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Inland valley areas, WeatherCurrents gain decorated meteorologist

Posted July 2, 2011, 5:49 PM.

WeatherCurrents welcomes Jim Purpura, formerly Meteorologist-In-Charge at the National Weather Services' San Diego Weather Forecast Office, to its community-oriented weather network in Southern California's inland valleys.

Jim will help with forecasting, community outreach, and news items beginning later in the month as a Consulting Meteorologist. His experience, expertise and presence will allow us to achieve things that haven't been possible until now.

In 30+ years of service, Jim has won numerous awards, including:

  • Department of Commerce Gold Medal for work in developing a warning system for deaf and hard of hearing Oklahomans (Nov. 2004)
  • Department of Commerce Silver medal for office work in dealing with the devastating wildfires of 2003. (Nov. 2004)
  • Department of Commerce Gold medal for life-saving warnings and forecasts issued during the record rains of January 2005. (Dec. 2005)
  • Department of Commerce Bronze medal for life-saving warnings and forecasts issued during the devastating fires of October 2007.

Jim resides in Temecula, California with his wife, Terry, and two daughters, Maritess and Suzie.

An article about Jim that appeared in the San Diego Union-Tribune is available here. The complete press release is online.

Meteorologist Jim Purpura

Meteorologist Jim Purpura

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