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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 10:06 PM PST

We won't get long to dry out; rain due again Saturday night

Posted December 23, 2010, 3:01 PM.

And, in addition, another storm could be inbound by the middle of next week, padding what have been outsized rainfall totals for December.

Fortunately, it looks like the amount from the upcoming Christmas weekend storm won't be anything like what we've experienced over the past week.

We should see a fair amount of sunshine on Christmas Eve and Christmas, and slightly warmer temperatures, too, before the next storm arrives.

Predictions for the National Weather Service are for a third to a half of an inch of rainfall, coming primarily Saturday night and Sunday morning. The system is expected to come through quickly, and degrade to scattered showers, that could continue through Monday.

The intensity of the second storm, due in the middle of the week, is still in question. But the thinking now is that it will be a colder one, which will be good for mountain snow, and it may not have as much moisture as the weekend storm.

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