Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 23:04:33 PDT 2024

Mexicali earthquake rattles inland valleys Easter Sunday

Posted April 4, 2010, 11:41 PM.

A strong 7.2 magnitude earthquake centered south of Mexicali in Baja California, Mexico was felt throughout Southern California Sunday.

The quake struck at 3:40pm about 37 miles south-southeast of Mexicali. It was reportedly the strongest temblor felt in the Southern California region since the 7.1 magnitude Hector Mine quake in the Mohave Desert in 1999.

There were no reports of damage in the Western Riverside or Northern San Diego counties, although there was damage in El Centro and Calexico in Imperial County.

Numerous aftershocks followed the quake, some in the magitude 5 range, and were also widely felt.

The earthquake was not on the San Andreas fault, but probably along the Laguna Salada fault, according to an L.A. Times story.

More on damage from the temblor and local reaction can be read at SWRNN.

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