Anza Forecast Summary
Currently in Anza
Warning: Current weather report out of date
Temperature, Humidity, Wind & Pressure
Sunrise & Sunset
Extreme Temperatures
Data captured from a Peet Bros. Ultimeter 2100
Local Weather Roundup
* Weather report not
Anza Forecast
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Forecast not current
Gusty Santa Ana winds will continue this morning with the strongest gusts along and below the coastal mountain slopes, at 50 to 60 mph. For Riverside and San Diego counties, gusts will be between 40 and 50 mph. Winds will gradually subside late this morning and afternoon. Expect warmer days with weaker winds for Friday and Saturday. Onshore flow will spread cooling inland Sunday and Monday. There's a slight chance of showers Monday night, then dry and warmer conditions will prevail for the middle of next week. Today: Sunny and cool. Offshore breezes , high near 59°F . Pollen level is rated "low-medium". Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 42 (for Anza Valley courtesy of the SCAQMD). Tonight: Clear and cold. Light breezes, low around 30°F. Friday: Sunny. Light breezes, high of about 68°F. Friday night:Clear and cold. Light breezes, low near 34°F. Saturday: Sunny. Light breezes, high around 71°F. Saturday night: Mostly clear and cold, low of about 37°F. Sunday: Sunny, high near 73°F. Sunday night: Mostly clear and cold, low around 37°F. Monday: Sunny, high of about 70°F. Monday night: Mostly clear and cold, low near 36°F. Tuesday: Sunny, high around 67°F. Tuesday night: Mostly clear and cold, low of about 37°F. Wednesday: Sunny, high near 70°F. Anza forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.Recently in
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Mammatus Formations: With the Anza weather station in the foreground, mammatus clouds are overhead. Photo courtesy of Curtis Croulet.
Weather News
Santa Ana Winds prompt Red Flag Warnings this week
The National Weather Service has issued numerous Red Flag Warnings and High ... Posted November 6, 2024, 1:03 PMOther Weather Information
National Weather Service
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