Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 19:07:18 PDT 2024

Small quakes rattle area

By Robert J. Leonard III. Posted April 24, 2012, 2:25 PM.

3 small earthquakes rattled the community of Valle Vista, an unincorporated area of Riverside County just east of Hemet today. The strongest of the quakes is listed at a 3.4 magnitude on the Richter scale and occurred at 2:44pm with an aftershock listed at a 2.6 magnitude occurring one minute later. The largest of the quakes was reportedly felt as far away as Garden Grove in Orange County to the west and Yuma Arizona to the east. At this time no damage or injury has been reported. More information regarding these quakes can be found at the website of the U.S. Geological Society, or by clicking HERE.
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