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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 9:49 PM PST

What's that Smell?

By John Toman. Posted September 10, 2012, 12:40 PM.

WeatherCurrents received an inquiry from city officials in Riverside today concerning the source of strange odors across the area

The South Coast Air Quality Monitoring District has issued an Air Alert for the Inland Empire and is "investigating possible causes of widespread sulfur odors". They have reported receiving more than 100 calls reporting a strong, foul rotten egg/sulfur odor, and that inspectors are in the field investigating possible causes.

Jim Purpura, WeatherCurrent's meteorologist, believes the odor originated in the Coachella Valley. He says "strong downburst winds from last night's thunderstorms in that area have blown dust high into the air. Some of the dust may have been picked up near the Salton Sea and has a high sulfur content".

Roger Pierce, Meteorologist In Charge at the National Weather Service San Diego office, agrees this may be a possible explanation. He commented, "we do have winds from the east (from the Coachella Valley) this afternoon".

The odors should subside as the offending particles settle over the next day or so.

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