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Storm ends with frosty morning, snow in Beaumont

Posted April 9, 2011, 11:17 PM.

As a slow-moving storm departed the region Saturday morning, the cold air mass left behind produced something unusual for an April morning in the inland valleys: frost.

Frost was present in many inland communities early Saturday, including Perris, Temecula, Murrieta, French Valley, Wildomar, Moreno Valley, Hemet and Menifee.

It was the coldest April morning since WeatherCurrents began recording temperatures in Temecula, with 36.2°F beating out 37.8°F recorded on April 16, 2009. Records date back to 2000 for Temecula. Hemet (since 2003), Murrieta (since 2004) and Fallbrook (since 2005) also recorded record lows for the month, as did each and every WeatherCurrents station.

Beaumont, in the pass area, was below freezing to begin the morning, at 30°F, and snow fell again overnight. Accumulations were between one and two inches down the to 2,000 foot level.

Sleet was reported in Moreno Valley at 5:30pm Friday, and ice pellets or small hail in French Valley, also on Friday.

Thanks to Rick Leonard, Mike Box, Reginald Stanley, and Jim Ness, who contributed to this report.

Snow in Beaumont

Beaumont High School, approx. 2550 ft elevation (courtesy Rick Leonard)

Snow in Beaumont

18th Hole on the Legends course. approx 2250 ft elevation (courtesy Rick Leonard)

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