Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 23:12:37 PDT 2024

Showers Possible Wednesday, Then Wet Weather Returns This Weekend

Posted January 12, 2010, 3:40 PM.

Except for a couple of weak storms, the dry pattern we've experienced since the beginning of winter looks set to end by this weekend.

Before the weekend comes, though, another weak storm could drop a tenth of inch of rain in the inland valleys.

Showers are possible Wednesday as a front rolls through the region. They should start Wednesday morning and could linger through Wednesday evening. Nothing heavy is expected, although the wetter slopes could get as much as a quarter of an inch of rainfall.

A high pressure ridge has kept most of the storms from coming south, according to Jim Purpura of the National Weather Service. "The steady persistent wet storms that can occur with El Nino have been diverted around the area," he said.

"El Nino, in southern California means unreliably wet winters, while El Nino's counterpart, La Nina, means reliably dry winters."

Storms are lined up to strike Southern California next week. We may be in for periods of heavy rain, beginning Sunday or Monday.

The details are still uncertain, but forecasts now have several inches of rain predicted for next week.

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