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WeatherCurrents Software Developer Information

Updated June, 2005

In an effort to get more weather stations onto the WeatherCurrents network, WeatherCurrents is currently designing a specification to allow other developers to write software to spool and send weather data to the WeatherCurrents server.

Sending data to the WeatherCurrents server will consist of posting an XML document containing the weather data to a URL. The initial specification for this XML is is now available. A specification for how the WeatherCurrents server would respond to these posts is is also available.

Note that these initial specifications are subject to change and that the software written for the WeatherCurrents server to use this protocol is not yet finished. Also note that some form of HTTP authentication will be required for a weather post and all initiating weather data capture software will need to handle it. All posts and responses will use secure HTTP via SSL or TLS.

More details on the posting URLs and process, plus updates to the post and response XML documents, will be forthcoming.

WeatherCurrents provides near-real time local weather, news and features in Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino and Ventura counties, in Southern California.
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