Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 1:45 AM PST

Last rain of the winter barely registers

Posted March 19, 2011, 11:47 PM.

The first part of a storm straddling winter and spring swept through the inland valleys of Southern California Saturday morning, leaving rainfall of a twentieth of an inch or less.

Most inland locations didn't record any measurable rainfall.

The highest total for Saturday at WeatherCurrents locations was at De Luz (0.04"). Fallbrook and San Bernardino had 0.02", and Temecula, Lake Elsinore and French Valley recorded 0.01".

Other local totals included Lake Arrowhead (0.18"), Newport Beach (0.11"), Ontario (0.04") and Lake Forest (0.03").

The main part of the storm is due Sunday evening and night, just after the spring equinox, which is at 4:21pm. Rainfall amounts from the second wave are predicted to be between one and two inches. Winds gusts of up to 35 mph are expected just before the storm front arrives, and rainfall is expected to be heavy, with localized flooding possible. Showers will wrap up the storm on Monday.

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