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October finished wetter, cooler than normal

Posted November 4, 2010, 11:48 AM.

Bucking predictions for a dry autumn, rainfall piled up in October. Temperatures were well below normal for the month, continuing a trend that's lasted most of this year.

The biggest surprise was the wet weather, especially with predictions of a dry winter and a La Nina condition continuing in the equatorial Pacific. Rainy conditions lasted a week, from October 18th through the 25th. The other storm of the month occurred October 4th through 6th.

Fallbrook (3.13") and De Luz (3.03") each received more than three inches of rain in what was the wettest October since 2004. Temecula recorded 1.94" for the month, well above its ten year average of 0.96".

Hemet (1.62"), Lake Elsinore (1.64") and Menifee (1.64") also recorded substantial rainfall for the month.

Only Murrieta (0.72") was below normal (1.32"), and Riverside recorded the least precipitation at 0.45".

Santa Ana wind events were held at bay by the cool weather, and the rainfall decreased the chance of devastating fires for the rest of the year, although local officials were still on guard.

Location Rainfall Normal Ave. High. Normal
De Luz 3.03"  0.79"  73°F  78°F 
Fallbrook 3.11"  1.88"  73°F  77°F 
French Valley 1.08"  N/A  75°F  N/A 
Hemet 1.62"  1.27"  78°F  81°F 
Lake Elsinore 1.64"  0.48"  80°F  83°F 
Menifee 1.64"  0.76"  79°F  81°F 
Moreno Valley 0.87"  N/A  76°F  N/A 
Murrieta 0.72"  1.32"  77°F  79°F 
Perris 1.05"  N/A  77°F  N/A 
Riverside 0.45"  N/A  77°F  N/A 
San Jacinto 1.14"  N/A  79°F  N/A 
Temecula 1.94"  0.96"  76°F  81°F 
Wildomar 0.30"  N/A  82°F  N/A 

Note: normals are used for communities with five or more years of data.

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