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Tuesday, February 11, 2025 6:37 AM PST

Two small fires in San Gorgonio pass area contained Saturday

By John C. Toman. Posted October 23, 2011, 11:21 AM.

Very warm weather contributed to a couple of small vegetation fires Saturday south and east of the Banning area.

One fire was reported at 2:31pm and was located about ten miles east of Banning near Whitewater Canyon Road, two miles north of Interstate 10, according to the Riverside County Fire Department. Firefighters contained that fire at 20 acres.

The second fire was reported near State Route 243 and Mount Edna Road, up the hill about two miles south of Banning, at 3:05pm. About 25 acres of brush and grass burned before containment at around 7pm.

Only light breezes were reported in the vicinity of the fires, which made their quick containment easier. No structure were threatened.

Smoke from a wildfire on the north side of Mt. San Jacinto

Smoke from a 25-acre wildfire, as seen between fire engines (courtesy Riverside County Fire)

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