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Monday, February 10, 2025 2:46 AM PST

Rainy Season grinds to a halt

By Reginald Stanley. Posted April 10, 2017, 2:13 AM.

Following a relatively wet few months from December through February in the region, March ended up rather dry while an extended heat spell lasted for most of the month.

The last significant rains fell on February 28th. The only rain during March occurred on the 5th and the 21st-22nd, both of which were light and very minor at best. Most WeatherCurrents communities recorded less than 2/10 of an inch for the month of March. April has not been promising as of yet either, with only a single bout of drizzle on the 8th.

The majority of Marches since 2007 have been unusually dry for the region, with a couple of exceptions. This has resulted in precipitation averages for the month of March skewed too low in much of the WeatherCurrents network. April typically has about half of the rain that normally falls in March, while rain in May is about half of April. By June, the dry season is almost always underway.

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