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Hot summer ahead?

Posted May 27, 2011, 9:16 PM.

Remember the summer that wasn't from last year? According to NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, the cooler than normal temperatures of 2010 aren't likely to repeat in Southern California's inland valleys.

According to the outlook, there is a 33% chance of warmer than normal temperatures for much of Southern California, with chances rising to 40% for the desert areas.

Last year, temperatures were below normal for much of the year, with the San Jacinto Valley being the exception. The cooler than normal pattern has persisted into 2011, as a moderate La Nina condition in the equatorial Pacific continued.

The La Nina is fading now, though, and is expected to return to neutral status next month.

The outlook also calls for an equal chance of greater than normal or less than normal precipitation over the summer. Summer precipitation is generally driven by tropical moisture, in the form of monsoons from the Gulf of Mexico or remnants of tropical storms off of Baja California.

Southern California has, of course, been wetter than normal nearly every month this year, May being no exception. June is typically the driest month, however, and we're entering the driest period of the year.

Temperature Outlook Summer 2011

Temperature outlook for June, July and August

Precipitation Outlook Summer 2011

Precipitation outlook for June, July and August

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