Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 18:40:07 PDT 2024

March Miracle ... or March Madness?

By Jim Purpura. Posted March 27, 2012, 1:43 PM.

Not for Southern California, not this year, despite two significant storm systems over the past two weeks.

But rounds of very heavy rain are forecast to continue well to our north, across Northern California and Southern Oregon. The beneficial heavy rains and mountain snow in these areas have been something of a "March Miracle" to winter weather enthusiasts, as well as to those monitoring water supply and storage in California.

Water supplies will be normal, despite a dry La Nina winter.

Two weak systems will brush the region over the next several days, but neither have the potential to produce much rain in Southern California.

The first system will only deepen the marine layer and perhaps bring a bit of drizzle Wednesday night through Thursday morning.

The second system has slightly more potential, but not much. It will travel through the area Saturday night and Sunday morning. Expect cooler, windier weather, but right now only a few hundredths of an inch of rain at most are forecast.

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