Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Sunday, February 16, 2025 5:50 PM PST

Light showers reported in some parts of the Inland Empire early this week

By Reginald Stanley. Posted April 13, 2022, 11:49 PM.

Cool, unsettled weather returned to the region this week following an unseasonably warm week prior, with isolated reports of light showers in parts of the inland valleys on Monday and Tuesday.

Most WeatherCurrents stations did not record any measurable precipitation, with the exception of Fallbrook where 0.01 inch was observed. In East Highland and Yucaipa, however, 0.15 inches was reported (courtesy of Peter Michas) and 0.08 inches (courtesy of Don Kramer) over the two-day period, respectively. Cloud cover was widespread early in the week, before giving way to sunnier, milder weather by Wednesday. Onshore flow is expected to return late in the week, with a weak storm passing to the north of Southern California over the weekend, and another storm doing the same around Tuesday next week. No significant precipitation is in the forecast through next week.

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