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Fri Jul 26 19:17:25 PDT 2024

"Microburst" hits northeast Temecula Saturday

By John Toman. Posted August 12, 2012, 4:40 PM.

Yesterday's strong storms over the Temecula area prompted the National Weather Service to issue a Severe Thunderstorm Warning across the city. Little was reported in the way of strong winds, with the notable exception of a small area in northeast Temecula.

A strong area of downdraft winds associated with a thunderstorm, called a microburst, struck the area a bit south of the intersection of La Serena Way and Cebu Drive.

Residents at the home where the damage occurred reported "sudden strong winds" at 3:30 pm Saturday and thought the windows would blow in. After a few seconds the wind stopped, and they went outside to find fences on the north and south ends of their property had blown down.

WeatherCurrents Meteorologist Jim Purpura, who has surveyed damage from many wind storms for over 20 years, has determined the wind damage was due to a microburst with winds of 60 to 65 mph.

Thanks to Heather and Orlando Caalim for their help with information included in the story.

Microburst damage

Microburst damage in Northeast Temecula. Photo courtesy of Heather Caalim.

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