Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 18:48:45 PDT 2024

Sunday Evening 4.7 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Inland

Posted May 17, 2009, 10:18 PM.

A moderate earthquake near Hawthorne in Los Angeles County was widely felt Sunday evening in much of Western Riverside and Northern San Diego counties, as well as across Southern California.

The magnitude 4.7 temblor occurred at 8:39 pm, and had an epicenter 2 miles north northeast of Hawthorne, according to the USGS-Caltech Seismic Net. The quake's epicenter was not far from Los Angeles International Airport. It was initially reported as a 5.0 magnitude earthquake, then revised downward.

No significant damage was reported.

The quake was reportedly felt in Temecula, Murrieta, Hemet and all over the Inland Empire, and shook mildly for about two to three seconds.

The jolt was felt as far south as Camp Pendleton in San Diego County.

Hawthorne is about 50 miles from Riverside, 70 miles from the Temecula Valley, and 60 miles from Lake Elsinore and 85 miles from Hemet.

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