Currently N/A°F in San Diego (City Heights), California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 6:15 AM PST
City Heights Forecast Summary
Today Tomorrow Friday
Mostly sunny Sunny Sunny
Mostly sunny   Sunny   Sunny
High: 72°F High: 73°F High: 73°F
Low: 51°F Low: 53°F Low: 50°F
Currently in City Heights
Alert Warning: Current weather report out of date

Temperature, Humidity, Wind & Pressure

Time:  6:15 AM PST
Temperature:  N/A
Normal Temperature 80°F
Relative Humidity:  N/A
Dewpoint:  N/A°F
Heat Index:  N/A°F
Wind Chill:  N/A°F
Wind:  N/A
Gusts:  N/A
Barometer:  N/APressure Change N/A

Sunrise & Sunset

Sunrise Sunset Daylight
Today: 6:12 AM 4:51 PM 10:39
Tomorrow: 6:13 AM 4:50 PM 10:37
30 Day Sunrise and Sunset Almanac

Extreme Temperatures

Today Time Normal Last Year
High: N/A N/A 82°F 80°F
Low: N/A N/A 67°F 69°F


60 Min. Today Month Season
N/A N/A 0.00" 0.00"
Season began July 1, 2018
Past Season Precipitation Totals
Data captured from a Peet Bros. Ultimeter 2100
Local Weather Roundup
City Heights:
* Weather report not current
City Heights Forecast
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Alert Forecast not current

Chances of isolated showers are in the forecast into early Sunday morning, along with periods of gusty westerly winds over the mountains and deserts. Conditions will quickly dry out as winds become northerly to northeasterly, bringing critical fire weather conditions to portions of the Inland Empire. There is potential for stronger and more widespread Santa Ana winds around the middle of the week. Otherwise, expect fair skies and mild temperatures.

Today: Mostly sunny and breezy , high near 69°F .

Pollen level is rated "low-medium".

Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 39 (for Downtown San Diego courtesy of the SDAPCD).

Tonight: Mostly clear. Light breezes, low around 51°F.

Monday: Sunny and breezy, high of about 73°F.

Monday night:Clear. Light breezes, low near 51°F.

Tuesday: Sunny, high around 74°F.

Tuesday night: Partly cloudy, low of about 51°F.

Wednesday: Mostly sunny, high near 72°F.

Wednesday night: Mostly clear, low around 53°F.

Thursday: Sunny, high of about 73°F.

Thursday night: Mostly clear, low near 50°F.

Friday: Sunny, high around 73°F.

Friday night: Mostly clear, low of about 51°F.

Saturday: Mostly sunny, high near 73°F.

City Heights forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.
Recently in City Heights
Date High Low Ave. Prec.
July 25 85°F 68°F 74°F 0.00"
July 24 90°F 69°F 77°F 0.00"
July 23 89°F 69°F 79°F 0.00"
July 22 87°F 69°F 77°F 0.00"
July 21 83°F 69°F 74°F 0.00"
July 20 80°F 67°F 72°F 0.00"
July 19 84°F 67°F 73°F 0.00"
More Past Weather
City Heights Featured Photos
Weather Sign
Weather Sign: Volunteers place a sign marking the City Heights weather station at Ocean Discovery Institute's future home. Photo courtesy of Dennis Wood.
City Heights Weather News
Isolated thunderstorms possible inland Friday afternoon

Low pressure travelling south over California today will bring a chance of ...

Posted September 20, 2024, 1:44 AM
Other Weather Information

The San Diego (City Height), California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. City Heights is a San Diego community, located east of Balboa Park, near Interstate 15
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