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Monday, February 17, 2025 8:34 AM PST

Snow reports for Beaumont / Cherry Valley, Idyllwild, Wrightwood, Palomar Mountain

Posted February 26, 2011, 11:49 AM.

Snow was reported Saturday morning down the 2,400 foot level this morning in parts of the Cherry Valley / Beaumont area, with some accumulation above 2,800 feet.

In the San Jacinto mountains in Riverside County, Pine Cove, near Idyllwild, reported 17 inches of snow. Caltrans was requiring chains or snow tires on Highway 74 from its junction with State Route 79 in Hemet.

In San Diego County, 16 inches of snow was reported on Palomar Mountain, and 4 inches were on the ground in Warner Springs (along Highway 79 south).

In San Bernardino County, 24 inches of snowfall had accumulated at Forest Falls, in the San Bernardino Mountains. At Wrightwood (in Los Angeles County), 22 inches of fresh snow were on the ground.

Travel was unrestricted on Interstate 15 through the Cajon Pass, according to Caltrans.

Snow in Cherry Valley

Snow in Cherry Valley (courtesy of Rick Leonard)

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