Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 1:32 AM PST

Sunday's hot inland temps not expected to continue

By John C. Toman. Posted June 17, 2012, 8:45 PM.

This past Sunday brought a hint of summer to Southern California's inland valleys, bringing the hottest temperatures in about three weeks to the area.

Monday was only expected to offer minor cooling inland, but Tuesday is predicted to be a different story, as an upper level trough breaks up the minor heat wave.

According to the latest forecasts, most of the rest of the next week, from Wednesday on, was looking at or just above normal for this time of year.

Some of the hottest temperatures of June to date were recorded Sunday: Lake Elsinore (102.6°F), Wildomar (102.6°F), Menifee (100.0°F), Moreno Valley (99.6°F) and Hemet (99.3°F).

Other very warm temperatures were recorded in Perris (96.9°F), San Bernardino (96.5°F), Jurupa Valley (94.9°F), Beaumont (94.5°F), Temecula (94.0°F), and Riverside (93.9°F at Canyon Crest and 93.6°F at our new Presidential Park station), and Murrieta (93.3°F).

Closer to the coast, De Luz was 89.9°F, Simi Valley recorded 87.8°F, Fallbrook was 85.7°F, and San Diego's City Heights had 79.9°F.

Moreno Valley's and Beaumont's highs were the hottest of 2012 at those locations to date.

Most of the other WeatherCurrents stations recorded their peak temperatures on May 31st.

Summer is set to officially begin Wednesday, June 20th at 4:09pm, PDT.

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