September 11th heroes, ordinary citizens, firefighters, police. Patriots all. There is no chance we could ever forget. God Bless America, on this day and always.

High pressure is once again aloft, bringing with it sunny days, clear nights, and warmer temperatures. Cooling is forecast for early next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 93°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 59°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 90°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low near 59°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 90°F
Friday night: Mostly clear, low of about 63°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 94°F
Sunday through Tuesday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days, with highs Sunday in the mid 90's, mid-to-upper 80's for Monday and Tuesday.

Clouds are out and sunshine is in. Building upper level high pressure will bring warmer temperatures to the Temecula Valley over the next week. The weekend in particular looks to be hot, but not as hot as it was earlier this month.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 63 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 58°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 90°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low near 58°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 90°F
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low of about 59°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 95°F
Saturday through Monday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days, with highs in the mid 90's.

There is a chance of rainfall today, but mainly near the foothills. Partly cloudy conditions will give way later this week to mostly sunny skies and clear nights and mornings.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, 30% chance of afternoon showers or thunderstorms, high near 88°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 55 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low around 60°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 89°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, low near 59°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 89°F
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 57°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 89°F
Friday through Sunday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days, with highs near 90°F.

Relatively mild conditions the next few days with cloud cover expected. No rainfall is currently expected Monday, but that could change; subtropical moisture may be funneled over the area. Seasonal conditions take over towards the middle of the week.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 58°F.
Monday: Mostly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 83°F.
Monday night: Mostly cloudy, low near 60°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 86°F
Tuesday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog , low of about 59°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 88°F
Thursday through Saturday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

We are done with our 0.04" of moisture from Hernan. The next couple of days will stay unseasonably cool as upper level low pressure moves across the area, then warm as the weak goes on.

Today: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 61 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, patchy fog late, low around 60°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high of about 86°F.
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low near 57°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 86°F
Monday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 60°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 88°F
Wednesday through Friday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days, with highs in the upper 80's.

The chance of showers has declined in the latest forecast, which still calls for variably cloudy conditions and a chance of showers through Saturday night. Estimated total rain totals are now a tenth of an inch or less. So far there hasn't been enough to be measurable. Next week will feature cloudy early mornings and late morning and afternoon sun, with fairly seasonal temperatures.

Today: Variably cloudy with a 20% chance of showers or thunderstorms, high near 83°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Variably cloudy with a 30% chance of showers or thunderstorms, low around 67°F.
Saturday: Variably cloudy with a 30% chance of showers or thunderstorms, high of about 82°F.
Saturday night: Partly cloudy, 20% chance of showers or thunderstorms , low near 62°F.
Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high around 89°F
Sunday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 61°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 91°F
Tuesday through Thursday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days, with highs in the mid-to-upper 80's.

Showers are going to be likely by tonight, leading to the first precipation of the season. The moisture is due to tropical storm Hernan. Total rainfall is expected to be a quarter of an inch or less. Temperatures will only be moderate, though, with highs mostly in the 80's the next few days. Look for mostly sunny skies and a couple of foggy mornings starting Sunday once the storm is behind us.

Today: Mostly cloudy with a 40% chance of showers or thunderstorms, high near 87°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 57 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with a 60% chance of showers or thunderstorms, low around 68°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy with a 60% chance of showers or thunderstorms, high of about 80°F.
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, 50% chance of showers or thunderstorms, low near 68°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, 50% chance of showers of showers or thunderstorms, high around 80°F
Saturday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 60°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F
Monday through Wednesday: Mostly clear nights, mostly sunny days, with highs near 90°F.

Interacting high and low pressure troughs is going to slowly funnel moisture from Hurrican Hernan slowly through the region over the next several days, leading to unstable air, potential thunderstorms, and the first real chance for rain of the season. A chance of showers is all over the forecast all the way through Sunday. There's been no precipitation since June 9th and nothing substantial since April 26th.

Today: Becoming partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 94°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 50 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of showers or thunderstorms, low around 65°F.
Thursday: Mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of showers or thunderstorms, high of about 86°F.
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of showers or thunderstorms , low near 65°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy, 40% chance of showers of showers or thunderstorms, high around 82°F
Friday night: Mostly cloudy, 50% chance of showers or thunderstorms, low of about 65°F.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, chance of showers or thunderstorms, high near 79°F
Sunday through Tuesday: Mostly cloudy Sunday with a chance of showers or thunderstorms and a high near 80°F, otherwise partly cloudy, with highs in the low 80's.

Today should be the last triple digit watch day for a while, as a cooler weather pattern sets in that will likely bring our first precipitation of the season by Thursday, courtesy of Hurricane Hernan. Temperatures are predicted to fall from near 100°F today to under 80°F by Friday, a long way down from the very hot weather of the past three days.

Today: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 99°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 55 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 67°F.
Wednesday: Increasing cloudiness with 20% chance of showers, high of about 94°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly cloudy, 30% chance of showers, low near 65°F.
Thursday: Mostly cloudy, 50% chance of showers, high around 85°F
Thursday night: Mostly cloudy, 50% chance of showers, low of about 65°F.
Friday: Mostly cloudy and breezy with a chance of showers, high near 79°F
Saturday through Monday: Partly cloudy, with highs in the low 80's.

The high heat yesterday caused the third hottest day recorded in terms of high temperatures (at 109.4°F), but at an average temperature of 87.9°F it was the hottest day in the three year plus history of, shattering the old record of 85.2°F from September 17th, 2000, by more than two degrees.

Today is predicted to be extremely hot as well, and tomorrow, although ten degrees cooler, will be hot as well. A third triple digit day in a row and the fifth overall this year is probable today. A chance of showers and thunderstorms enter into the forecast later this week as remnants of Hurricane Hernan cross the area.

Today: Partly cloudy and hot, high near 107°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 75 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 70°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 99°F.
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, low near 67°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, slight (20%) chance of afternoon thunderstorms, high around 92°F
Wednesday night: Mostly cloudy, low of about 67°F.
Thursday: Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers or thunderstorms, afternoon breeze, high near 85°F
Friday through Sunday: Mostly cloudy Friday, with highs in the mid 80's, partly cloudy Saturday and Sunday with a high near 90°F.

The Temecula Valley was scorched yesterday with triple digit heat and unusually high humidity. Some moisture from Tropical Storm Genevieve will continue to affect the weather today and tomorrow as 100 degrees may be challenged both of the remaining days of this Labor Day weekend. Later this week, moisture from Hurricane Hernan will make its way across the area, leading to mostly cloudy conditions predicted by Thursday with cooler temperatures.

Today: Partly cloudy and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 100°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 67°F.
Monday: Partly cloudy and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 100°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low near 63°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 97°F
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 62°F.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 91°F
Thursday through Saturday: Mostly cloudy Thursday and Friday, with highs in the mid 80's, partly cloudy Saturday with a high near 90°F.

Yesterday was the third day in excess of 100°F this year. At 102.8°F, yesterday was also the hottest day of this year, and the highest temperature since September 30, 2001, which was the hottest day of 2001 and was also 102.8°F. However, in terms of average temperature, August 10th was slightly warmer (80.6°F compared to 80.2°F yesterday).

1:30pm: Already 106.2°F. and the mercury is still rising. This is now the hottest day in about two years, since September 17, 2000. 2000 featured several days with highs over 106°F, including 110°F on September 16th. It may take until after 4pm for temperatures top out today...

Remnants from Tropical Storm Genevieve affect the weather today, after it warmed much quicker than predicted. According to new predictions, the Temecula Valley is going to get scorched this weekend with triple digit heat. More clouds from another tropical storm, Hernan, may pass over the area Tuesday and Wednesday. Temperatures should cool into the 80's by Thursday.

Today: Partly cloudy and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 96°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 63°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 100°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low near 64°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 100°F
Monday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 60°F.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy, afternoon breeze, high near 91°F
Wednesday through Friday: Partly cloudy Wednesday with a high near 91°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny Thursday and Friday with highs in the mid 80's.

Today is the second anniversary of's first visit. Thank you for your patronage this past year, over which there have been approximately 140,000 total page views, a dramatic increase from 36,000 page views in's first year.

Warming into the Labor Day weekend, with two hot days predicted Sunday and Monday. Low pressure and onshore flow reenters the weather scenario towards the middle of next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 88°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 51 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 56°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 90°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low near 59°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 95°F
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low of about 59°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 95°F
Tuesday through Thursday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days with highs in the mid-to-upper 80's.

The latest predictions warm the Temecula Valley into the 90's for weekend, as high pressure replaces the onshore flow. There should be a reprieve from the low clouds and fog for a few days before it reappears towards the middle of next week. Unless conditions get hot, this will be the coolest August of the four on record at

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 87°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 45 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 57°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 88°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low near 57°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 92°F
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low of about 58°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F
Monday through Wednesday: Mostly clear Monday morning, otherwise patchy low clouds and fogs at night and in the morning, and mostly sunny days with highs in the upper 80's (lower 90's on Monday).

After today, temperatures will increase into the weekend as the low pressure is pushed out of the area by weak high pressure aloft. Low clouds and fog will still be with us, but lessening.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 83°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 65 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 57°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 85°F.
Thursday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 57°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 87°F
Friday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 89°F
Sunday through Tuesday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days with highs in the upper 80's.

August, which usually sizzles, fizzles at the end as low pressure and onshore flow will hold temperatures under 90°F the rest of this week. Some high pressure will build up by the end of the week, but it's currently not predicted to be strong enough to oust the low clouds and fog.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 87°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 57°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 85°F.
Wednesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 57°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 84°F
Thursday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 87°F
Saturday through Monday: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, otherwise mostly sunny days with highs in the upper 80's.

Today will be much like the previous three, but tomorrow and Wednesday will be cooler as onshore flow prevents high temperatures in the Temecula Valley from getting into the 90's. High pressure may get reestablished later this week leading to warm temperatures again by the weekend.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 90°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 59°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 83°F.
Tuesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 59°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 83°F
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 57°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 87°F
Friday through Sunday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs in the upper 80's.

Sunny and warm today, but a cooling trend starts Monday as onshore flow gets reestablished and dominates the upcoming week. Look for mild temperatures well below normal for this time of year by Wednesday.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 93°F.
Predicted air quality is not available for today (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 58°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 90°F.
Monday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 59°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 84°F
Tuesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 59°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F
Thursday through Saturday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 80's. High temperature Saturday in the upper 80's.

The warming trend continues through the weekend as high pressure builds, bringing clear nights and sunny skies. A weak upper level low pressure system is predicted to enter the area Tuesday, bringing cooling and a return of low clouds and fog.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 90°F.
Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 59 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 58°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 92°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low near 58°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 91°F
Monday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F
Wednesday through Friday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 80's.

As of this morning, there are now three full years of data in the archive. The weather capture software written for began full-time data capture August 24, 1999. didn't appear on the internet until almost a year later.

Saturday and Sunday should be the warmest days of this mini-warming trend. No low clouds and fog for a couple of nights and mornings, then it's predicted to return Monday and we should cool a little. Even the weekend highs will be below normal so it will be a nice weekend to be outside.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 50 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 88°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low near 59°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 89°F
Sunday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 60°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F
Tuesday through Thursday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 80's.

Warm for the upcoming coming weekend, then cooling into next week as a weak high pressure system gets established then gets pushed out. Low clouds and fog make a return Monday morning. This continues a pattern of temperatures mostly below average this summer.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 82°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SQAQMD).
Tonight: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low around 60°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 86°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low near 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 92°F
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low of about 59°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F
Monday through Wednesday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid-to-upper 80's.

Gradual warming from weak upper level high pressure will take high temperatures from the low 80's today to the low 90's for the the weekend. There will be less low clouds and fog at night and in the morning; by Friday, nights and mornings are predicted to be mostly clear for a while.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 81°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SQAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 60°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 85°F.
Thursday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 60°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 88°F
Friday night: Mostly clear, low of about 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F
Sunday through Tuesday: Mostly clear nights and mornings, mostly sunny days with highs in the lower-to-mid 90's.

Low clouds and fog remain in the forecast, continuing to keep the high temperatures down in the lower 80's. Warming will begin near the end of the week, with the marine layer decreasing and a weak upper level high pressure system beginning to take hold.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 80°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (courtesy of the SQAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 62°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 81°F.
Wednesday night: Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 62°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 82°F
Thursday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 59°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F
Saturday through Monday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in mid-to-upper 80's.

Morning drizzle has entered the forecast as we are predicted to have three days or so of unusually cool weather for summer. The next three days may even feature highs below 80°F, a summer rarity.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 80°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 50 (courtesy of the SQAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog, drizzle possible, low around 62°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 80°F.
Tuesday night: Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog, drizzle possible, low near 62°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 81°F
Wednesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 59°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F
Friday through Sunday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in low-to-mid 80's.

Lingering low clouds and fog will continue to keep the high temperatures down over the next week, through what is usually the most consistently hot time of year in the Temecula Valley. Enjoy the mild weather!

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 85°F.
Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 50 (courtesy of the SQAQMD).
Tonight: Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low around 59°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 86°F.
Monday night: Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 57°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 85°F
Tuesday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 85°F
Thursday through Saturday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in mid 80's.

The only problem with weather like we're having is the lingering low clouds and fog. The marine layer is unusually deep for this time of year and it's taking until after mid-morning for it to disappear. The afternoons have been nice and will continue to be over the next week. We're still in a cooling phase; late next week there will be warming.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F. Predicted air quality is good, with an air quality index of 50 predicted (courtesy of the SQAQMD).
Tonight: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low around 59°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 86°F.
Sunday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 59°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 86°F
Monday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F
Wednesday through Friday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in mid 80's.

Two years ago today, the first web crawler accessed and categorized what was at the time a single web page. That was two days after I had decided it was time to share what I'd done. Three days after that, I registered the domain name. It took two more weeks, until August 31st, 2000, before the first non-search engine visit occurred!

The weekend outlook is good with overcast nights and mornings holding down the daytime temperatures. The spring-like conditions are predicted to stay in the area for a week, until another upper level high builds late next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F.
Tonight: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low around 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 86°F.
Saturday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 59°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 86°F
Sunday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F
Tuesday through Thursday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in low-to-mid 80's.

The marine layer, not typical for August, is going to deepen over the next several days, holding our high temperatures down and leading to a very pleasant next week.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 86°F.
Tonight: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low around 59°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 86°F.
Friday night: Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, low near 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 86°F
Saturday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 57°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F
Monday through Wednesday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 80's.

Onshore flow is settling in and should cool things considerably from a hot last week. This will continue the below average summer heat that has been typical this year (with a few exceptions). High temperatures are going to settle into the upper 80's, then down to the low 80's by the weekend.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 89°F.
Tonight: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low around 59°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 86°F.
Thursday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low near 59°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 91°F
Friday night: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, low of about 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 84°F
Sunday through Tuesday: Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 80's.

More cooling for the rest of this week as high temperatures settle back into the lower 90's, well below the normal 98°F. Onshore flow is predicted to cause low clouds and fog even inland by Friday morning.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F.
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 62°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 91°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low near 62°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 91°F
Thursday night: Night and morning patchy low clouds and fog, low of about 60°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 89°F
Saturday through Monday: Night and morning patchy low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs near 90°F.

Hot temperatures continue today, but a cooling trend is underway and high temperatures are predicted to fall to around 90°F by next weekend as we get onshore flow (and maybe some low clouds and fog).

Today: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 96°F.
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 62°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 95°F.
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low near 62°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 95°F
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 60°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 91°F
Friday through Sunday: Night and morning patchy low clouds and fog, mostly sunny days with highs near 90°F.

9:00am: A ten hour outage somewhere in my home provider's equipment has just ended, and data is flowing to the site again.

Scorching hot days continue today with another run at triple digits. A cooling trend should begin after today which will take temperatures down into the low 90's by next weekend.

Today: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 100°F.
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 63°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 97°F.
Monday night: Mostly clear, low near 61°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 95°F
Tuesday night: Mostly clear, low of about 60°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 91°F
Thursday through Saturday: Mostly clear nights, mostly sunny days with highs in the lower 90's.

Even though yesterday's high was a little less than the day before, the Temecula Valley stayed over 100°F longer, and that, combined with a higher low, led to an average temperature of 80.6°F, which has not been exceeded in Temecula in almost about two years, since September 17th, 2000. Last year's warmest day, August 14th, 2001, also came in at an average temperature of 80.6°F. Today's average is likely to be even higher, due to an even higher low temperature. got another mention in a Californian story yesterday, in a story about the hot weather.

The first hundred degree day of the year was yesterday, and today might be the next as high heat continues into next week, abating only moderately.

Today: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 100°F.
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 62°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 97°F.
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low near 62°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 97°F
Monday night: Mostly clear, low of about 61°F.
Tuesday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 96°F
Wednesday through Friday: Mostly clear nights, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 90's.

With an average temperature of 79.0°F, yesterday was the hottest day in Temecula since September 25 of last year.

The temperatures are going to make runs at triple digits the next couple of days. Yesterday fell short of 100°F (topping out at 98°F), but today and Saturday will be very hot.

Today: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high near 99°F.
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 61°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 99°F.
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low near 60°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 95°F
Sunday night: Mostly clear, low of about 60°F.
Monday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 95°F
Tuesday through Thursday: Mostly clear nights, mostly sunny days with highs in the mid 90's.

If you've been watching the past few days, you've seen the normal high temperatures creep up. Today's is 95°F, and we're entering the hottest couple of weeks of the year, on average. Every year we seem to have heat waves right around this time and this year will likely not be an exception. Upper level high pressure is in place and is going to send us a few hot days.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 93°F.
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 59°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 95°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low near 59°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high around 95°F
Saturday night: Mostly clear, low of about 59°F.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 91°F
Monday through Wednesday: Mostly clear nights, mostly sunny days with highs in the lower 90's.

3:27pm: Data is having trouble reaching the web server due to internet service interruptions this afternoon. A shame this happens on a triple-digit watch day ...

6:31pm: The internet service problems appear to be resolved. Routing problems at sprintlink were to blame.

Not as hot as expected yesterday, but heat remains in the forecast, especially for Thursday and Friday.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 91°F.
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 60°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high of about 95°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low near 61°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 95°F.
Friday night: Mostly clear, low of about 61°F.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 92°F
Sunday through Tuesday: Mostly clear nights, mostly sunny days with highs in the lower-to-mid 90's.

Hot temperatures typical for August are on the way, through the weekend and beyond, as high pressure build aloft.

Today: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high near 93°F.
Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 57°F.
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, afternoon breeze, high of about 93°F.
Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low near 60°F.
Thursday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 96°F.
Thursday night: Mostly clear, low of about 61°F.
Friday: Mostly sunny and hot, afternoon breeze, high around 96°F.
Saturday through Monday: Mostly sunny with highs in the mid 90's.

I'm changing the format for writing these forecasts, as you can see. I think a more tabular format is easier to read than what I've been doing for the last 11 months. Please let me know which format you prefer.

The next few days will be as hot as yesterday, possibly even hotter. Today will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 93°F. Patchy low clouds and fog tonight and Tuesday morning, with a low around 57°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny as well with afternoon breeze and a high of about 93°F. Patchy low clouds and fog again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 57°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high around 93°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 60°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny and hot with afternoon breeze and a high near 95°F. Temperatures around 95°F with mostly sunny conditions are predicted right through the weekend.
Onshore flow is now predicted to weaken into early next week and we will see warming as a result of high pressure building aloft. Today will be mostly sunny with the usual breeze in the afternoon and a high near 88°F. Patchy late night through mid-morning low clouds and fog tonight and Monday morning with a low around 58°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 91°F. Patchy late night through mid-morning low clouds and fog Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low again near 58°F. Tuesday will be much like Monday, mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 91°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 58°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high near 93°F. Mostly sunny through Saturday with highs in the mid-90's.
The onshore flow that's leading to below normal temperatures will stay through most of next week. That means we should have a unusual string of nice days for this normally hot time of year. Today will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Areas of late night through mid-morning low clouds and fog tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 58°F. Mostly sunny the rest of Sunday with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 86°F. Areas of late night though mid-morning low clouds and fog again Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 58°F. Monday will be another mostly sunny day with afternoon breeze and a high around 86°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog again Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 58°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high once again near 86°F. Mostly sunny Wednesday through Friday with a high of 86°F Wednesday, and near 88°F Thursday and Friday as the low clouds and fog disappears.
Lots of very similar days predicted in the near future, with below normal temperatures continuing. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 87°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Saturday morning with a low around 57°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 87°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog again Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 57°F. Sunday will again be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high around 87°F. Areas of late night and early mornnig low clouds and fog once again Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 57°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 87°F. Very similar days through Thursday with mostly sunny conditions and highs near 87°F.
August is the most consistently hot month of the year in the Temecula Valley, with an average high of 94°F. But we'll be starting out August with days predicted to a little below normal. Today will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 89°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Friday morning with a low around 58°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 89°F. Patchy low clouds and fog again Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 58°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 89°F. Patchy low clouds and fog return Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low again around 58°F. Sunday will be another day like the others in the near term forecast, mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high near 89°F. Looking forward, Monday through Wednesday look to be similar days, mostly sunny with highs near 90°F.
Lots of days similar to yesterday predicted into the near future, so we'll avoid any high heat for a while. Today will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high near 88°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 88°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 57°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high again around 88°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog return Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 57°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high near 88°F. Mostly sunny conditions continue to next Thursday, with highs in the upper 80's to near 90°F.
Enjoy the nicer weather while you can; normal high temperatures in certain periods of August are as much as 98°F! Today will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high near 89°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and tomorrow morning with a low around 57°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 88°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog again Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny once again with afternoon breeze and a high around 88°F. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 56°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 92°F. Mostly sunny Saturday through Monday with highs in the lower 90's.
Clear and cool and un-summer-like this morning but the bulk of the day (and much of the rest of the week) will be. Today will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high near 90°F. Mostly clear tonight and Tuesday morning, except for patchy low clouds and fog, with a low around 59°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 91°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 59°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high around 91°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Mostly sunny through the weekend with highs near 90°F.
The respite from heat continues one more day with nice weather today but warming into the week. Today will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 85°F. Mostly clear tonight and tomorrow morning with a low around 59°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 93°F. Mostly clear again Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 61°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 93°F. Mostly clear once again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 61°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high again near 93°F. Mostly sunny the rest of the week with highs in the upper 80's.

I missed sending out a forecast yesterday; apologies for that. For those interested in what typical days are like for each month of the year, the Climate summary now includes typical days for each month of the year, broken down by hour. Just click on the link for the month you want to get a typical day for. Many people have asked me what the humidity is on afternoons during the summer; now there is an answer. Also tabulated by hour are the normal temperature and wind speed.

The upper level high pressure that has kept temperatures high this week is weakening, and this weekend will be cooler as a result. Today will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 90°F. Mostly clear tonight with patchy low clouds and fog Saturday morning and a low around 61°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 86°F. Patchy low clouds and fog return Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 59°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 86°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 57°F. Monday will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Partly cloudy through Thursday with highs near 90°F.
After today, we're going to get a break from the heat. Today will be mostly sunny and hot with afternoon breeze and a high near 96°F. Mostly clear tonight with a low around 65°F. Friday will be mostly sunny as well with the usual afternoon breeze and a high of about 91°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 59°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny and cooler with breeze in the afternoon and a high around 87°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 57°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Milder days through Wednesday under mostly sunny skies with highs in the mid-to-upper 80's.
Partly cloudy and hot weather the next couple of days courtesy of a monsoonal weather pattern. Today will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high near 96°F. Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday morning, with a low around 65°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy as well with the usual afternoon breeze and a high of about 93°F. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 63°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 89°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 58°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and cooler with a high near 86°F. Cooler conditions continue through Tuesday with mostly sunny skies and highs in the mid-to-upper 80's.
Monsoonal moisture will influence local weather starting tonight through Thursday, bringing a slight chance of thunderstorms, partly cloudy conditions, and slightly more humidity than usual. Today will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 94°F. Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday morning with a chance of thunderstorms and a low around 64°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms, afternoon breeze, and a high of about 93°F. Partly cloudy conditions continue Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 64°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy as well with afternoon breeze and a high around 93°F. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 63°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 93°F. Mostly sunny for the weekend and a little cooler with highs in the mid-to-upper 80's.
Mostly normal summer weather ahead: sunny and warm. A monsoonal pattern may affect the weather later this week. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Mostly clear tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 57°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 94°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 62°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high around 93°F. Partly cloudy again Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 63°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and high near 93°F. Partly cloudy Friday with highs in the 90's, and mostly sunny Saturday and Sunday with highs right around 90°F.
The low clouds and fog we've been experiencing the past few days will is predicted to gradually disappear over the next several days, leading to warmer temperatures next week. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 85°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Monday morning with a low around 59°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 89°F. Partly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 62°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy as monsoonal moisture dominates the local weather with afternoon breeze and a high around 93°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 65°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy and hot with afternoon breeze and a high near 95°F. Partly cloudy Thursday through Saturday with high in the 90's.
Weak onshore flow continues, holding afternoon temperatures down, but a high pressure system is expected to emerge towards the middle of next week, leading to hot temperatures. Today will be mostly sunny after the low clouds and fog with afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 61°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high of about 89°F. Expect patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog again Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 61°F. Monday will be mostly sunny once again with breeze in the afternoon and a high around 89°F. Partly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 66°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy and hot with afternoon breeze and a high near 96°F. Similar partly cloudy days Wednesday through Friday with highs in the mid-to-upper 90's.

The photo essay from the 10 acre fire on July 17th is finally up on the site. Thanks to Sheldon Otto for providing the photos showing fire crews quickly taking down the fire.

Onshore flow is leading to low clouds and fog the next few mornings, which will help keep the temperatures down. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 87°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Saturday morning with a low around 60°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 86°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog return Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 60°F. Sunday will be a repeat of Saturday, mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 86°F. Mostly clear Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 62°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a warmer with a high near 91°F. Mostly sunny Tuesday through Thursday as well, with highs in the low 90's.

I'm late getting the pictures up from the Wednesday's small, 10 acre fire. Bear with me, they'll appear sometime tonight.

Not much change in the slightly below normal predicted temperatures, which should last through Saturday. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Friday morning with a low around 59°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 87°F. Mostly clear Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 63°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 89°F. Mostly clear again Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 67°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and warmer with afternoon breeze and a high near 93°F. Warmer days through Wednesday under mostly sunny skies with highs in the lower-to-mid 90's.

I've received pictures from the small fire out on I15 we had yesterday, and should have pictures up tonight. Thanks to Sheldon Otto for taking the pictures which include helicopters and fire bombers.

The Temecula Valley will enjoy below normal temperatures under mostly sunny skies through the weekend. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 85°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 83°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds return Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 58°F. Friday will be mostly sunny once again with afternoon breeze and a high around 83°F. Mostly clear Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 60°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Mostly sunny conditions continue Sunday through Tuesday, with highs in the mid 80's on Sunday and around lower-to-mid 90's Monday and Tuesday.
Temperatures are going to hang around near 90°F for the most part this week, except Thursday is predicted to be cooler. We may have some low clouds and fog Wednesday night and/or Thursday morning, which is somewhat unusual for this time of year. Today will be partly cloudy with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 92°F. Mostly clear tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 61°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 87°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny and cooler with afternoon breeze and a high around 83°F. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 57°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 89°F. Mostly sunny Saturday with a high near 90°F, and mostly sunny Sunday and Monday as well with highs in the lower to mid 90's.
Not much change in the weather in the near term, with only slight cooling towards the middle and end of this week. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 94°F. Variably cloudy tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 62°F. Tuesday will be variably cloudy with the usual afternoon breeze and a high of about 92°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 61°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 89°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 62°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and high near 88°F. Mostly sunny through Sunday with highs in the upper 80's.
After several hot days this past week, temperatures look to trend slowly down to around normal for this time of year. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 94°F. Mostly clear tonight and Monday morning with a low around 62°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 93°F. Partly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 62°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high around 89°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 61°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F.
The weekend will be warm with clouds at times, and we'll be waiting until the middle of next week for things to cool a little. Today will be variably cloudy like the past few days, with afternoon breeze and a high near 93°F. Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday morning, with a low around 64°F. Sunday will be partly cloudy with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 92°F. Partly cloudy Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 64°F. Monday will be partly cloudy as well with afternoon breeze and a high around 92°F. Variably cloudy Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 64°F. Tuesday will be variably cloudy once again with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Mostly sunny Wednesday through Friday with highs in the mid-80's.

Thanks to all who visited in the past week, which was the busiest week ever. Yesterday was the first day ever with more than 1000 hits on the main page (1137 to be exact), and there were 4800 hits on the site in just the past five days.

After several days in the 90's, temperatures in the days ahead are going to trend back down into the 80's as the high pressure system that brought the heat moves out of the southwest. Today will be variably cloudy with afternoon breeze and slight chance of thunderstorms with a high near 90°F. Variably cloudy tonight and Saturday morning with a low around 66°F. Saturday will be variably cloudy again with the usual afternoon breeze, slight chance of thunderstorms, and a high of about 89°F. Variably cloudy conditions continue Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 66°F. Sunday will be variably cloudy once again with breeze in the afternoon and a high around 88°F. Variable clouds continue Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 65°F. Monday will be variably cloudy as well with afternoon breeze and a high near 85°F. Variable clouds Tuesday with a high in the mid-80's and partly cloudy Wednesday through Friday with higs in the mid-80's.
Variably or partly cloudy into the foreseeable future with hot and more humid days than usual as we experience monsoonal moisture flow. Thunderstorms are possible, but not probable. Today will be variably cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high near 95°F. Variably cloudy tonight and Friday morning as well with a low around 67°F. Friday will be variably cloudy as well with the usual afternoon breeze and a high of about 94°F. Continuing variably cloudy skies Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 67°F. Saturday will be variably cloudy once again with afternoon breeze and a high around 94°F. Chance of thunderstorms is predicted to end Saturday night. Partly cloudy Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 66°F. Sunday will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and cooler with a high near 91°F. Partly cloudy days continue through Wednesday with highs in the low 90's.

3:00pm: is featured again today in John Hunneman's column in The Californian, which discusses the recent heat.

Yesterday did not reach triple digits, as the wind blew the temperature back down in the afternoon. Several nearby areas reached 100°F to 102°F, however. And there is a strong possibility of 100°F heat today, with partly cloudy conditions expected and a high near 100°F. Variable cloudiness tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 66°F. Variably cloudy Thursday with afternoon breeze and a high of about 96°F, and a slight chance of thunderstorms. Variable cloudiness again Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 66°F. Friday will be variably cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high around 96°F, and a slight chance of thunderstorms once again. Partly cloudy Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 65°F. Saturday will be partly cloudy and cooler with afternoon breeze and a high near 92°F. Partly cloudy Sunday through Tuesday as well with highs in the 90's.

I should note here that I think the chance of thunderstorms for the Temecula Valley over the next several days is remote, and any thunderstorm events will likely be to the east. However, we do get this type of moisture a few times a year, most often in August.

Even hotter than expected yesterday, and today is the first predicted triple-digit heat day of the year. Mostly sunny and hot today with a high near 101°F. Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 65°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy and hot with a high of about 100°F. Partly cloudy again Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 67°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy again and continued hot with a high around 97°F. Partly cloudy conditions continue Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 67°F. Look for partly cloudy conditions again on Friday with a high near 97°F. Partly conditions continue through Sunday with highs in the 90's.
The first extended hot spell of the year is predicted over the next several days, but without any days in triple digits. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 93°F. Mostly clear tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 60°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and hot with a high of about 96°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 62°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy, breezy in the afternoon, and hot with a high around 95°F. Partly cloudy again Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 63°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy and hot with afternoon breeze and a high near 95°F. Hot through the weekend with partly cloudy conditions and highs in the mid-90's.
Strong upper level high pressure is building over the southwest and will bring hotter temperatures over the next several days. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Mostly clear tonight and Monday morning, except for late night and early morning patchy low clouds and fog, and a low around 59°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 91°F. Partly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 61°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy and hot with a high around 96°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 62°F. Wednesday will be parly cloudy as well and hot with a high near 96°F. Hot days continue through Saturday with highs in the mid-90's under partly cloudy skies.
Mostly sunny and seasonal weather the next few days as upper level high pressure builds over the southwest. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 59°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 91°F. Mostly clear Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 61°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and hot with a high around 95°F. Mostly clear Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 61°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high near 93°F. Parly cloudy through Friday with highs in the low to mid 90's.
The mild days we've been having are just about over as the weather is predicted to warm into this weekend. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 85°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Saturday morning with a low around 61°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 89°F. Mostly clear Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 60°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high around 92°F. Mostly clear again Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 61°F. Monday will be mostly sunny and hot with afternoon breeze and a high near 95°F. Not quite as hot Tuesday through Thursday with mostly sunny conditions and highs in the 90's.
Mild and sunny for this 4th of July; it should be another wonderful day to enjoy in the Temecula Valley. Happy Birthday America! Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 83°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Friday morning with a low around 57°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 85°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 60°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny and warmer with afternoon breeze and a high around 91°F. Mostly clear Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 62°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and hot with a breezy afternoon and a high near 95°F. Partly cloudy and hot Monday through Wednesday with highs in the mid-90's.
Seasonal heat for the next week with temperatures hovering in the upper 80's and 90's. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 89°F. Mostly clear tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 58°F. Thursday, Independence Day will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 90°F. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 58°F. Friday will be mostly sunny and much like Thursday with afternoon breeze and a high around 90°F. Mostly clear Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 59°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny and hot with afternoon breeze and a high near 95°F. Highs in the mid-90's are forecast through Tuesday under mostly sunny conditions.
Scattered tropical clouds pass through the region today, with warm weather and high pressure just behind them. Today will become partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high near 91°F. Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday morning, with patchy low clouds and fog late, and a low around 59°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high of about 86°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and Thursday morning, except for patchy low clouds and fog late, with a low near 56°F. Thursday, July 4th will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 89°F. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 58°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high near 92°F. Mostly sunny Saturday through Monday with highs in the lower to mid-90's.

Rainfall for past seasons is now (finally!) on the Precipitation page, updated daily as a part of the archive. The results for the past two seasons, the only ones recorded at this date, are below Temecula's long term season average of 12" to 14".

Looks like the sub-tropical weather is delayed a day, at least until tonight. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 56°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 88°F. Partly cloudy again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 56°F. Wednesday will be much like Tuesday, partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high around 88°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 58°F. Thursday, July 4th, will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 85°F. Mostly sunny Friday through Sunday as well with highs in the upper 80's to near 90°F.
Get ready for some heat today. Tropical clouds will affect the weather Monday through Thursday. Today will be sunny and hot with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 95°F. Mostly clear tonight and Monday morning with a low around 58°F. Monday will be partly cloudy and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 92°F. Partly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 59°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy as well with afternoon breeze and a high around 91°F. Partly cloudy again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 57°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high near 85°F. Partly cloudy for July 4th with highs in the mid-80's, and mostly sunny Friday and Saturday with highs in the low to mid-80's.
A high pressure system organizing aloft will lead to near-record temperatures on Sunday. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 90°F. Mostly clear tonight and tomorrow morning with a low around 57°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and hot with a high of about 96°F. Mostly clear again Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 58°F. Monday will be sunny in the morning, partly cloudy in the afternoon with a high around 93°F. Partly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low around 59°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy as well with afternoon breeze and a high near 91°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday with a high near 90°F, and mostly sunny July 4th and Friday with highs in the low-to-mid 80's.
The onshore flow that has been with us a while is weakening and we may even see tropical moisture (although not rain) by the first part of next week. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 84°F. Mostly clear tonight and Saturday morning, except for patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog, and a low around 54°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 87°F. No fog predicted Saturday night, it will be mostly clear with a low near 57°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and with the usual afternoon breeze and warmer with a high around 93°F. Mostly clear Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 60°F. Monday will be partly cloudy with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F.
Onshore flow will continue to keep temperatures a little under normal for the next week or so. Today will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Patchy low clouds and fog tonight and Friday morning with a low around 56°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 87°F. Patchy low clouds and fog again Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 56°F. Saturday will be similar to Friday, mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 87°F. Partly cloudy Saturday night and Sunday morning, with a low of about 58°F. Sunday will be partly cloudy and warmer with afternoon breeze and a high near 89°F. Partly cloudy Monday through Wednesday as well with highs around 90°F.
Other than a dip into the 80's on Thursday and Friday, temperatures in valley should stay in the 90's for much of the next week. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 91°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 56°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 89°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 56°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high around 85°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 59°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 92°F. Mostly sunny through Tuesday with highs in the low 90's.

The email lists have been revamped to provide a couple more offerings and easy, web-based subscription and unsubscription of email addresses. There is now a Temecula weather discussion list, Temecula weather announcement list, and a general Temecula discussion list to choose from.

Except for small amounts of morning low clouds and fog, warm days like the last couple should stay with us for a while. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Mostly clear tonight, with patchy early morning fog Wednesday morning, and a low around 56°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 88°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night, with patchy early morning fog Thursday morning and a low again near 56°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with breeze in the afternoon and a high again around 88°F. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 56°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high once again near 88°F. Very little change predicted through Monday.
Carbon copy days on the way today and all through this week, with almost no change in forecast conditions. Today had some low clouds and fog early, but will be sunny and breezy with a high near 88°F. Mostly clear tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 57°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 88°F. Mostly clear again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 57°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with after breeze with a high again around 88°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny once again with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. More days just like what we've been having Friday through Sunday with very little change in the weather predicted.
Clear and sunny days will dominate the local weather pattern for the next several days. Today will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Clear tonight and tomorrow morning with a low around 57°F. Monday will be sunny as well with the usual afternoon breeze and a high of about 88°F. Clear again Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 57°F. Tuesday will be very similary to Sunday and Monday, sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 88°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 57°F. Another mostly sunny day on Wednesday, with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. More carbon copy days predicted Thursday through Saturday with highs near 90°F.
The night and morning low clouds and fog will retreat over the next couple of days as things warm up some. Today will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 82°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 57°F. Sunday will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 85°F. Clear Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 56°F. Monday will be sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high around 88°F. Clear again Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 57°F. Tuesday will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F again. Sunny through Friday with highs in the upper 80's to around 80°F.
Road conditions are hazardous in spots this morning with dense fog in spots, be careful. After the fog recedes later this morning, today will be sunny with afternoon breeze and high near 78°F. Mostly clear early tonight, with areas of low clouds and fog developing later and into Saturday morning, and a low around 60°F. Saturday will be sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and warmer with a high of about 82°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 58°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and warmer still with afternoon breeze and a high around 88°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog again Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 58°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Similar days predicted through Thursday with highs in the upper 80's to around 90°F.
June gloom is an inland rarity (more often found at the coast), but the next couple of days will be cooler due to lingering marine layer. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 78°F. Late night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle possible tonight and Friday morning with a low around 59°F. Friday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high of about 78°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 57°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 82°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 57°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and warmer with a high near 88°F. Mostly sunny Monday through Wednesday as well with highs in the in upper 80's to around 90°F.
Cooling for the next three days, followed by a warming pattern starting this weekend. All days should be sunny and nice. Today will be sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 84°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 80°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog again Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 57°F. Mostly sunny again Friday with breeze in the afternoon and a high around 80°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 58°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny and warmer with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Sunday through Tuesday are forecast to be much like Saturday with highs in the upper 80's.
After today, a weak upper level low pressure system will cause some early morning marine layer and hold the afternoon temperatures down for several days. Today will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 90°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 57°F. Wednesday will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 83°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog again Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 57°F. Thursday will be sunny and cooler, with the usual afternoon breeze and a high around 80°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 56°F. Friday will mostly sunny and warmer with a high near 86°F. Saturday through Monday will be mostly sunny with highs in the mid-80's.
It's looking more and more like we're at the end of the springtime weather pattern. The days have warmed to 80°F and above, the low clouds and fog are waning (although they might make a return later this week), and there's lots of sunshine. Today will be sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high near 93°F. Clear tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 57°F. Tuesday will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 92°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 57°F. Wednesday will be sunny and cooler with afternoon breeze and a high around 86°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 83°F. Mostly sunny Friday through Sunday with highs in the mid to upper 80's.
Upper level high pressure is dominating the weather pattern for the next couple of days, with gradual cooling predicted after that. Today will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 92°F. Clear tonight and Monday morning with a low around 53°F. Monday will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high of about 92°F. Clear again Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 53°F. Tuesday will be sunny again with afternoon breeze and a high around 91°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 53°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high near 89°F. Near 90°F on Thursday, falling to the mid-80's for the weekend.
Looks like we're in for a warm weekend as temperatures will be above normal for a few days. Today will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 91°F. Mostly clear tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 53°F. Sunday will be sunny with afternoon breeze and high of about 92°F. Clear Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 53°F. Monday will again be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 92°F. Mostly clear Monday night with a low of about 54°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 92°F. Very similar days Wednesday and Thursday, with Friday cooling to the mid-to-upper 80's.
Very seasonal temperatures and sunny conditions will last through the weekend, with a bunch of near carbon copy days. Today will be sunny and breezy with a high near 86°F. Clear tonight, with a low around 52°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 87°F. Clear again Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 52°F. Sunday will also be sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high around 87°F. Mostly clear Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 52°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Mostly sunny Tuesday through Thursday as well with highs in the mid to upper 80's.
The warming trend continues today through the rest of this week. Today will be sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 83°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 55°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high of about 86°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog again Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 55°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 87°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 55°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 90°F. Mostly sunny Sunday through Tuesday with highs around 90°F.
The weather will begin to warm to about the seasonal norms by Wednesday and is predicted to remain that way through the weekend. Today will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 79°F. Areas of late night and early morning patchy low clouds and fog tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 55°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 86°F. Areas of patchy low clouds and fog return Wednesday night and Thursday morning, with a low near 55°F. Thursday will be much like Wednesday, mostly sunny with afternoon breeze, and a high around 86°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog once again Thursday night and Friday morning, with a low of about 56°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 86°F. Mostly sunny Saturday through Monday with highs in the mid to upper 80's.
It's going to stay nice and cool through Wednesday, according to the latest predictions. Today will be mostly sunny and breezy after the low clouds and fog, with a high near 75°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 56°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 76°F. Night and morning low clouds once again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 56°F. Wednesday will be much like today and Tuesday, mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high around 76°F. Areas of late night and early morning low clouds and fog Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 56°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny and warmer with a high near 84°F. Warmer weather continues through Sunday with highs in the 80's.

Updates today to the About page, including three new pictures, and to the What's normal page.

The cool spell should end today, followed by warmer days approaching seasonal normals by Wednesday. Cloudy this morning, becoming partly cloudy this afternoon with a high near 74°F. Partly cloudy Sunday night, becoming mostly clear by Monday morning, with a low around 56°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high of about 81°F. Mostly clear Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 55°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny again with afternoon breeze and a high around 82°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 57°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny and warmer with a high near 84°F. Weather conditions through Saturday are predicted to be much like Wednesday.
Mild weather for the weekend, heating up again next week. Today will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high near 83°F. Becoming cloudy with areas of drizzle tonight and Sunday morning, and a low around 58°F. Sunday will be sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 79°F. Partly cloudy Sunday night, with areas of low clouds and fog Monday morning, and a low near 56°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 83°F. Mostly clear Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 56°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 88°F. Mostly sunny conditions through Friday with highs in the upper 80's.
Not as hot today, and milder weather is expected for the weekend. Today will be mostly sunny after the low clouds and fog burn off with a high near 90°F. Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Saturday morning with a low around 56°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon and cooler with a high of about 79°F. Mostly cloudy Saturday night and Sunday morning with areas of fog and a low near 55°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny in the afternoon and breezy with a high around 77°F. Mostly clear Sunday night, with late night and early morning low clouds and fog Monday morning and a low of about 55°F. Monday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon, with a high near 80°F. Mostly sunny conditions are forecast for Tuesday through Thursday with highs near 90°F.
Yesterday was the hottest day of the year to date with an average temperature of 74.5°F, and today is forecast to be hotter still, although we may not beat yesterday's high of 99.4°F. Today will be sunny and hot with a high near 99°F. Mostly clear tonight and Friday morning with a low around 58°F. Friday will be mostly sunny, breezy, and a little cooler with a high of about 93°F. Mostly clear Friday night, with late night and early morning low clouds and fog, and a low near 57°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high around 82°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog return Saturday night and Sunday morning, with a low of about 55°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high near 78°F. Mostly sunny Monday through Wednesday with highs in the 90's.
We're in for a couple of hot days before things cool a little going into the weekend. Today will be mostly sunny, hot, and breezy in the afternoon with a high near 93°F. Mostly clear tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 58°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny, hot, and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 93°F. Mostly clear again Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 58°F. Friday will be mostly sunny, breezy in the afternoon and cooler with a high around 89°F. Mostly clear Friday night, with patchy low clouds and fog Saturday morning, and a low of about 55°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 84°F. Mostly sunny conditions are forecast through Tuesday with highs in the mid-80's.
No low clouds or fog and lower than expected temperatures this morning as a result, and it won't warm quite as fast as originally forecast yesterday. Hot weather is still coming, though. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 86°F. Mostly clear tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 56°F. Wednesday will be be mostly sunny and hot with a high of about 96°F. Mostly clear again Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 58°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny and very warm with a high around 93°F. Mostly clear once again Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 54°F. Friday will be mostly sunny once again with a high near 86°F. Warm weather continues through Monday with highs in the upper 80's to near 90°F and mostly sunny conditions.
Morning low clouds and fog should be gone by Wednesday as the Temecula Valley heats up. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 80°F. Mostly clear tonight, except for late night and morning low clouds and fog through Tuesday morning, with a low around 57°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny, breezy and warmer, with a high of about 91°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, with a low near 56°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny and hot, with a high around 95°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 57°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny and hot, but a little cooler, with a high near 92°F. Mostly sunny days continue Friday through Sunday with highs in the upper 80's to near 90°F.
Nice weather today, followed by warming and then hot weather in the middle of next week. Today will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high near 80°F. Mostly clear early tonight, then low clouds and fog through Monday morning with a low around 56°F. Mostly sunny by Monday afternoon with a high of about 82°F. Mostly clear Monday night with a low near 57°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high around 91°F. Mostly clear again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 58°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny and hot with a high near 95°F. Hot again Thursday with a high in the upper 90's and a little cooler Friday and Saturday with highs in the lower 90's.
Weather conditions are going to continue to warm into next week as summer approaches. Today will be mostly sunny after the fog clears, with the usual local breeze in the afternoon and a high near 83°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 56°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 82°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog again on Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 57°F. Monday will be much like Sunday, mostly sunny and breezy with a high around 82°F. Mostly clear Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 57°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high near 93°F. Continued mostly sunny days and highs in the 90's through Friday.
Subtropical moisture will continue to affect local weather through tonight. Today will be variably cloudy with a slight chance of showers or thunderstorms this afternoon (20%) and a high near 87°F. Mostly cloudy tonight and tomorrow morning with a 20% chance of showers or thunderstorms and a low of about 57°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with the usual afternoon breeze and a high around 79°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 55°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high around 79°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 55°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high near 84°F. Warmer days Tuesday through Thursday with highs in the 90's.
A hint of summer with near record temperatures today, and a chance at the first 100°F day in the Temecula Valley this year. Last year, the first triple-digit day of the year did not occur until August 15th. Today will be sunny and hot with a high near 99°F. Increasing clouds tonight with a slight chance of showers late and a low around 57°F Friday morning. Friday will feature remnants of Hurricane Alma, currently off Baja California, with mostly cloudy, humid and warm conditions and a 20% chance of showers and a high of about 86°F. Night and morning low clouds Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 56°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny and cooler with a high around 79°F. Night and morning low clouds Saturday night and Sunday morning as well with a low of about 56°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high again near 79°F. Monday will be much like Sunday, and Tuesday and Wednesday will be mostly sunny and warmer with highs in the upper 80's.
The next couple of days will be even warmer than yesterday with temperatures likely getting up into the 90's. Today will be mostly sunny and very warm with the usual afternoon breeze and a high near 93°F. Mostly clear tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 55°F. Thursday will be be mostly sunny, breezy in the afternoon and continued very warm with a high of about 93°F. Increasing high clouds Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 57°F. Friday will be partly cloudy and warm, with a 20% chance of showers, and a high around 85°F. Night and morning low clouds Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 55°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny and cooler with a high near 79°F. Looking forward, Sunday through Tuesday will be much like Saturday with highs around 80°F.
It's going to be warmer for most of the rest of this week but a slight chance of showers has crept into the forecast for Friday. There is dense fog this morning, so be careful driving around the Temecula Valley. After the fog clears, today will be mostly sunny with a high near 79°F. Mostly clear tonight, with low clouds and fog in spots late and into tomorrow morning, with a low around 53°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny and warmer with a high of about 86°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night with a low near 56°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny again with a high around 86°F. Partly cloudy by Friday morning with a low of about 57°F. Friday will be partly cloudy with a slight chance of showers and a high near 79°F. Mostly sunny Saturday through Monday with highs in the upper 70's.
Slightly warmer weather but seasonal weather is predicted for Memorial Day and beyond. Today will be mostly sunny, with the usual afternoon breeze, and warmer with a high near 77°F. Patchy night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 53°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny and breezy in the afternoon with a high of about 81°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night with a low near 55°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with afternoon breeze and a high around 86°F. Partly cloudy by Thursday morning with a low of about 57°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy and slight cooler with a high near 82°F. Partly cloudy Friday with a high in the 80's, and mostly sunny Saturday and Sunday with highs in the upper 70's.

Yesterday recorded the 100,000th visit to the main page. Thanks to all who continue to visit the site and make it a success.

For the unofficial start of summer, we continue to experience mild spring weather and a cooler than normal May. Today will be partly cloudy by afternoon with a high near 73°F. Partly cloudy tonight, becoming mostly cloudy into Monday morning with areas of fog and a low around 54°F. Memorial day will be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high of about 75°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 52°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high around 82°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 49°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny and warmer with a high near 85°F. Mostly sunny Thursday with a high in the 80's, and partly cloudy Friday and Saturday with highs around 80°F.
Mild temperatures through Memorial Day weekend and all through next week with little real change in the weather pattern. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 76°F. Late night and early morning low clouds and fog tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 49°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny in the afternoon with a high of about 76°F. Late night and early morning low clouds and fog Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 50°F. Memorial Day will be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high around 77°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 50°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high near 78°F.

Apologies for a machine failure this morning which caused a two hour disruption. A restart of the web server has things restored but the ultimate cause of the problem hasn't been determined.

Not much change in the weather pattern over the next week, with just some variable high clouds over the weekend. Today will be sunny with a high near 82°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Saturday morning with a low around 49°F. Variable high clouds Saturday with a high of about 76°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog again Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 49°F. Variable high clouds again Sunday with a high near 76°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Sunday night and Monday morning with a low around 50°F. Memorial Day will be mostly sunny with a high near 79°F. Mostly sunny conditions are predicted for Tuesday through Thursday with highs in the 80's.
Nice weather is predicted through Memorial Day weekend and beyond. Today will be sunny with a high near 79°F. Clear tonight and Friday morning with a low of about 46°F. Friday will be sunny with a high around 82°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 49°F. Saturday will feature variable high clouds and a high around 76°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 49°F. Sunday will again have variable high clouds and a high near 76°F. Morning low clouds and fog, followed by mostly sunny day Monday through Wednesday with highs in the 80's.
Mild temperatures, night and morning low clouds and sunny afternoons are forecast for the next week or so as we experience seasonal weather. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 75°F. Mostly clear tonight, with patchy low clouds and fog late and into tomorrow morning, with a low around 49°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 79°F. Patchy night and morning low clouds and fog Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 52°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high around 82°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 54°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high near 81°F.

An internet disruption at Compendium's office in San Diego took down the web site for just over an hour early yesterday afternoon. Apparently a phone worker servicing another suite in the building accidentally pulled the plug on the internet access. As usual, the capture computer in Temecula queued all of the weather records until they could be transmitted.

The storm is mostly past us without any measurable rain, and the rest of the week looks warmer through Memorial Day. Today will be partly cloudy and breezy with a high near 70°F. Partly cloudy and cool tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 48°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 76°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 54°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high around 81°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog return Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 54°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high near 83°F. Looks like mostly sunny days with very seaonal highs in the 80's for the weekend right through Memorial Day.
The revised forecast shows only a slight chance of showers the next couple of days; the rest of the week looks good. Today will be mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of afternoon showers, and a high near 66°F. Mostly cloudy tonight and Tuesday morning with a 20% chance of showers and a low around 53°F. Tuesday will be mostly cloudy in the morning, with a 20% chance of showers, turning to a partly cloudy afternoon and a high of about 69°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 53°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy with a high around 74°F. Night and morning low clouds and for Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 54°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high near 80°F. Mostly sunny weather continues through Sunday with seasonal highs around 80°F.

Yesterday I enhanced the daily forecasts at the top of the page. A second condition is now allowed, and a few more kinds of weather conditions were added (such as "Chance of showers" and "Breezy").

Looks like light rain or showers will come through sporadically the next few days, mostly at night and during the morning. Today will be mostly cloudy with only a few sun breaks this afternoon, and 20% chance of measurable light rain or drizzle this morning, and a high near 68°F. Cloudy tonight and Monday morning with patchy fog and drizzle, and a low around 56°F. Monday will be mostly cloudy and breezy with a 20% chance of measurable light rain or drizzle, and a high of about 66°F. Mostly cloudy with 50% chance of showers Monday night and a low near 53°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly cloudy in the morning with a 20% chance of showers and partly cloudy and breezy in the afternoon with a high around 69°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 52°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday as well with a high near 73°F. Partly cloudy days continue through Saturday with highs in the mid to upper 70's.
Not a lot of sun in the forecast for the coming week so enjoy what little bit we should get today. Today will be mostly sunny in the afternoon with a high near 74°F. Becoming mostly cloudy tonight with areas of fog and a low around 53°F Sunday morning. Sunday will be partly cloudy in the afternoon with a high of about 72°F. Mostly cloudy with drizzle Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 55°F. Mostly cloudy Monday with a 30% chance of showers and a high around 66°F. Mostly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday morning with a chance of showers and a low of about 49°F. Mostly cloudy Tuesday as well with a chance of showers and a high near 66°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday through Friday with highs in the 70's.
Warmer weather ends Sunday followed by lots of clouds next week. Today will feature low clouds and fog through mid-morning, followed by mostly sunny conditions with a high near 81°F. Mostly clear tonight with late night and morning low clouds and fog, with a low around 52°F. Sunny by mid-morning Saturday with a high of about 81°F. Becoming mostly cloudy Saturday night with a low near 55°F Sunday morning. Sunday will be partly cloudy in the afternoon with a high around 73°F. Mostly cloudy Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 49°F. Monday will be mostly cloudy and cooler with a chance of showers and a high near 67°F. Chance of showers Tuesday, and partly cloudy Wednesday and Thursday with highs in the 70's.
Mostly sunny and nice afternoons the rest of this week with a chance of showers early next week. Cloudy this morning with drizzle, followed by a mostly sunny afternoon and a high near 75°F. Becoming cloudy tonight and Friday morning with local fog and a low around 52°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 78°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 51°F. Saturday will be much like Friday, mostly sunny with a high around 78°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog return Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 51°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high near 75°F. Mostly cloudy and cool Monday and Tuesday with a chance of showers and highs in the 60's. Partly cloudy Wednesday with a high in the 70's.
Back to more normal spring weather conditions for the next several days, with morning low clouds and fog, mostly sunny afternoons and mild temperatures. Today will be hazy after the low clouds recede with a high of about 76°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Thursday morning with a low near 51°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high around 75°F. Mostly clear Thursday night with areas of low clouds and fog Friday morning and a low of about 50°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high near 79°F. Mostly clear again Friday night except for areas of low clouds and fog and a low around 50°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 75°F. Mostly sunny Sunday with a high in the 70's, and mostly cloudy Monday and Tuesday with high temperatures right around 70°F.
Temperatures aren't going to fall as rapidly as first predicted and the Temecula Valley wil continue to suffer smoke effects from the fire in Orange County. Sunny today, with some smoke, and a high near 88°F. Mostly clear early tonight with low clouds and fog late and a low around 55°F Wednesday morning. Mostly clear Wednesday and much cooler, with a high of about 77°F. Night and morning low clouds Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 51°F. Thursday will be mostly clear with a high of about 76°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Thursday night and Friday morning with a low around 50°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high near 78°F. Mostly sunny days Saturday through Monday with highs in the 70's.
Yesterday was only the third 90+°F day of the year, and the hottest day of the year to date. Most of this week will continue the below average temperature trend we've seen this spring so far, except for today, which is predicted to be the fourth 90+°F day of the year. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 92°F. Mostly clear tonight with a low Tuesday morning around 55°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny and cooler with a high of about 79°F. Expect patchy night and morning low clouds and fog Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 54°F. Mostly sunny by Wednesday afternoon with a high around 73°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog again Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 51°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high near 73°F. Mostly sunny also Friday through Sunday, with night and morning low clouds and fog, and highs in the 70's.
This next week is going to be warmer, with hot temperatures today. Today will be mostly sunny with northeast winds possible and a high near 90°F. Increasing high clouds tonight with a low around 50°F Monday morning. Monday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 85°F. Patchy late night and morning low clouds and fog Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 49°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny and cooling with a high around 80°F. Night and morning low clouds Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 47°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high near 74°F. Much the same Thursday, and warmer Friday and Saturday with highs in the 80's.
There's some warm weather just ahead. Normally the low clouds and fog this time of year hold down the daytime temperatures, and when they are absent it typically means temperatures are going to heat up. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 75°F. Mostly clear tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 45°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and warm with a high of about 91°F. Mostly clear again Sunday night with a low near 44°F Monday morning. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high around 83°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog make their return Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 50°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy with a high near 71°F. Days like Tuesday are predicted through Friday, with highs in the low 70's.
Very foggy with poor visibility again this morning. Except for today, conditions for the next week look fairly normal, with afternoon sunshine, except that the temperatures will continue to be somewhat below normal. Today will be partly cloudy this afternoon with a high of about 67°F. Low clouds and fog tonight and Saturday morning with a low around 50°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high near 75°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning, with a low of about 48°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and warmer with a high around 82°F. Patchy late night and early morning low clouds and fog again Sunday night and Monday morning, with a low near 48°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high around 81°F. More foggy night and mornings followed by mostly sunny afternoons Tuesday through Thursday with highs in the 70's.
Poor visibility this morning due to dense fog; be careful on the roads. After the fog burns off, today will be mostly sunny with a high near 75°F. Mostly clear early tonight, with low clouds and fog spreading inland late and into Friday morning. Low around 49°F. Friday will be partly cloudy in the afternoon with a high of about 71°F. Low clouds and patchy fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 50°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny in the afternoon with a high around 75°F. Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 50°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high near 78°F. Days just like Sunday are predicted until Wednesday of next week.
Only partial clearing of clouds yesterday afternoon, and it looks like the same today, with continued under normal temperatures for the next week. Today will be mostly cloudy with a high near 67°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 50°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high of about 72°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 50°F. Friday will be much like Thursday, with afternoon clearing to mostly sunny conditions and a high around 72°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 49°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high near 75°F. Mostly sunny after low clouds and fog Sunday through Tuesday with highs in the upper 70's.
A little warmer towards the end of the week, but the current morning fog weather pattern continues. Today will be mostly sunny in the afternoon, with a high near 72°F. Night and morning low clouds, fog and drizzle tonight with a low of about 50°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be mostly sunny again in the afternoon with a high around 72°F. Areas of late night and morning low clouds and fog Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 48°F. Mostly sunny Thursday with a high around 78°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog return Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 49°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high near 76°F.

Due to an internet connection change yesterday, weather data is now updated on the web server every 30 seconds. Previously it was every ten minutes. The new connection is a wireless internet connection (using 802.11 technology) with very good bandwidth to and from the house. And, unlike the old ISDN connection, it's up full time. I don't know about reliability yet, but everyone should notice that, unless there's a problem, the data on the page is now very current.

The spring weather pattern rut featuring continuing below average temperatures continues. Mostly sunny today after the fog clears with a high near 73°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Tuesday morning with a low of about 49°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high around 72°F. More night and morning low clouds and fog Tuesday night with a low near 49°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high of about 73°F. Late night and morning low clouds and fog Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low around 48°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny and warmer with a high of 77°F. Cloudy and foggy mornings, followed by mostly sunny afternoons, are predicted through Sunday with highs in the upper 70's.
Temperatures will be nice for the next few days, with cooler conditions by next weekend. Mostly sunny and warmer after the fog breaks down today with a high near 78°F. Tonight will be clear at first, with low clouds and dense fog developing overnight, with a low around 48°F Monday morning. Monday will be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high of about 75°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog again Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low near 48°F. Tuesday will also be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high around 75°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog return Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 52°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high near 71°F. Thursday will be much like Wednesday, and Friday and Saturday will be mostly cloudy with highs in the 60's.
Mostly sunny except for morning low clouds and fog for the next week, with more seasonal temperatures than we've been having. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 79°F. Low clouds and fog late tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 47°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 76°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog Sunday night and Monday morning, with a low near 48°F. Monday will be much like Sunday, mostly sunny with a high around 76°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog again Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 46°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high near 75°F. Mostly sunny the rest of the week as well with highs in the 70's.
Temperatures will be warming up for the weekend, then cooler again the middle of next week. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 74°F. Patchy late night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Saturday morning with a low around 46°F. Mostly sunny Saturday during the day with a high of about 76°F. Patchy late night and morning low clouds and fog again Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 47°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny again with a high around 76°F. Night and morning clouds Sunday night and Monday morning once again with a low of about 47°F. Monday will be mostly sunny again with a high near 78°F. Partly cloudy and cooler Tuesday through Thursday with highs in the lower 70's.

I have signed up for wireless high speed internet service which should be installed on Monday morning. The bandwidth of this connection will be five times what I currently have to and from the internet with reduced latency as well at half the price I'm currently paying for ISDN. The impact on is that since I will now have an internet connection all the time, I'll be able to send weather updates to the web site every 30 seconds instead of the current every 10 minutes. So hopefully the web site will be more timely and up-to-date.

Below normal temperatures continue through the weekend. Today will be partly cloudy with a high near 67°F. Patchy low clouds and fog tonight and Friday morning with a low around 46°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 74°F. Patchy low clouds and fog return Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 46°F. Saturday will be much like Friday, mostly sunny with a high around 74°F. Areas of low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 47°F. Sunday will be partly cloudy with a high near 72°F. Partly cloudy weather through Wendesday with highs in the lower 70's.

A little bit of down time yesterday due to the use of a new capture computer at home. The computer is a very small, low power device smaller than the size of a hard drive, based on a Pentium-class processor from National Semiconductor called the Geode. It's not very fast, but it's able to keep up with the data stream from the weather station. I may be switching Internet Service Providers (ISPs) soon; there are new options becoming available (finally!) in my neighborhood.

Looks like clouds will be with us today, then mostly sunny conditions, and partly cloudy skies for the weekend. Today will be mostly cloudy this morning, partly cloudy this afternoon with a high near 67°F. Mostly cloudy tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 48°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 72°F. Areas of night and morning clouds Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 48°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high around 73°F. Partly cloudy Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 44°F. Saturday will be partly cloudy with a high near 72°F. Sunday through Tuesday is forecast to be partly cloudy as well with highs in the 70's.
The showers are predicted to miss to the north of us and so the rest for this week should feature mostly sunny skies and nice temperatures. Today will be mostly sunny after the low clouds burn off with a high near 71°F. Night and morning low clouds tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 46°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 72°F. Night and morning low clouds again Wednesday and Thursday with a high near 47°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high around 76°F. Night and morning low clouds return Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 47°F. Friday will be mostly sunny once again with a high near 76°F. Similar conditions are predicted for the weekend, with partly cloudy skies on Monday.
Other than a slight chance of showers Tuesday night and Wednesday, showers are out of the forecast and nice days and temperatures should prevail this week. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 72°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog are predicted for tonight and tomorrow morning with a low around 48°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 72°F. Mostly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a 20% chance of showers and a low near 45°F. Chance of showers continues Wednesday with mostly cloudy conditions and a high around 64°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of about 46°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy with a high near 76°F. Partly cloudy Friday and mostly sunny Saturday and Sunday with highs in the upper 70's and maybe 80.
More showers are now postponed until Tuesday, if they happen then. Today will be mostly sunny with a high around 74°F. Partly cloudy tonight with patchy fog and a low near 46°F Monday morning. Monday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 72°F. Increasing clouds Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low around 50°F. Tuesday will be mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of showers, with a high near 67°F. Mostly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with local drizzle and a slight chance of showers. Low near 49°F. Wednesday will be mostly cloudy with a high near 66°F. Mostly cloudy Thursday as well, with mostly sunny conditions Friday and Saturday with highs in the 70's predicted.
Showers continue off and on for the next several days. Today will be cloudy and breezy with occasional showers (60% chance) and a high near 59°F. Mostly cloudy tonight and Sunday morning with a 20% chance of showers and a low around 50°F. Sunday will be partly cloudy with isolated showers (20% chance) and a high of about 63°F. Mostly cloudy again Sunday night and Monday morning with a 30% chance of showers and a low near 51°F. Monday will be mostly cloudy and the 30% chance of showers will continue with a high around 59°F. Mostly cloudy Monday night and Tuesday with a chance of showers. Low Tuesday morning of about 52°F. High Tuesday of 62°F. Tuesday through Friday are forecast to be partly cloudy with highs in the upper 60's.
There is a chance of showers for each of the next several days, although the best chances are today and on Monday and Tuesday. Mostly cloudy today with a 70% chance of showers and a high near 63°F. Tonight and Saturday morning will be mostly cloudy with areas of drizzle or light rain, and a low around 52°F. Rain chance is 30%. Saturday will be mostly cloudy with a high of about 65°F. More drizzle or light rain Saturday night and Sunday morning under mostly cloudy skies, with a low near 52°F. Sunday will be mostly cloudy with a high around 66°F. Mostly cloudy Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 50°F. Monday will be mostly cloudy and breezy with a chance of showers and a high of about 64°F. Chance of showers Tuesday, giving way to foggy mornings Wednesday and Thursday with partly cloudy afternoons and highs near 70°F.
Late forecast today; better than none! Following yesterday's surprise downpour, more rain is on the way. Tonight will feature increasing clouds with showers likely (60% chance) and a chance of thunderstorms, and a low around 53°F Friday morning. Friday will be mostly cloudy with a 60% chance of showers, thunderstorms possible, and a high near 62°F. Showers will decrease by afternoon. Mostly cloudy Friday night and Saturday morning with drizzle and a 20% chance of light showers and a low of about 52°F. Saturday will be mostly cloudy and cool with a high near 64°F and a slight chance of showers (20%). Mostly cloudy with drizzle and a 20% chance of light showers Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low around 52°F. Sunday looks much like Saturday; mostly cloudy again with a slight chance of showers and a high around 65°F. Chance of showers Monday and Tuesday, and partly cloudy Wednesday and Thursday.
Warmer weather comes to end today as clouds and showers are coming soon. Today will be mostly cloudy with a high near 78°F. Mostly clear tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 52°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny at first, but clouds will increase in the afternoon. The high will be about 67°F. Mostly cloudy Thursday night and Friday morning with a 40% chance of showers and a low near 51°F. Friday will be mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of showers and high around 62°F. Partly cloudy Friday night and Saturday morning with a low near 52°F. Saturday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 73°F. Partly cloudy days continue through Tuesday with highs in the 70's.
Continued nice weather for the next couple of days, then a chance of rain on Thursday and partly cloudy but otherwise nice for the weekend. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 82°F. Mostly clear tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 47°F. Wednesday will be much like today, mostly sunny with a high of about 82°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday night becoming mostly cloudy Thursday morning, with a low near 50°F. Thursday will be mostly cloudy with drizzle, and a slight (20%) chance of light showers. The high will be around 69°F. Mostly cloudy Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 48°F. Becoming partly cloudy on Friday with a high near 71°F. Partly cloudy Saturday through Monday with highs in the upper 70's.
Warmer and nice over the next few days, with a chance of rain Thursday night the only spoiler. Today will be sunny with a high near 84°F. Mostly clear tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 44°F. Expect mostly sunny conditions again Tuesday with a high of about 83°F. Mostly clear again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low near 44°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high around 82°F. Becoming mostly cloudy by Thursday morning with a low near 48°F. Thursday will be mostly cloudy with a high of 67°F. There is a chance of light rain or drizzle Thursday night and Friday morning. Partly cloudy Friday, and sunny with temperatures around 80°F for the weekend.

Lots of changes to the web site yesterday. The smog forecast from the South Coast Air Quality Management district, which includes a forecast for Temecula, is now on the links part of the page. I've reorganized some of the current conditions a little. And I've added a Frequently Asked Questions page.

Expect mostly sunny days the first half of the coming week with warmer, nice temperatures, followed by mostly cloudy conditions into next weekend. Today will be sunny with a high near 76°F. Mostly clear tonight and Monday morning with a low around 43°F. Mostly sunny Monday with a high of about 83°F. Mostly clear again Monday night with a low near 43°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high around 83°F. Wednesday night and Thursday morning might feature patchy night and morning fog; expect a low of about 44°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high again near 83°F. Variably cloudy Thursday through Saturday with high temperatures in the 60's and 70's.

The National Weather Service has told me this morning to use the new city forecast with caution. Apparently it isn't directly targeted to Temecula, but is just the midpoint of their forecast ranges for the Inland Empire. So much for my forecasting being a little easier...

Unexpected clear skies last night led to a chilly morning for this time of year. We also received an unexpected downpour mid-afternoon yesterday that wasn't in the forecast either. Temperatures should be warming the next several days to the more normal 70's and even 80's. Today will be mosty sunny with a high near 69°F. Patchy night and morning fog is expected tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 45°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 74°F. Patchy night and morning fog returns Sunday night and Monday morning with a low near 46°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high around 79°F. More patchy night and morning fog Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 47°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny and warmer still with a high near 81°F. Wednesday will be in the lower 80's as well, but Thursday and Friday will feature clouds and cooling temperatures into the 60's.

New today is the sponsors page. All addvertisers and sponsors on will be featured here. The about has been brought up to date as well. I've deployed the wired version of the tipping bucket rain gauge (I had been using a wireless version for a few months) at the tip of the backyard. It should now accurately capture rain from the east (if that ever happens).

Temperatures are cool again today, but the low clouds and fog is not as thick and warmer days are coming soon. Today will be partly cloudy with a high near 66°F. Expect partly cloudy conditions tonight with a low around 49°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 69°F. Night and morning patchy low clouds and fog expected Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 48°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high around 74°F. Mostly clear Sunday night and Monday morning, with a low of about 47°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high near 78°F. Tuesday and Wednesday will be mostly sunny with highs in the 70's, and increasing clouds are expected by Thursday.
No fog this morning and it was cooler than normal as a result. Fog and drizzle is expected the next few days, with mostly sunny and warmer weathe starting Sunday. Today will be partly cloudy with a high near 65°F. Patchy fog tonight and Friday morning with a low around 47°F. Friday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 66°F. Mostly cloudy Friday night and Saturday morning with drizzle and a low near 49°F. Turning partly cloudy Saturday afternoon with a high around 66°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of about 47°F. Sunday will become mostly sunny with a high near 73°F. Mostly sunny conditions are predicted through at least Wednesday with highs in the 70's.

I just discovered that the National Weather Service has started a Temecula forecast page (see the links for this page), which makes my forecasting job considerably easier, since their forecasts are targeted to their equipment in Old Town that reports highs and lows very, very similar to my equipment. This page will take a little of the guesswork out of my rewritten forecasts.

No break in the foggy, cloudy, cool weather pattern. Cloudy this morning with drizzle, then partly cloudy this afternoon with a high around 64°F. Mostly cloudy tonight and Thursday morning with a low near 49°F. Partly cloudy by Thursday afternoon with a high of about 65°F. Night and morning low clouds and drizzle Thursday night and Friday morning with a low around 49°F. Partly cloudy again Friday with a high near 65°F. More night and morning low clouds, fog, and drizzle Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 49°F. Saturday will again be partly cloudy with a high near 63°F. Warmer Sunday thoughr Tuesday with highs in the 70's.
Low clouds and fog, drizzle, then partly cloudy and cool sums it up for the next few days. Today will be partly cloudy with a high near 68°F. Areas of low clouds and fog tonight and Wednesday morning with drizzle possible and a low around 48°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday with a high of about 68°F. Night and morning low clouds, fog and drizzle Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 48°F. Partly cloudy again Thursday with a high around 68°F. Night and morning low clouds, fog and drizzle again Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 48°F. Partly cloudy and cool Friday with a high near 65°F. Partly cloudy and cool Saturday with highs in the 60's, mostly sunny Sunday and Monday with highs in the 70's.
A little light rain has crept into the forecast for today, followed by partly cloudy and mild conditions the rest of this week. Fog and drizzle this morning, followed by mostly cloudy conditions and a 40% chance of light rain, and a high around 66°F. Rainfall totals are expected to be less than 1/10th of an inch. Night and morning low clouds tonight and Tuesday morning with a low of about 50°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday with a high near 68°F. Expect night and morning low clouds again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low around 50°F. Partly cloudy again Wednesday with a high of about 69°F. Partly cloudy Thursday night with patchy night and morning low clouds and fog and a low near 47°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy with a high around 69°F. Friday is predicted to much like Thursday, and this coming weekend will feature partly cloudy days and temperatures in the 70's.

The latest news portion of the main page now only include the last three days, part of an attempt to keep the download size of the page down.

After yesterday's unexpected scorcher (only the second day above 90°F this year so far), today should be a little cooler, followed by much cooler days Monday and Tuesday. Mostly sunny today with a high around 85°F and windy conditions this afternoon. Mostly clear early tonight, then low clouds, fog, and drizzle into tomorrow morning with a low near 53°F. Monday will be be mostly cloudy with drizzle and a 20% chance of light rain and a high of about 66°F. Mostly cloudy conditions, drizzle or light rain continues Monday night with a low near 50°F Tuesday morning and morning fog. Tuesday afternoon will be partly cloudy with a high around 69°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night, with night and morning fog and a low of about 47°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be partly cloudy with a high near 68°F. Fog, then sun Thursday through Saturday with highs in the upper 70's predicted.
Fog is back in the forecast for the next week, but the afternoons for the most part are going to be sunny and nice. The fog layer will be less dense and leave sooner in the morning. Today will be sunny with a high near 84°F. Mostly clear tonight, except for locally dense fog and low clouds, and a low of about 50°F Sunday morning. Sunday will be mostly sunny and windy with a high around 82°F. Partly cloudy Sunday night with patchy low clouds and fog, and a low near 50°F Monday morning. Monday will be partly cloudy and cooler with a high near 68°F. More night and morning low clouds and fog Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of about 49°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high around 69°F. Foggy nights and mornings and mostly sunny afternoons are predicted through Friday, with highs in the 70's.
The seemingly endless series of days with night and morning fog is now predicted to stop for a while after Saturday, with mostly sunny and warm days for the next week. After the fog burns off, today will become mostly sunny and warm with a high near 80°F. Mostly clear tonight, except for patchy night and morning fog, with a low around 49°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be sunny and warm after the fog burns off with a high around 83°F. Mostly clear Saturday night with a low of about 45°F Sunday morning. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high near 83°F. Partly cloudy Sunday night with a low near 49°F Monday morning. Monday will be partly cloudy and cooler with a high around 77°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday with highs in the 70's, and mostly sunny Wednesday and Thursday with highs in the 80's.
Same old Spring forecast. Today will become mostly sunny, with high clouds, and a high around 81°F. Low clouds and fog return tonight and Friday morning with a low near 48°F. Friday will be partly cloudy in the late morning and afternoon with a high near 75°F. More low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 49°F. Saturday will be partly cloudy with a high arond 80°F. Low clouds and fog again Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low near 50°F. Partly cloudy again Sunday with a high near 79°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog, clearing to partly cloudy afternoons and highs in the 70's through Wednesday.
The fog persists but the days will be warmer. Today will start with dense low clouds and fog, followed by high clouds in the afternoon, and a high near 78°F. Low clouds and fog tonight and Thursday morning, with a low around 48°F. Thursday will be much the same, with partly cloudy late morning and afternoon conditions and a high of about 78°F. Low clouds and fog again Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 50°F. Friday will be partly cloudy with a high around 76°F. Low clouds and fog Friday night and Saturday morning as well, with a low of about 50°F. Saturday will be partly cloudy once again with a high near 76°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog and partly cloudy afternoons continue until Tuesday with highs in the 70's.

An ISP routing problem caused the site to be offline for about an hour last night near 10pm. The technology transition has been 100% completed.

The Temecula Valley is locked into a night and morning low clouds and fog pattern, followed by late morning and afternoon clearing. Today will feature high clouds after the fog and low clouds clear, with a high around 73°F. More night and morning low clouds and fog tonight and Wednesday morning with a low near 51°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy in the afternoon with a high of about 71°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog return once again Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low around 48°F. High clouds Thursday and warmer with a high near 78°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 49°F. High clouds again Friday with a high around 78°F. More of the same weather predicted through Monday.
No real change in our spring weather pattern: night and morning low clouds and fog predominate followed by partly cloudy or mostly sunny afternoons. Today will be partly cloudy after the low clouds and fog clear with a high near 69°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle tonight and Tuesday morning with a low around 51°F. Tuesday will feature only partial afternoon clearing of fog with a high around 68°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog with drizzle return Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 51°F. Only partial clearing again Wednesday with a high near 69°F. Areas of night and morning low clouds and fog Wednesday night with a low of about 48°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be mostly sunny in the afternoon with a high around 75°F. Warmer through Sunday with mostly sunny afternoons and highs in the 70's.

Most of the site was transitioned to Java Server Pages technology yesterday. Except for a very small piece, the entire site is now served up using Apache Tomcat version 4. This will allow easier development of additional site features going forward, plus it will help separate the content from the presentation, easing maintenance. For most people, the only cosmetic change is that all of the pages now have a .jsp extenstion. Look for more new features and updated pages soon now that this is very nearly complete.

Mild days with night and morning fog are going to be with us for the next week. Today will be mostly cloudy with a high near 65°F. Tonight will be mostly clear, except for late night to mid-morning low clouds and fog, and a low around 48°F Monday morning. Mostly sunny Monday with a high near 71°F. Monday night will be much like Sunday night, with late night low clouds and fog lasting until mid-morning Tuesday, and a low of about 47°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny in the afternoon with a high near 72°F. Night and morning low clouds and fog return Tuesday night with a low around 49°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be partly cloudy in the afternoon with a high near 69°F.
Cloudy skies and morning fog are the dominant features in the current weather pattern. Today will be mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of showers and a high near 63°F. Partly cloudy tonight, with late night to mid-morning low clouds and fog, and a low around 48°F. Sunday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 72°F. Partly cloudy again Sunday night with late night to mid-morning low clouds and fog, and a low near 48°F Monday morning. Similar conditions on Monday, with partly cloudy skies and a high around 73°F. Partly cloudy Monday night, with night and morning low clouds and fog, and a low of about 47°F. Partly cloudy again Tuesday, with a high near 73°F. Partly cloudy conditions will persist through Friday with highs in the 70's.
Partly cloudy days will be the dominant weather pattern for a while, with a smattering of light showers early this weekend and cool temperatures. Mostly cloudy this morning with patchy fog, giving way to a partly cloudy afternoon and a high near 67°F. Tonight will be mostly cloudy through tomorrow morning with a 30% chance of light showers and a low around 50°F. Partly cloudy Saturday afternoon with a 30% chance of light showers and a high near 66°F. Mostly clear Saturday night, except for areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, and a low of about 47°F Sunday morning. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high near 71°F. Partly cloudy Sunday night, with areas of night and morning low clouds and fog, and a low around 49°F Monday morning. Monday will be partly cloudy and warmer with a high near 76°F. Expect partly cloudy and warmer conditions with highs in the mid to upper 70's through Thursday.

Apologies for missing yesterday's forecast.

We're into a springtime pattern of morning low clouds and fog, followed by mostly sunny afternoons for the most part and mild temperatures. Today will be mostly sunny after the fog clears, with a high around 70°F. Mostly clear tonight, with patchy low clouds and drizzle late, and a low near 50°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be mostly sunny by afternoon with a high of about 71°F. Mostly cloudy Thursday night, with morning patch low clouds, fog and drizzle, and a low around 50°F Friday morning. Friday will be mostly cloudy with a high near 67°F. Mostly cloudy Friday night with a low of about 47°F. Saturday will become mostly sunny with a high around 71°F. Mostly sunny conditions are forecast for Sunday through Tuesday with high in the mid to upper 70's.
Foggy nights and mornings followed by mostly sunny or partly cloudy days continues. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 73°F. Expect mostly clear conditions tonight, with low clouds and fog late, and a low around 48°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 71°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night, except for night and morning low clouds and fog, with a low near 48°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be mostly sunny with high around 71°F. Partly cloudy Thursday night, except for night and morning low clouds and fog, with a low of about 49°F. Friday will be partly cloudy with a high near 70°F. Partly cloudy Saturday, and mostly sunny Sunday and Monday with temperatures in the 70's.

I have purchased and received yet another rain gauge after the failure of my original gauge a while back. This means I have almost two complete weather stations operating at this point (with the exception of a humidity sensor on the second).

There is a dense fog advisory in place until 9am with drizzle possible. Driving in some places of the Temecula Valley and on commutes (north especially) are anticipated to be hazardous due to pockets of dense fog. Please be careful this morning!

After the fog burns off, the rest of the day will be mostly sunny with a high near 76°F. Mostly clear tonight, with low clouds and fog late and a low of about 48°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny in the afternoon with a high near 73°F. Mostly clear again starting Tuesday night, with low clouds and fog once again Wednesday morning and a low around 48°F. Wednesday will again be mostly sunny with a high of about 74°F. Mostly clear again Wednesday night, with late night and morning low clouds and fog and a low near 48°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be partly cloudy with a high around 75°F. Partly cloudy conditions are predicted through Sunday with highs in the 70's.

Happy Easter! We're in for night and morning low clouds and fog, followed by beautiful mostly sunny, mild days for the next week. The fog is lifting today, followed by mostly sunny and warm conditions; high around 81°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with night and morning low clouds and fog and a low near 48°F. Mostly sunny and mild on Monday with a high of about 76°F. Monday night will be mostly clear again with night and morning low clouds and fog and low near 48°F Tuesday morning. Mostly sunny again Tuesday with a high near 73°F. Tuesday night will be mostly clear with night and morning low clouds and fog and a low near 49°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be mostly sunny once again with a high near 72°F. Mostly sunny and mild with highs in the 70's through next weekend.
It should be a sunny, nice weekend only interrupted with some low clouds and fog. Expect sunny conditions today with a high near 78°F. Tonight will be mostly clear except for low clouds and fog and a low near 47°F Sunday morning. Easter Sunday will be mostly sunny and warmer, with a high around 82°F. Occasional high clouds Sunday night, with a low of about 48°F. Monday will also feature occasional high clouds and a high near 77°F. Mostly clear Monday night with a low around 46°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 75°F. Mostly sunny conditions are predicted for the rest of the week with highs in the mid to upper 70's.

The web server was down for about an hour yesterday afternoon as part of the technology upgrade I'm doing on the web site. There will be more of this sporadically coming up.

We are going to have mostly sunny and nice weather for the next week or so. Partly cloudy this morning, turning mostly sunny this afternoon with a high near 72°F. Mostly clear tonight with a low around 42°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 76°F. Mostly clear again Saturday night with a low near 42°F Sunday morning. Mostly sunny Sunday with a high around 76°F. Sunday night will be mostly clear with a low of about 44°F Monday morning. Mostly sunny again Monday with a high near 80°F. Mostly sunny conditions continue through Thursday with highs near 80°F.
Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers, mainly tonight, through Friday, with a nice sunny weekend coming up. Mostly cloudy today with a 20% chance of showers, mainly this afternoon, and a high near 65°F. The main chance of showers is tonight, with still only a 30% chance, and a low of about 48°F Friday morning. Mostly cloudy Friday morning, becoming partly cloudy Friday afternoon, with a high around 69°F. Friday night will be mostly clear with a low around 44°F Saturday morning. Mostly sunny Saturday with a high near 76°F. Mostly clear Saturday night with a low of about 44°F Sunday morning. Sunday will be mostly sunny again with a high around 80°F. Mostly sunny conditions continue through Wednesday with highs near 80°F.

Yesterday's forecast was way off, unfortunately. Sorry about that, but everyone that forecasted missed the cool temperatures as well (everyone predicted 70's).

Chance of sprinkles starting tonight through Friday, followed by nice sunny weather for the weekend. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 78°F. Mostly cloudy tonight with less than a 20% chance of showers and a low around 48°F Thursday morning. Expect mostly cloudy conditions Thursday with a 20% chance of showers and a high of about 74°F. Thursday night will be mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of showers and a low near 48°F Friday morning. The 20% chance of showers continues Friday, becoming partly cloudy by afternoon, with a high around 76°F. Mostly clear Friday night with a low of about 45°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high near 80°F, with similar conditions predicted through Tuesday.
Partly cloudy conditions today and tomorrow will give way to a storm coming through the Temecula Valley beginning Wednesday night. Today will be partly cloudy with a high around 74°F. Partly cloudy tonight with a low near 45°F Wednesday morning. Expect partly cloudy conditions again Wednesday with a high of about 76°F. Mostly cloudy Wednesday night with a few sprinkles possible (chance of showers 20%), and a low around 49°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be mostly cloudy with a less than 20% chance of showers and a high near 74°F. Mostly cloudy Thursday night with a chance of showers and a low around 48°F Friday morning. Friday will start mostly cloudy with a chance of showers, then become partly cloudy in the afternoon with a high of about 75°F. Sunny and warm Saturday through Monday with highs in the 80's.
Partly cloudy conditions will stay away for a day but dominate the Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, even though daytime temperatures will be nice. Mostly sunny today with a high near 69°F. Partly cloudy tonight with a low near 43°F tomorrow morning. Tuesday will be partly cloudy with a high around 77°F. Partly cloudy again Tuesday night with a low near 43°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will again be partly cloudy with a high of about 77°F. Expect mostly cloudy conditions Wednesday night with a low around 45°F. Chance of showers on Thursday with a high near 67°F. Chance of showers Friday as well, and mostly sunny and warm next weekend with temperatures in the 80's.
As the storms moved out that dropped very little rain, we'll see partly cloudy skies and mild temperatures much of the rest of the week. 40% chance of showers early this morning, followed by partly cloudy and breezy conditions this afternoon and a high near 63°F. Tonight will be partly cloudy with areas of fog tomorrow morning and a low around 46°F. Expect partly cloudy conditions Monday with a high of about 68°F. Partly cloudy Monday night with areas of fog Tuesday morning and a low near 43°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy and warmer with a high near 74°F. Partly cloudy again Tuesday night with a low around 45°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be partly cloudy once again with a high of about 74°F. Parly cloudy Thursday as well, and a chance of showers on Friday.
The storms that were going to miss us to the north aren't, and it looks like the Temecula Valley will be hit by showers on and off the entire weekend. Some light rain has already occurred this morning, and today will be mostly cloudy with showers likely the rest of the morning (70% chance). The high will be near 63°F. Mostly cloudy tonight and breezy with a 50% chance of showers and a low near 48°F. The bulk of the rain is expected to fall tonight and early Sunday morning, and is predicted to be around 0.10". Sunday will be mostly cloudy and breezy in the morning with a 40% chance of showers, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon with a high around 63°F. Partly cloudy Sunday night with a low of about 46°F Monday morning. Monday will be partly cloudy with a high near 68°F. Mostly clear Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low around 45°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high near 71°F. Chance of showers returns Wednesday and partly cloudy conditions are expected for Thursday and Friday.
Milder temperatures and partly cloudy skies (except for today) are on tap for a while as a low pressure system slowly moves over Southern California. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 78°F. Tonight will be partly cloudy with low clouds and fog possible tomorrow morning and a low around 45°F. Partly cloudy Saturday as well with a 30% chance of drizzle or light rain and a high near 68°F. Partly cloudy again Saturday night with low clouds and fog again possible Sunday morning and a low of about 43°F. Sunday will be partly cloudy again with a high near 68°F. Partly cloudy again Sunday night with low clouds and fog possible again Monday morning and a low near 43°F. Monday will be partly cloudy as well with a high around 68°F. Partly cloudy skies and highs in the upper 60's are forecast through Thursday.
A low pressure system will begin moving onshore today, bringing cooler and milder weather for the next few days. It looks like the previously expected storm will miss to the north. Partly cloudy and warm today with a high near 84°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with a low around 44°F Friday morning. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 78°F. Partly cloudy Friday night, with low clouds and fog Saturday morning and a low near 46°F. Saturday will be partly cloudy with a high around 68°F. Mostly clear Saturday night with early morning low clouds and fog and a low near 44°F. Mostly sunny on Sunday with a high around 71°F. Monday and Tuesday will be mostly sunny with highs in the 70's; partly cloudy on Wednesday.
High pressure is in position bringing warm sunny skies for the next couple of days, then will weaken for the weekend, leading to a chance of showers on Sunday. Today will be mostly sunny with a high around 79°F. Expect mostly clear conditions tonight and Thursday morning with a low around 42°F. Mostly sunny Thursday as well and warmer with a high near 83°F. Mostly clear again Thursday night with a low of about 42°F Friday morning. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high near 76°F. Conditions will become partly cloudy overnight Friday, with low clouds and fog possible Saturday morning and a low near 48°F. Saturday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 72°F. Chance of showers is now forecast for Sunday and Monday.
High pressure has established itself and warmer temperatures and sunny days will be here for a few days. Today will be sunny with a high around 73°F and northeast winds possible. Expect mostly clear conditions tonight with a low around 41°F Wednesday morning. Mostly sunny on Wednesday and warmer with a high near 79°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night again with a low around 42°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be much like Wednesday, mostly sunny with a high of about 79°F. Becoming partly cloudy Thursday night and Friday morning with a low near 46°F. Friday will be partly cloudy with a high around 72°F. Chance of showers forecast for Saturday through Monday.
Showers continue today, after some heavy rainfall at time last night, first followed by weak high pressure and mild temperatures much of this week, and then more showers next weekend. Mostly cloudy with 50% chance of showers this morning, followed by a partly cloudy afternoon and a high near 59°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with gusty northeast winds possible and a low of about 36°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 71°F. Expect mostly clear conditions again Tuesday night with a low near 39°F Wednesday morning. Mostly sunny again Wednesday with a high around 70°F. Conditions will become partly cloudy Wednesday night with a low of about 42°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be partly cloudy with a high near 69°F. Partly cloudy again Friday, and mostly cloudy with chance of showers Saturday and Sunday.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today has started out partly cloudy and windy, much like yesterday, but it will be mostly cloudy later on this afternoon with a 20% chance of showers. Winds will continue to be strong and the high will be near 58°F. Showers should be frequent tonight with a 90% chance predicted, with strong winds predicted, and may be mixed with thunderstorms and hail. This storm may drop a considerable amount of rain tonight, with up to 0.3" expected by 10pm tonight and another 0.4" by sunrise tomorrow morning. Expect a low of about 40°F Monday morning. Showers will be likely Monday morning (60% chance), with snow levels near 3000 feet, giving way to partly cloudy and windy conditions in the afternoon and a high of about 58°F. Mostly clear Monday night with a low around 38°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high near 65°F. Partly cloudy conditions return Tuesday night with a low of about 40°F Wednesday morning. Partly cloudy Wednesday with a high around 68°F. Partly cloudy also Thursday and Friday, with the next chance of rain on Saturday.
There were a few sprinkles last night, and there is a chance of a few today, but the main chance of showers will come Sunday night and Monday. Expect partly cloudy and breezy conditions today with a high around 61°F. The chance of showers today is mainly near the mountains, and is less than 20%. Tonight will be partly cloudy with a low near 36°F Sunday morning. Mostly cloudy and breezy conditions Sunday with a 20% chance of showers and a high near 61°F. Showers become likely (60% chance) Sunday night with a 60% chance and a low of about 44°F. Chance of showers is 60% for Monday as well with a high around 59°F. Becoming partly cloudy Monday night with a low around 38°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be partly cloudy with a high near 68°F. Expect partly cloudy conditions through Friday with highs near 70°F.
It's now looking like the storm coming in Sunday and Monday won't deliver significant amounts of much needed rain. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 70°F. Expect partly cloudy and cold conditions tonight and Saturday morning with frost possible and a low of about 32°F. Saturday will be partly cloudy and breezy with a high around 63°F. Partly cloudy again Saturday night with a low of about 38°F Sunday morning. Conditions will become mostly cloudy Sunday with a 30% chance of showers and a high near 58°F. Mostly cloudy Sunday night with a chance of showers and a low around 42°F Monday morning. Monday will also be mostly cloudy with a chance of showers or thunderstorms, and a high around 60°F. After that, look for partly cloudy condition through Thursday with highs in the 60's to low 70's.
Mostly sunny and cool conditions the next couple of days followed by a solid chance of rain showers starting Sunday through the middle of next week. Mostly sunny and breezy today with a high near 64°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with a low around 38°F Friday morning. Mostly sunny Friday and breezy again with a high of about 65°F. Friday night will be mostly clear with low near 38°F Saturday morning. Mostly sunny again Saturday with the high around 62°F. Saturday night will start mostly clear, then become mostly cloudy Sunday morning with a low near 42°F. Sunday will be mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and a high of about 58°F. Showers predicted again for Monday through Wednesday, mostly Tuesday and Wednesday.
Offshore flow will lead to partly cloudy conditions the rest of this week, with a chance of showers possible starting Sunday. Today will be partly cloudy and breezy with a high near 67°F. Partly cloudy tonight with a low around 46°F tomorrow morning. Thursday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 63°F. Expect partly cloudy conditions Thursday night with a low Friday morning around 43°F. Partly cloudy Friday as well with a high near 61°F. Friday night continues partly cloudy conditions with a low of about 42°F Saturday morning. Expect partly cloudy conditions again Saturday with a high near 61°F. Chance of showers begins Sunday and continues through Tuesday.
Except for today, conditions are going to be partly cloudy for a while with onshore winds and mild temperatures. Today will be mostly sunny with a high near 80°F. Mostly clear tonight with low clouds and fog Wednesday morning and a low around 46°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy and breezy with a high of about 68°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low near 40°F. Expect partly cloudy conditions again Thursday with a high around 65°F. Partly cloudy Thursday night with a low Thursday morning around 40°F. Friday will be partly cloudy as well with a high of 66°F. Partly cloudy conditions continue with temperatures in the 60's through Monday.
Mostly sunny and mild conditions are on tap for the next few days. Today will be mostly sunny with a high around 75°F. Partly cloudy tonight with a low Monday morning near 45°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 77°F. Mostly clear Monday night except for patchy low clouds and fog Tuesday morning and a low around 46°F. Mostly sunny again Tuesday with a high around 75°F. Tuesday night will be mostly clear with patchy low clouds and fog Wednesday morning and a low near 46°F. Mostly sunny and cooler Wednesday with a high of about 68°F. Partly cloudy conditions with highs in the 60's are forecast for Thursday through Saturday.
Rainfall is gone from the weekend forecast as the second storm passes to the north. Mostly sunny today with a high around 73°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with a low of about 40°F. Mostly sunny again Sunday with a high around 75°F. Sunday night will be mostly clear with a low of 45°F Monday morning and patchy low clouds and fog late. Mostly sunny again Monday with a high around 75°F. Mostly clear again Monday night with low clouds and fog in spots Tuesday morning and a low around 46°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny once again with a high around 73°F. Mostly sunny Wednesday, and partly cloudy conditions are forecast for Thursday and Friday.
A disappointing storm will give way to weak high pressure Saturday, followed by another chance of rain late Sunday and Monday. Today will be mostly cloudy early, with a slight (20%) chance of showers, giving way to a partly cloudy afternoon with a high around 66°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with a low around 38°F Saturday morning. Expect mostly sunny conditions Saturday with eastern winds possible and a high around 73°F. The high pressure will weaken Saturday night with partly cloudy conditions expected and a low of about 42°F Sunday morning. Sunday will be feature increasing clouds with a 20% chance of showers late in the day a high of 65°F. Mostly cloudy Sunday night and Monday morning with a low around 48°F and a chance of morning showers. Monday will be mostly cloudy with a high around 65°F. It looks like mostly sunny conditions for Tuesday through Thursday of next week.
Only light showers so far, and scattered showers for today, but another storm system will bring a chance of showers late Sunday and Monday. Today will be mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of scattered showers and a high around 61°F. Predictions still call for 0.3" of rainfall today. A 40% chance of showers lingers into tonight and tomorrow morning, with generally mostly cloudy conditions and a low around 47°F Friday morning. Friday will be partly cloudy during the afternoon with a high of about 66°F. Mostly clear Friday night with a low of 41°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high of 72°F. Mostly clear Saturday night with a low of 44°F Sunday morning. Increasing clouds Sunday with a chance of showers late in the day as another storm system enters the area. Expect a high around 69°F. The chance of showers continues through Monday, with partly cloudy conditions predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday.
An approaching Pacific storm will bring showers and rain starting tonight through Thursday night. Mostly cloudy today with a high of 68°F. Mostly cloudy tonight as well with a 50% chance of showers and a low around 47°F. Showers will be likely Thursday (70% chance) with mostly cloudy conditions and a high around 60°F. Showers continue Thursday night with a slight chance of showers Friday morning as well, and a low of about 48°F. Total rainfall for the Temecula Valley is estimated at 0.4". Conditions will become partly cloudy Friday afternoon with a high around 65°F. Partly cloudy Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 40°F. Expect partly cloudy conditions Saturday as well with a high of 72°F. Mostly cloudy Sunday and Monday with another chance of showers starting late Sunday.
An offshore weather system will bring a chance of scattered showers to the Temecula Valley by Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Today will be mostly sunny with a high around 77°F. Mostly clear tonight with low clouds and fog late and a low of about 40°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be mostly cloudy with a high of about 68°F. Mostly cloudy conditions Wednesday night with a 40% chance of showers and a low of 45°F. Mostly cloudy Thursday as well with a 40% chance of showers throughout the day and a high around 62°F. Chance of showers continues Thursday night, becoming partly cloudy Friday morning with a low around 41°F. Partly cloudy Friday with a high around 71°F, and partly cloudy conditions are expected to persist through the weekend.
Sunny and mild conditions over the next couple of days, followed by partly cloudy conditions and a chance of rain on Thursday. Today will be sunny with a high of 74°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with a low of about 34°F Tuesday morning. Expect mostly sunny conditions Tuesday with a high around 73°F. Tuesday night will be partly cloudy, with patchy low clouds and fog late, and a low of about 40°F Wednesday morning. Partly cloudy Wednesday with a high around 70°F. Becoming mostly cloudy overnight Thursday with a low of 45°F. Mostly cloudy on Thursday with a chance of showers and a high of 62°F. Partly cloudy conditions with temperatures near 70 forecasted for Friday through Sunday.
Gusty winds from the east will give way to mostly sunny and warm conditions for the first part of the week. Today's windy conditions should subside some by the afternoon, which will be sunny with a high around 76°F. Tonight will be mostly clear and cool with a low around 36°F Monday morning. Expect mostly sunny conditions Monday with a high of 80°F. Mostly clear Monday night as well with a low of about 38°F. Tuesday will be mostly sunny as well with a high of 76°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low around 39°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy as the weather pattern changes with a high of about 72°F. Thursday bring mostly cloudy conditions with the first chance of rain in a while.
Strong wrong way winds are predicted through noon on Sunday as a result of high pressure aloft. Today will be sunny with northeast winds gusting to 40 miles per hour and a high of about 71°F. Clear and windy tonight as well and tomorrow morning with a low around 39°F. Windy and sunny on Sunday with stronger northeast winds in the morning and warmer with a high around 75°F. Mostly clear Sunday night with a low of 38°F Monday morning. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high of 77°F. Mostly clear Monday night with patchy low clouds and fog Tuesday morning and a low of about 42°F. Expect mostly sunny conditions Tuesday with a high around 72°F. Wednesday through Friday is looking partly cloudy with highs in the 60's.
A little drizzle this morning has caused the first measured precipitation in a while, but after two dry months in the middle of the rainy season, the first week of March looks to be dry as well. It will be mostly sunny later on today with northeast winds possible and a high of 68°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with strong northeast winds possible and a low of 42°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny and windy, with gusts between 30 and 40 miles per hour, and a high around 65°F. Expect very windy conditions Saturday night and Sunday morning, with a low of about 42°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny with a high of 75°F. Mostly clear Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of about 39°F. And mostly sunny again Monday with a high around 75°F. Partly cloudy conditions forecast for Tuesday through Thursday with highs in the 60's.

We missed badly on the forecast for the first time in a while yesterday. Sorry, forecasting is hard!

Strong winds are predicted for this weekend as high pressure, weak today, establishes itself. Today will be mostly sunny with a high around 76°F. Mostly clear tonight with night and morning clouds and a low of about 45°F tomorrow morning. Mostly sunny with northeast wind gusts possible Friday, and a high of 68°F. Friday night will be mostly clear and windy with a low around 45°F. Expect mostly sunny and very windy conditions Saturday with a high of 65°F. Mostly clear and windy Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of 45°F. Mostly sunny and very windy Sunday as well with a high of 70°F. Breezy Monday, with highs in the 70's, and partly cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday, with highs in the 60's.
Weak high pressure continues to remain in place into next week, leading to continued unseasonably warm temperatures and occasional wrong way winds. Today will be partly cloudy with a high of 86°F. Expect partly cloudy conditions tonight and Thursday morning as well with a low around 47°F. Partly cloudy again Thursday with a high around 83°F. Mostly clear Thursday night, with areas of low clouds and fog Friday morning and a low of about 46°F. Friday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high of 78°F. Mostly clear again Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of about 45°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high of 80°F, with highs in the upper 70's continuing through Tuesday.
Weak high pressure aloft continues to dominate the weather pattern, taking a break on Wednesday and Thursday but otherwise leading to warm, mostly sunny days. Like today, which will be mostly sunny with a high of about 85°F and northeast winds possible. Partly cloudy tonight with a low around 48°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be partly cloudy and warm with a high around 84°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday night as well, with low clouds and fog Thursday morning and a low of about 47°F. Thursday will again be partly cloudy and warm with a high of 83°F. Mostly clear Thursday night with a low of 44°F Friday morning. Friday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high of 80°F, followed by similar days through next Monday.
Warm, nice weather continues today. Looks like another mostly sunny day today, with a high of 82°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with a low of about 47°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with northeast winds possible and a high again around 82°F. Mostly clear again Tuesday night with a low Wednesday morning of about 46°F. Expect mostly sunny conditions Wednesday and a high of about 81°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low of 47°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy with a high of 79°F.
Weak high pressure appears to be reasserting itself, leading to mostly sunny conditions today, winds possible from the northeast, and a high of about 77°F. Mostly clear tonight with low clouds and fog possible Monday morning and a low around 45°F. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high around 79°F. Mostly clear again Monday night with a low once again around 45°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 82°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday morning with a low of about 46°F. Partly cloudy Wednesday and breezy with a high of 75°F. Mostly sunny and slightly cooler temperatures in the 70's through Saturday. With no moisture in the forecast for the rest of February, this looks to be one of the driest Februarys I can remember.
After a rare winter 90°F scorcher, high pressure is giving way to onshore flow, and a partly cloudy morning will give way to a mostly sunny and breezy afternoon with a high around 77°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with low clouds and fog Sunday morning and a low of about 42°F. Expect a partly cloudy day on Sunday with a high of 73°F. Mostly clear Sunday night with a low of 41°F Monday morning. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high of 75°F. Mostly clear again Monday night with a low of 41°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny once again with a high around 75°F. Looking forward, there will be mostly sunny days through next Friday with highs in the 60's and 70's.
The Santa Ana winds continue today with very warm temperatures, near record highs. Mostly sunny with a high of 91°F. Mostly clear tonight with a low of 48°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny and cooler with a high around 78°F. Mostly clear Saturday night with a low of 48°F again Sunday morning. Sunday will also be mostly sunny with a high of about 76°F. Mostly clear Sunday night with a low Monday morning around 45°F. Mostly sunny once again Monday with a high of 76°F. Nice mostly sunny weather looks to last until Thursday, when things become partly cloudy.
The northeast winds are up and blowing, it's already surprisingly warm and it's going to be very warm today. Mostly sunny for today with a high of 81°F. Mostly clear tonight with wrong way winds possible and a low of 49°F Friday morning. Expect mostly sunny conditions and an even warmer day Friday with a high of 85°F. Friday night will be mostly clear with a low around 44°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high of about 78°F. Mostly clear again Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of 45°F. Mostly sunny Sunday as well with a high of 76°F. No rain in sight: mostly sunny conditions look to continue through next Wednesday at least.

I've provided a special condensed page for use at Chaparral High School in Temecula, for use on their closed-circuit TV channel periodically throughout the day. Thanks to Lincoln King-Cliby for the opportunity to provide such high profile content.

Nice weather conditions return with a buildup of high pressure. Mostly sunny today with a high around 72°F. Mostly clear tonight with a low of 47°F Thursday morning. Expect a mostly sunny day Thursday with a high of 82°F, with winds from the northeast possible. Mostly clear again Thursday night with a low of 52°F. Friday will be mostly sunny again, with northeast winds once again possible, and a high of 85°F. Friday night will be mostly clear with late night low clouds and fog possible Saturday morning, and a low around 45°F. Mostly sunny conditions Saturday with a high of about 76°F, and mostly sunny conditions continue into next week with highs in the 70's.
Partly cloudy conditions continue today with a high around 66°F. Partly cloudy again tonight with a low of 38°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be partly cloudy as well with a high of 75°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night with a low of 44°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high of 79°F as our weather pattern changes over to offshore flow once again. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of 45°F. Friday will again be mostly sunny with a high of 82°F. Mostly sunny this weekend as well, but not quite as warm with temperatures in the 70's.
After a mild storm, we're in for a couple of cool days followed by some warm and mostly sunny weather later in the week. Today, President's Day, will be partly cloudy with a high of 59°F. Partly cloudy again tonight with a low around 40°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be partly cloudy as well with a high of 62°F. Partly cloudy conditions continue Tuesday night with a low of 43°F Wednesday morning. Partly cloudy Wednesday as well but warming with a high of about 71°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low around 43°F. Mostly sunny Thursday with a high of 78°F, with sunny conditions and temperature in the mid-70's to near 80 through Sunday.
Looks like the rain is coming sooner than last forecast. Mostly cloudy today with light rain, changing to scattered showers in the afternoon. The rain chance for today is 80%, and the high will be around 57°F. Mostly cloudy tonight with showers likely early (60% chance), decreasing overnight, with a low of 44°F Monday morning. Rainfall totals from this storm have been revised to about 0.2". President's Day will be partly cloudy with a high around 61°F. Partly cloudy Monday night as well, with a low of 40°F Tuesday morning. Partly cloudy again Tuesday with a high around 66°F. Tuesday night should be mostly clear with a low of 42°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 72°F, and mostly sunny weather is forecast for the rest of the week, with highs approaching or exceeding 80°F.

Apologies to those trying to access the mobile site the past few days; it had been down due a misconfiguration.

Hard to believe we've gotten this far in February, traditionally a wet month, without any precipitation. That may be about to change. This afternoon is goin to be mostly sunny after a cloudy morning, with a high around 67°F. There is a 20% chance of light rain tonight with mostly cloudy conditions and a low of about 46°F. Mostly cloudy on Sunday as a storm begins to move in, with a 40% chance of showers and a high around 60°F. Rain will be likely Sunday night and Monday morning (60% chance) with mostly cloudy conditions and a low of 40°F. The showers will taper off Monday to a partly cloudy afternoon and a high of 62°F. Predictions for the storm are currently about 0.3" total for Sunday morning through Monday afternoon. Partly cloudy conditions will continue Monday night and Tuesday morning with lows around 38°F, and into Tuesday with a high of 65°F. Mostly sunny Wednesday through Friday with highs approaching or exceeding 80°F.
Partly cloudy conditions continue again today with high clouds and a high of 73°F. Continued partly cloudy tonight with low clouds and fog Saturday morning and a low around 44°F. Partly cloudy Saturday as well with a high of 72°F. Becoming mostly cloudy Saturday night with a 20% chance of showers in early Sunday morning and a low of 48°F. Sunday will be mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of showers and a high of 57°F. Rainfall amounts should be no more than 0.20". Partly cloudy Sunday night and Monday morning with a low around 38°F. President's Day will be partly cloudy with a high of 65°F. Mostly sunny conditions with highs in the 70's are forecast for the rest of next week.
Happy Valentine's Day! Partly cloudy today with a high around 72°F. Partly cloudy tonight, becoming mostly cloudy by Friday morning with patchy low clouds and fog and drizzle, with a low of 42°F. Partly cloudy Friday afternoon with a high of 68°F. Mostly cloudy Friday night with patchy low clouds, fog and drizzle Saturday morning, and a low of 45°F. Mostly cloudy Saturday during the day with a high around 67°F. Mostly cloudy Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low of 44°F. Mostly cloudy Sunday with a chance of showers and a high of 58°F. Partly cloudy and cool for President's Day, and mostly sunny and cool for Tuesday and Wednesday.
The high pressure pattern is beginning to break down, and today will see partly cloudy conditions with northeast winds possible and a high of 76°F. Partly cloudy tonight as well with areas of low clouds and fog Thursday morning with a low around 40°F. Partly cloudy again on Thursday with a high of 69°F. Thursday night will be partly cloudy as well, with morning low clouds and fog Friday and a low of 41°F. Expect partly cloudy conditions once again on Friday with a high of 68°F. Partly cloudy again Friday night with a low of 42°F. Cooler and partly cloudy Saturday with a high around 63°F. Chance of showers is now in the forecast for Sunday and Monday, President's Day.
Mostly sunny and warm again today with northeast winds possible and a high of 80°F. Mostly clear tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 41°F. Continued mostly sunny and warm Wednesday with a high around 76°F. Becoming partly cloudy Wednesday night with areas of low clouds and fog Thursday morning and a low of about 40°F. Partly cloudy Thursday with a high around 69°F. Continued partly cloudy Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of about 38°F. Friday will be partly cloudy again with a high of 68°F, with partly cloudy conditions continuing through Monday.
The wind gusts died down as of midnight after an unusual couple of days that saw the highest wind gusts recorded in the year that the anemometer has been in operation. Today will be mostly sunny and warm with some wind possible and a high of 80°F. Mostly clear tonight with a low around 38°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 75°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night with a low of about 38°F once again Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high around 73°F. Becoming partly cloudy Wednesday night with a low of 38°F Thursday morning. Partly cloudy Thursday with a high of 68°F. Partly cloudy conditions are predicted to continue through Sunday.
The nasty wind gusts continue today in excess of 40 mph, slowing to 30 mph or less in the afternoon. The worst recorded last night was 49 mph! For those of you with east facing houses the speeds are likely even greater; the anemometer that records for is on a west slope and the winds are coming from the east.

Today will be mostly sunny, windy, very dry and warm with a high of 75°F. Clear and continued windy (although less so) tonight and tomorrow morning with a low of about 47°F. Monday will be mostly sunny and warm with winds possible to 35 mph and a high of 77°F. Mostly clear Monday night and Tuesday morning with a low of 38°F. Mostly sunny Tuesday and cooler with a high of about 72°F. Tuesday night will be mostly clear with a low Wednesday morning of 38°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy with a high of 69°F.

We're getting strong wrong way wind gusts this morning, up to 32mph so far. Sunny and warm today with a high around 79°F. Tonight might still be windy and the low tomorrow morning will be around 43°F. Sunday will be very similar to today, with strong wind gusts possible, sunny, and a high around 78°F. Clear and cooler Sunday night with a low of about 38°F Monday morning. Mostly sunny and possibly breezy Monday as well with a high of 78°F. Mostly clear Monday night with a low of 36°F on Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be partly cloudy with a high 70°F, and partly cloudy conditions are expected to persist the rest of next week.
Apologies for missing yesterday's forecast; I'm on travel and time is not cooperating. Mostly sunny today with a high of 70°F. Mostly clear tonight with a low of 37°F Saturday morning. Much warmer Saturday with northeast winds possible, mostly sunny conditions, and a high of 82°F. Expect mostly clear conditions Saturday night with a low of 36°F Sunday morning. Much the same Sunday: mostly sunny, northeast winds possible, and a high of 81°F. Mostly clear Sunday night with a low around 36°F Monday morning. Monday will be partly cloudy with a high of about 75°F. Partly cloudy and cooler Tuesday through next Thursday.
Sunny yet again today, with a high of 75°F. Mostly clear yet again tonight, with a low of 36°F Thursday morning. Expect mostly sunny conditions on Thursday with a high of 73°F. Thursday night will be mostly clear with some patchy morning fog possible Friday morning and a low around 36°F. Mostly sunny and a little cooler Friday with a high of 71°F. Mostly clear Friday night and Saturday morning with a low of 36°F. Warmer Saturday but still mostly sunny with a high of 79°F. Warm Sunday as well before partly cloudy conditions take over Monday and Tuesday.
Sunny and warm today, much like yesterday, with northeast winds possible until afternoon and a high of 78°F. Mostly clear and cool tonight with a low Wednesday morning of 35°F. Expect mostly sunny conditions on Wednesday with a high of 73°F. Wednesday night will be pretty much like tonight, with mostly clear conditions and a low of 35°F Thursday morning. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high of 73°F. Mostly clear again on Thursday night with a low of 37°F Friday morning. Friday will be mostly sunny and warmer with a high of 78°F. The weekend outlook is sunny and warm with high approaching 80°F.
After a dry January, the first part of February is looking dry as well, with no rainfall on the horizon. High pressure is dominating the current weather conditions. Today will be mostly sunny with northeast winds possible and a high around 73°F. Expect mostly clear conditions tonight with a low of 37°F Tuesday morning. Mostly sunny again Tuesday with northeast winds possible and a high again around 73°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night with a low of 34°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 72°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night turning to partly cloudy Thursday morning with a low around 42°F. Thursday will be partly cloudy with a high of 72°F, and partly cloudy conditions are expected through Sunday with highs in the 70's.
This morning was the fifth freezing morning in a row. Tomorrow morning may be the sixth. Today will be sunny with a high around 69°F. Clear conditions tonight with a low tomorrow morning of about 33°F. Mostly sunny Monday with northeast winds possible and a high around 73°F. Monday night will be mostly clear with a low of 33°F Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be mostly sunny and possibly windy with a high of about 73°F. Mostly clear Tuesday night with a low of 34°F Wednesday morning. Expect mostly sunny conditions again Wednesday with a high of 70°F. Highs near 70°F are expected the rest of the week.
This should be the last morning of frost from our cold spell. It's featured the four lowest lows on record. Today will be mostly sunny with a high of 67°F. Mostly clear tonight and Sunday morning with a low around 34°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny once again with a high of 66°F. Mostly clear conditions for Sunday night and Monday morning with a low of 32°F. Monday will be mostly sunny and possibly breezy with a high around 68°F. Mostly clear again Monday night with a low of 34°F Tuesday morning. And mostly sunny conditions again Tuesday with a high of 70°F Expected. Highs right around 70°F are also predicted for Wednesday through Friday.
Another freezing morning today after yesterday's low of 25.4°F was the lowest temperature on record. Yesterday was the third coldest day on record as well. Things are warming up, though. Low temperatures will gradually warm to above freezing.

Today will be mostly sunny with northeast winds and a high around 70°F. Mostly clear and cold tonight and Saturday morning with a low of about 32°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high of 70°F. Expect mostly clear conditions Saturday night with a low of 33°F Sunday morning. Mostly sunny again Sunday with a high again around 70°F. Mostly clear again Sunday night with a low of 35°F Monday morning. Monday will be mostly sunny with a high of 71°F, and this dry weather pattern is forecast to continue through at least next Thursday.

The record low average temperature of a day ago fell yesterday to an even colder one of only 39.4°F for yesterday. And today's low temperature of 26°F is the lowest ever, after yesterday's 27.7°F shattered the previous record by about two degrees. This is thanks to a very cold air mass which remains in place above Southern California. The exceptional weather continues.

Mostly sunny today with northeast winds and a high around 60°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with frost tomorrow morning and a low of 29°F. Mostly sunny and warming Friday with a high of 62°F. Friday night will be partly cloudy with a low of 33°F Saturday morning. Partly cloudy during the day Saturday as well with a high of 62°F. Partly cloudy conditions continue for Sunday with a low of 36°F, and a high of 68°F.

Yesterday was such an exceptional weather day that it deserved its own feature story, complete with photographs. Exceptional conditions continue this morning: at the time of this writing, we are experiencing the coldest temperatures recorded in the three year history of Freezing temperatures are likely to remain with us until after 8am this morning.

Today will be mostly sunny with weak high pressure building and winds possible from the northeast. Expect a high temperature of about 55°F. Mostly clear tonight, with freezing temperatures Thursday morning and a low of 29°F. Mostly sunny Thursday as well and potentially windy with a high temperature around 59°F. Partly cloudy Thursday night with a low of 31°F Friday morning. Partly cloudy Friday as well with a high of 64°F. Partly cloudy conditions continue Friday night with a low of 31°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly cloudy with a high of 64°F. Partly cloudy Sunday through Tuesday as well with highs in the 60's.

Showers will continue through today's cold storm with unusually low snow levels (2000 feet) and a high of only 52°F. The rain chance is 80% and there is a slight chance of thunderstorms. Rain accumulations today are expected to be less than 0.2". Scattered showers tonight (50% chance) breaking up late and becoming partly cloudy with frost possible Wednesday morning and a low of 31°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high of 58°F. Clear and cold Wednesday night with widespread frost and a low of 29°F on Thursday morning. Thursday will be mostly sunny and breezy with a high of 62°F. Partly cloudy Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of 35°F. Partly cloudy Friday as well with a high of 62°F. Partly cloudy conditions and highs in the 60's will persist through next Monday.

3:16pm: There are reports of a mixture of snow and hail from parts of Temecula. The soft hail is, in fact, snowflakes. I experienced some of this at the mall at noon, and two others have confirmed it with reports of their own. It's been melting on contact with the ground. So there it is: It does snow here and again in Temecula!

6:23 pm: Tonight's forecast calls for snow levels to drop to 1200 feet or lower, and local snow accumulations of less than 1". More white stuff could be headed our way!

8:57 pm: FREEZE WARNING: Freezing temperatures are predicted for several hours tomorrow morning. The chance of hail, snow and freezing rain has been put at 20% overnight. We are going to have very cold nights and days for the next several days. I will update temperature forecasts tomorrow morning. Today is not over, but it will be the coldest day on record at

It's been a very dry January until now. Today will be cloudy with 80% chance of showers and a high of 54°F as a cold Gulf of Alaska storm moves in. The rain chance remains 80% tonight with a chance of thunderstorms, snow levels falling to 2000 feet, and a low of 38°F. Tuesday will be cold, but not as cold as forecast yesterday, with an 80% chance of showers, chance of thunderstorms and a high of 52°F. Tuesday night's chance of showers will be 50%, ending and becoming partly cloudy with a low Wednesday morning of about 32°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 59°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and cold Thursday morning, with a low of 31°F. And mostly sunny and cool Thursday with a high of 63°F. Conditions are forecast to be partly cloudy into the weekend, with highs in the 60's.

Rainfall totals for Temecula are forecast to be 0.1" for today (which has already been exceeded), and 0.3" for Tuesday. These are less than yesterday's forecasts. Hail is possible as well, especially Tuesday. Expect driving conditions to be hazardous.

Mostly cloudy today with only a 20% chance of rain and a high of 62°F. The chance of rain improves tonight to 40%, with cloudy conditions and a low of 47°F. Monday brings cloudy conditions with a 70% chance of light rain during the day, with a high around 58°F. 80% chance of rain Monday night and Tuesday morning with snow levels above 3000 feet and a low of 38°F. Very cold even during the day Tuesday with near 100% chance of rain, heavy at times, with a chance of thunderstorms or hail, snow levels of only 2000 feet and a high of only 46°F. Showers and thunderstorms taper off Tuesday night, with a 50% chance of precipitation, partly cloudy conditions, and a freezing low of 31°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will mostly sunny and breezy with a high of 63°F.

If predictions are correct, this is going to be an extraordinarily cold storm, perhaps the coldest in my seven years in the Temecula Valley. This is a slow-moving storm from the Gulf of Alaska which will start with light rain probably tonight and feature heavy rain, hail and snow by Tuesday. Road conditions are expected to be hazardous, especially on Tuesday. The storm totals for our area are predicted to be 3/4" to 1", with 2" of snow above 2000 feet elevation. Although most of the City of Temecula is between 1000-1100 feet, eastern parts of the valley are 2000 and above and may receive snow from this storm. As for the lower areas, you never know, if conditions deviate a little to the cold side of predictions snow could happen here as well. I'd rate the probability of that as remote, but it has snowed on the coast a handful of times in the last 50 years, so you never know for sure. If predictions are correct the southern foothills will have snow as well. Tuesday may very well prove to be the coldest day in history if predictions hold up.

Yesterday sure was warm. There was no indication from the forecast data that it was going to be in the 80's. Today will be cooler, though, mostly sunny with a few high clouds and a high of 73°F, as the high pressure system breaks down and a cold front approaches. Increasing clouds tonight and tomorrow morning, with fog possible and a low around 40°F. Sunday will be mostly cloudy with a a 20% chance of rain or drizzle later in the day, with a high of 62°F. The chance of showers increases to 40% Sunday night, with cloudy conditions and a low of 45°F expected. Rain will be likely Monday (70% chance) with a high of 59°F. Partly cloudy conditions Monday night and Tuesday morning with a chance of showers and a low of 42°F. Chance of showers or thunderstorms Tuesday as well with a high of 56°F. The rest of next week looks cool and clear as our unusually dry January comes to a close.

The upcoming storm is expected to deposit between 1/4" to 1/2" of rain in our area. Snow levels will drop to 3500 feet, and the high deserts may see some snow as well.

This morning did not get down to freezing as expected, and today will be warmer than originally forecast as well. Expect sunny conditions, with northeast winds possible and a high of 73°F. Mostly clear tonight with a low of 33°F Saturday morning. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high of 72°F. Clouds should begin to increase Saturday night with a low of 37°F expected Sunday morning. Sunday will be mostly cloudy with a 40% chance of rain and a high temperature of 59°F. Variably cloudy Sunday night with a chance of showers and a low of 40°F. Variably cloudy conditions with a chance of showers Monday as well with a high of 57°F expected. The chance of showers is projected through Tuesday, with partly cloudy conditions expected after that.

The web server will be down for a software upgrade at some point this morning. The down time should only be 30 minutes to one hour or so.

This morning is cold with frost in places, and that will give way to another mostly sunny, potentially windy day with a high of about 66°F. Expect mostly clear conditions tonight and Friday morning with frost possible and a low of 31°F. Friday will be mostly sunny and windy with a high of 69°F. Friday night and Saturday morning will be mostly clear with a low of 34°F. Mostly sunny again Saturday with a high around 71°F. Saturday night and Sunday morning will be partly cloudy with a low around 38°F. Sunday will be cloudy with a chance of showers, and a high near 57°F. The chance of showers continues into Monday, with partly cloudy conditions expected Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
No measured rain from yesterday, and today is already mostly sunny. Expect a high around 61°F. Tonight will be mostly clear and cold with frost possible Thursday morning and a low of 32°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with a high around 67°F. More of the same for Thursday night and Friday morning, cold, frost possible, and a low around 32°F. Friday will be much like Thursday, mostly sunny with a high around 67°F. Saturday morning will be clear except for local low clouds and fog, with a low of about 34°F. Mostly sunny Saturday during the day with a high once again around 67°F. There is a chance of showers coming up on Sunday and Monday.
Mostly cloudy with fog in spots this morning, followed by partly cloudy conditions and a high around 57°F. The chance of showers is now for tonight and is still only 20%. It will be cold and cloudy tonight and Wednesday morning with a low around 38°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny by the afternoon with a high of 61°F. Clear and breezy in spots Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low around 33°F. Thursday will be sunny with a high of 65°F. Mostly clear Thursday night and Friday morning with a low of 34°F. Friday will be mostly sunny with a high around 68°F. The weekend is currently looking cloudy and cool with chance of rain.
Another mostly sunny and nice day today, with a high around 71°F. Tonight will be mostly clear, with low clouds and fog Tuesday morning, and a low of 36°F. Tuesday will be mostly cloudy with a 20% chance of showers Tuesday afternoon and night, and a high around 57°F. Wednesday morning's low will be around 36°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny in the afternoon with a high around 61°F. Mostly clear Wednesday night and Thursday morning with a low around 34°F. And Thursday will be sunny with a high of 66°F. Looks like a chance of showers for the upcoming weekend.
This morning featured surprise freezing temperatures, the first day this year below freezing. Today will be sunny, with northeast winds possible and a high around 70°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with a low tomorrow morning around 33°F. Frost is no longer in the forecast but we'll be watching just in case. Mostly sunny Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a high temperature of 70°F. Monday night will be partly cloudy with patchy fog Tuesday morning and a low around 35°F. Tuesday will be partly cloudy and breezy with a 20% chance of rain in the afternoon, and a high of 57°F. Mostly clear and windy Wednesday morning with a low of 34°F. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 66°F. Thursday and Friday of the coming week look to be sunny with highs in the 70's.
Mostly sunny later today, with high pressure building and winds possible from the northeast. The high will be around 68°F. Tonight will be clear and cool with a low tomorrow morning around 35°F. Sunday will sunny with winds from the northeast possible and a high again around 68°F. Clear and cold Sunday night with frost possible Monday morning. The low is predicted to be 30°F. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day will be mostly sunny with a high around 66°F. Partly cloudy for Tuesday, sunny and windy for Wednesday and Thursday next week, with highs in the 60's all days.

1:31 pm: Forecast icons are now featured on the main page. Software has been written to archive the forecast information which will now allow it to be automatically displayed. Thanks to Scott Bram for the weather icon graphics.

Mostly sunny again today, with a high of 66°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with a low Saturday morning around 35°F. Mostly sunny with northeast winds possible Saturday as weak high pressure establishes itself, with a high around 65°F. Mostly clear again Saturday night and Sunday morning with a low around 35°F. More of the same on Sunday: mostly sunny with a high of 35°F. Slightly warmer for Martin Luther King, Jr. day Monday with partly cloudy conditions Tuesday and beyond.
Mostly sunny today, with a high of 67°F. Tonight and Friday morning will be mostly clear with low clouds and fog late and a low of 36°F. Friday will be partly cloudy with a high around 63°F. Friday night and Saturday morning will be mostly clear with a low around 36°F. And Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high of 62°F. The rest of the weekend, the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, and early next week will be mostly sunny and cool with highs in the 60's.

Apologies for missing the forecast yesterday. I'm on travel and lacked a battery charge for my notebook computer and internet access in my current location in Ohio. I've resolved the internet access problem, fortunately.

The fog has kept the temperatures up this morning, but it won't warm up very much. Expect mostly cloudy conditions today with a high of 62°F. Tonight and Wednesday morning will be mostly cloudy with low clouds and fog, drizzle, and a low around 45°F. Mostly cloudy once again Wednesday with a high of 62°F. Wednesday night and Thursday morning will be partly cloudy with a low around 41°F. Thursday will feature partly cloudy conditions and a high of 64°F. Partly cloudy conditions are now predicted through the weekend and into Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, with highs in the 60's.
So much for much any cooling yesterday; instead it was warm and nice. Today will be mostly sunny as well, but much cooler, with a high of about 70°F. Tonight will be mostly clear with areas of fog and drizzle Tuesday morning and a low around 39°F. Cloudy and hazy Tuesday with a high of 67°F. Tuesday night will be cloudy as well with low clouds and drizzle again on Wednesday morning, with a low around 41°F. Wednesday looks to be much like Tuesday, cloudy with a high around 67°F. Rain predictions are currently out of the long term forecast, with sun and highs in the 60's.
We'll finally start cooling down some after another warm day yesterday. Expect mostly sunny skies and a high of 76°F today. Tonight will be mostly clear, with a low tomorrow morning around 40°F. Monday will be mostly sunny and even cooler with a high around 69°F. Monday night will be partly cloudy with areas of fog Tuesday morning and a low around 44°F. Partly cloudy Tuesday during the day with a high of 70°F. Partly cloudy with highs in the 60's most of the rest of the week, with a chance of rain on Friday.
After a warm day yesterday, today will be sunny and mild, with a high of 78°F. Mostly clear tonight and Sunday morning with a low of 39°F. Sunday will be mostly sunny and cooler with a high of 73°F. The high pressure system that has dominated local weather conditions for the past week is beginning to weaken. The longer term forecast is changed: next week will feature some partly cloudy skies and temperatures mainly in the 60's.
The warm and sunny days continue today and into next week with a high wind advisory for the below passes and canyons. Today will be sunny with a high of 81°F. Mostly clear tonight and Saturday morning with a low of 41°F. Saturday will be mostly sunny with a high of 78°F. Highs of 70 degrees or better and mostly sunny conditions are predicted to continue through at least next Thursday, making this first half of January abnormally dry.
Warm high pressure conditions are back after taking a day off. Today will be sunny with northeast wind gusts possible and a high of 76°F. Tonight and Friday morning will be mostly clear with wind gusts possible and a low around 42°F. More of the same but warmer Friday with sunny conditions and northeast winds possible, and a high around 80°F. The weekend will still be warm, with cooling into the mid 70's by Sunday.
Some fog this morning will give way to high clouds and a high of 74°F later today. Tonight will feature variable high clouds as well with a low Thursday morning around 44°F. Thursday will be mostly sunny with wrong way winds possible and a high of 79°F as our warm weather continues. Cooling into the lower 70's this weekend and into the 60's early next week, with no rain currently in the forecast.
Today looks to be a near carbon copy of yesterday, with variable high clouds and a high of 78°F. Variable high clouds tonight, too, cooling to 43°F Wednesday morning. Wednesday will be very similar as well, with variable high clouds and a high of 78°F. The current weather pattern continues until Friday, after which it's predicted to be clear with highs around 75°F for the weekend.
Warm and variable high clouds today, with east winds possible and a high around 79°F. Variable high clouds tonight and Tuesday morning as well with a low around 39°F. Tuesday will also have variable high clouds and a high of 76°F. More of the same for Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, with a low about 39°F. Wednesday will be partly cloudy but still in the 70's, and Thursday now is predicted to be mostly cloudy but still warm. Some sprinkles maybe possible. Cooler conditions are expected by next weekend with light rain expected early next week.
Very much like yesterday today! Mostly sunny with high clouds and a high of 74°F. Mostly clear tonight with a few high clouds and a low around 40°F. Monday will be mostly sunny and warm with wrong way wind gusts and a high of 78°F. Mostly clear Monday night with a low of 38°F Tuesday morning. Except for a partly cloudy Wednesday, the rest of week looks to be sunny and warm.
Sunny with a few high clouds today, with northeast winds possible and a high of 73°F. Tonight will be mostly clear and possibly windy with a low tomorrow morning around 39°F. Sunday will be very much like today, but even warmer with a high of about 76°F. Clear conditions are predicted for Sunday night with a low around 40°F. The current high pressure pattern is expected to continue for about the next week, with an interruption next Tuesday.
Fog this morning will be followed by mostly sunny conditions, possible winds from the northeast, and a high around 66°F. Tonight and Saturday morning will be clear, cool and possibly windy with a low of about 37°F. Saturday will be sunny, possibly windy, and a little warmer with a high around 68°F. Saturday night and Sunday morning will be much like tonight, clear and cool with a low 37°F. High temperatures will go up into the 70's on Sunday and remain there into next week.
The storm appears to have past mostly to the north and we got very little precipitation out of it here in the Temecula Valley. Today will be mostly cloudy with partial clearing in the afternoon and a high of 63°F. Tonight and Friday morning will be mostly clear except for areas of low clouds and fog, with a low around 41°F. High pressure building will lead to possible winds from the northeast on Friday, which will be mostly sunny with a high of 64°F. Friday night will be mostly clear and possibly windy with a low of 38°F. It looks like the high pressure system will continue through the weekend and into next week with highs in the 60's and 70's and lows in the upper 30's and 40's.
Again mostly cloudy with fog this morning. There is a slight chance of showers (20%) this afternoon as a storm front begins to move in. Expect a high today around 62°F. Tonight will be mostly cloudy with a 80% chance of showers and a low of 45°F. Thursday will be mostly cloudy with a 40% chance of morning showers, tapering off by afternoon. The high Thursday should again be 62°F. Thursday night and Friday morning will be mostly clear with patchy low clouds and fog, and a low of 40°F. Storm rainfall totals are predicted to be slightly less than 1/4".
Mostly cloudy today with dense fog this morning. This afternoon's high should be around 62°F. Tonight and Wednesday morning will also be mostly cloudy with low clouds, fog and drizzle, and a low of 42°F. Wednesday will be mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers late (20%) and a high of 62°F. Showers will be likely Wednesday night and into Thursday (60% chance) with a low of 44°F. The upcoming weekend looks to be mostly sunny with highs in the 60's and 70's.

2001 is over, and it's been quite a year. It's hard to mention anything about the past year without bringing up the attacks of September 11th. That's what everyone will remember about 2001, long into the future. I hope as a nation we can heal and I hope we succeed in making our nation safe from terrorists.

2001 was quite a year for I'd like to thank all of the users, whether in the Temecula Valley or beyond, for making this web site a success. Perhaps some of you remember what this site looked like at the beginning of 2001. This past year saw the addition of many weather sensors, photo features, normal conditions, the hourly summary, the mailing list, local forecasts, mentions in a local newspaper, robustness improvements, and advertising. As goes into its third year, 2002 will bring many more changes, hopefully including forecast icons, graphs of conditions, perhaps a video camera, maybe a station in Murrieta, and many other improvements. None of these things I can promise, but I'm working towards them. Have a happy and properous 2002!

The Temecula weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Temecula, California is located in the Temecula Valley, in southwestern Riverside County, along the Interstate 15 highway. The Temecula Valley's rolling hills are home to the Temecula wine country, vineyards, golf courses, a casino resort, and Old Town Temecula.
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