Currently 82°F in Anza, California, USA
94°F / 73°F
9 mph NW
Friday, July 26, 2024 7:16 PM PDT

Anza, California Precipitation Summary

Normal season: July 1 through June 30

Average seasonal precipitation: 12.37"(314.2 mm)1

Season    Precipitation
2012-2013    3.21" (81.5 mm) *
2013-2014    6.59" (167.3 mm)
2014-2015    9.42" (239.2 mm)
2015-2016    9.36" (237.7 mm)
2016-2017    16.81" (427.0 mm)
2017-2018    6.07" (154.1 mm)
2018-2019    19.90" (505.4 mm)
2019-2020    15.87" (403.1 mm)
2020-2021    3.41" (86.6 mm)
2021-2022    12.61" (320.2 mm)
2022-2023    19.26" (489.2 mm)
2023-2024    16.79" (426.4 mm)
2024-2025    1.42" (36.0 mm)

* Actual season start date: September 14, 2012

1Average precipitation does not include incomplete rain seasons or the current rain season.

The Anza, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. The Anza Valley is southwestern Riverside County, east of Temecula and Aguanga, south of Mount San Jacinto and west of Mount Santa Rosa.
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