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Wednesday, November 13, 2024 12:21 AM PST

Farewell, SWRNN

By John C. Toman. Posted June 29, 2013, 12:35 PM.

With SWRNN closing its doors Friday morning, WeatherCurrents loses a trusted partner.

My personal thanks goes out to Gary Jacobs, Robin Ruhwedel, Kerri Mabee and a host of others, going back to Neil Senturia, for their coverage of Southwest Riverside County, my home, and for their support of WeatherCurrents and what we do.

On the WeatherCurrents side of things, we've been carrying SWRNN stories on some of our local pages, and providing weather data and forecasts to them, for the past three and a half years.

We're going to continue to keep links to SWRNN up for at least the next few days. I know a lot of our readers like reaching local stories from our website, so we'll be investigating alternatives for you.

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