City Heights Forecast Summary
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Local Weather Roundup
City Heights Forecast
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
![]() Expect a slight chance of drizzle or light showers Tuesday as the marine layer continues to deepen, mainly for the San Diego coasts, valleys and coastal slopes. Otherwise, skies will be mostly cloudy. Widespread and heavy rain is predicted at times Wednesday through Friday as a weak atmospheric river moves into California. Rainfall locally is forecast to be between one and a half and two inches. Significant snow will be confined to 8,000 feet and above in the mountains. Dry and warmer weather is anticipated for the weekend. Today: Mostly cloudy and breezy , high near 60°F . Pollen level is rated "medium-high". Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 47 (for Downtown San Diego courtesy of the SDAPCD). Tonight: Mostly cloudy and cool. Light breezes. 20 percent chance of rain, low around 47°F. Wednesday: Mostly cloudy. Cool and breezy. 80 percent chance of rain, mainly in the afternoon, high of about 59°F. Wednesday night:Mostly cloudy. Light breezes. 90 percent chance of rain, low near 51°F. Thursday: Mostly cloudy. 90 percent chance of rain, high around 62°F. Thursday night: Mostly cloudy. 100 percent chance of rain, heavy at times, low of about 53°F. Friday: Mostly cloudy. Rain, high near 62°F. Friday night: Mostly cloudy and cool. Chance of rain, low around 48°F. Saturday: Mostly sunny, high of about 64°F. Saturday night: Partly cloudy and cool, low near 46°F. Sunday: Partly sunny, high around 68°F. Sunday night: Mostly cloudy and cool, low of about 49°F. Monday: Mostly sunny, high near 68°F. City Heights forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.Recently in
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Weather Sign: Volunteers place a sign marking the City Heights weather station at Ocean Discovery Institute's future home. Photo courtesy of Dennis Wood.
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