Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 8:46 PM PST

Thunderstorms affected some inland areas Sunday morning

By Reginald Stanley. Posted July 21, 2021, 11:58 PM.

Scattered thunderstorms amid an upper level disturbance allowed for thunderstorms to break west of the mountains Sunday morning, resulting in measurable precipitation at several WeatherCurrents stations and nearby areas.

West of the mountains, primarily northern San Diego County as well as part of western Riverside County were affected early Sunday morning as a narrow band of thunderstorms swept through the region. WeatherCurrents' station in Anza recorded the highest total, with 0.38 inches. Stations in south Temecula and De Luz also recorded measurable precipitation, albeit much smaller amounts. In Temecula Valley's Wine Country, 0.03 inches was reported Sunday morning (courtesy of Jim Sappington). The weather pattern stabilized somewhat west of the mountains later in the day, although increased heat and slightly increased humidity were evident in the following several days.

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