Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 22:50:07 PDT 2024

Showers a possibility for next weekend

Posted March 13, 2011, 5:54 PM.

Spring-like conditions, including mild, seasonal temperatures are set to continue through much of the next week in Southern California's inland valleys, with a cooling trend beginning Thursday and culminating in a chance of showers next weekend.

Mildly warmer temperatures and morning low clouds (in some locations) are predicted as the week gets underway. Much of the inland valleys won't get the low clouds, but will get nice afternoons in the middle 70's in most locations, but up to around 80°F in warmer spots, such as Wildomar and Lake Elsinore.

March has been relatively dry to date, with only one storm and light precipitation so far.

A cooling trend should occupy the second half of the week, increasing onshore flow. A system to the north on Wednesday will start the cool-down.

A second, larger system, originating from the Gulf of Alaska, is currently predicted to continue the cooling trend into the weekend. There's a chance of showers from Friday evening through Sunday night, as the system traipses through the region in two waves, the first on Friday and the second on Sunday evening.

The intensity of next weekend's showers are still unclear.

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