Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Sunday, February 16, 2025 6:07 PM PST

Red Flag Warning for Simi Valley

By Jim Purpura. Posted October 27, 2011, 9:28 AM.

The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag warning through 3 pm this afternoon Monday for the Inland Empire. This mean gusty Santa Ana winds and relative humidities at or below 10 percent will create weather conditions conducive to the start of wildfires.

This will be a brief threat since the greatest chance of strong winds will be through this morning.

Highest gusts this morning that have been observed are at the Wiley Ridge weather station in the Ventura County Mountains north of Simi Valley.

Brief periods of gusty offshore (northeast) winds will be present Friday and Saturday mornings, but no significant Santa Anas are forecast as of now.

Computer models hint at the next significant offshore event around Tuesday or Wednesday, but this is rather uncertain at this time.

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