Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 23:14:06 PDT 2024

Christmas in Simi Valley: Mild, breezy

By Jim Purpura. Posted December 20, 2011, 8:19 AM.

The storm system that brought our light rain to the coast and some inland valley areas is moving into the Baja and away from southern California. However a cold trough of low pressure moving through the Great Basin/Great Plains will bring another round of offshore winds spilling into Simi Valley today, and then again for the period Thursday through Christmas Day.

It will be windy across Simi Valley today, with gusts to 30 mph. After a break Wednesday, the next round of offshore winds, probably in the light to moderate range, will affect the area Thursday through Sunday, Christmas Day.

Along with the offshore winds, a ridge of high pressure will build into the area, bringing some of the warmest temperatures in several weeks to the region. High temperatures in Simi Valley Saturday through Monday will range from the upper 60s to the low 70s, with the warmest day being Christmas Day.

Also, the winter solstice, marking the first day of Winter, and the shortest day of the year, is Thursday at 9:30am.

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