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Tuesday, February 11, 2025 7:35 AM PST

Murrieta rain gauge repaired (temporarily)

Posted December 22, 2010, 8:07 PM.

Sometime later this week we're going to replace the Murrieta rain gauge.

Tuesday night's clog turned out not be a clog at all, but the result of debris blown into the gauge and preventing its internal bucket from tipping. The debris has apparently worn down the internal lubrication of the tipping buckets.

Today's totals were adjusted at 10am after pouring the standing rain water in the bucket back through the gauge.

The rain gauge has been in the field for seven years, and is the oldest one currently out there of the thirteen WeatherCurrents stations.

We'll replace the gauge later this week with a new one, and retire the old gauge. We believe that will make the clogs less frequent in the near term.

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