Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 18:15:03 PDT 2024

Upcoming weekend storms will be colder, not as wet

By Reginald Stanley. Posted February 15, 2019, 11:26 PM.

Multiple low pressure systems are forecast to impact the region this weekend, with the first arriving Friday night. A second storm will arrive Saturday night, and the third and final storm arriving Sunday. The Sunday storm is predicted to be the strongest and coldest of the three.

All three storms will be much colder than the very wet Thursday storm. They will also be not nearly as wet. Friday night's storm will lower snow levels to roughly 5,000 feet above sea level. Precipitation totals are predicted to fall between one tenth and one quarter of an inch of rain in the lowlands, before the storm moves out Saturday morning. An additional wave of showers is forecast for Saturday night, with a lower snow level of around 4,000 feet above sea level. Less than a quarter of an inch of rain is expected. The third storm on Sunday will be more energetic, with more precipitation and even lower snow levels down to 3,000 feet above sea level. Between one quarter and half an inch are predicted in the lowlands for Sunday.

After drying out Monday through Wednesday next week, another storm could bring precipitation on Thursday.

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