Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 21:58:50 PDT 2024

La Cresta Wildire Burns 25 Acres Thursday (photos)

Posted September 24, 2009, 6:15 PM.

Swift action Thursday afternoon by firefighters knocked down as a fire started just above the Bear Creek area in northwest Murrieta.

The fire was reported at 11:58am. As of 2:40pm, the fire had burned 25 acres and was 75% contained.

Air tankers and helicopters were used to help contain the fire, but were released from action late in the afternoon.

185 firefighters were on the scene. No structures were reported damaged or threatened, although there was an evacuation of the Bear Creek Country Club.

Clinton Keith Road remained closed except for residents with id at Bear Creek Road. Sky High Drive and Sky Breeze Drive remained closed as of Thursday evening.

The location of the wildfire was just about one mile west of WeatherCurrents' Murrieta station.

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