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Monday, February 17, 2025 11:10 PM PST

Weekend wrap up: more scattered showers

By John C. Toman. Posted December 19, 2011, 6:55 AM.

Scattered showers and unsettled weather continued Saturday and Sunday as a low pressure system that let loose most of its moisture Thursday and Friday hung around to the south.

Additional rainfall totals for the weekend were as high a 0.07" in Hemet. Beaumont received 0.05", French Valley got 0.03", Menifee recorded 0.02", Moreno Valley had 0.02", Murrieta received 0.01", Perris got 0.01", San Bernardino recorded 0.05", Simi Valley had 0.05", and Temecula received 0.01".

Jim Sappington recorded 0.05" in the Temecula Valley Wine Country, and 0.03" fell in East San Jacinto (recorded by Monty Parrott).

The system finally departed to the east late Sunday, but another, fast-moving system is scheduled to arrive today. There's a slight chance of showers from the new storm Monday afternoon and evening, with little, if any, measurable rainfall expected.

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