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Monday, February 17, 2025 10:40 PM PST

Outlook: Rest of January dry, warmer than normal

Posted January 18, 2011, 9:22 PM.

Based on the latest outlook from the Climate Prediction Center, we can expect the rest of the month to be mainly dry and warmer than usual.

The latest outlooks show a 33% chance of warmer than normal temperatures, and a 33-40% chance of below normal precipitation, throughout Southern California. The outlooks cover a period through February 1st.

"After a wet December, and record wet for some areas, we have been locked into a dry pattern since early January," said Alex Tardy of the National Weather Service, San Diego office. "Moderate La Nina is expected to persist into the early spring."

That said, rainfall remains above average for the season, and over entire season totals for many communities in the inland valleys.

A period of moderate offshore flow, also called Santa Ana winds, is coming up late Wednesday into Thursday. Winds could gust up to 60 mph in the passes and canyons.

NOAA's Climate Prediction Center issues longer range outlooks that are based on computer models, covering 6-14 days out.

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