Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 1:46 AM PST

Tropical moisture brings rain to region Tuesday

By Reginald Stanley. Posted September 20, 2016, 3:21 PM.

A low pressure system off the coast of Southern California combined with tropical moisture from former Tropical Storm Paine to the south is bringing light rainfall to the region Tuesday.

The system first began to arrive during mid-day on Monday, with increasing cloudiness and humidity. Some communities experienced blowing dust on Monday afternoon. Showers began just after noon on Tuesday.

As of Tuesday afternoon, measurable rainfall has been mostly limited to hilly areas and San Diego, with rainfall amounts mostly under 1/10 of an inch. A notable exception is Hemet, where 0.52 inches has been reported. Rain chances are expected to continue into Tuesday evening, decreasing to almost none on Wednesday except for in the mountains and deserts.

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