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Monday, February 10, 2025 2:45 AM PST

Potential change to wetter pattern next week

By Reginald Stanley. Posted December 14, 2023, 8:45 PM.

As the region braces for another round of Santa Ana Winds going into this weekend, computer forecast models have been indicating a possible shift to a wetter weather pattern during the latter half of December.

Strong El Nino conditions are present across the equatorial Pacific Ocean and are predicted to continue through at least Spring 2024, according to the Climate Prediction Center. A strengthening Pacific jet stream is beginning to occur, which carries significant potential to usher in wetter weather towards California in the coming weeks. A shortwave trough is forecast to impact the region early next week, bringing cooling and possible light precipitation around Monday. A cutoff low from the Gulf of Alaska will bring chances of rain for multiple days next week, although due to the nature of these systems, timing and intensity remain uncertain. These initial storms are predicted to be warm and keep snow levels high. Current forecast ensembles indicate widespread moderate rain west of the mountains later next week, however this depends on the track of the cutoff low. At the time of this writing, this upcoming period of wetter weather may last through at least December 25.

In the meantime, warming temperatures and Santa Ana Winds will continue to build over the region, peaking on Saturday.

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