Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Fri Jul 26 23:12:02 PDT 2024

Weather respite on the way

By John C. Toman. Posted July 15, 2012, 1:21 PM.

Following a week of sweltering temperatures, humidity and finally, thunderstorms, Southern California is in for some short-lived relief.

With the breakdown of high pressure that had been funneling monsoonal moisture into the region, a low pressure trough is setting up off the west coast, and will dominate weather conditions for the next few days.

In place of thunderheads and humidity, morning marine layer, onshore flow and much cooler temperatures are expected Monday and Tuesday, following a transition day Sunday. Temperatures could be ten degrees or more below normal for this time of year.

On Sunday, remnant moisture and unstable air was still generating thunderstorms over the desert areas.

On Wednesday, the remnants of Hurricane Fabio are expected to arrive in the region. They'll be dragged to the north, missing most of Southern California. Following that, high pressure will begin to rebuild, and models are hinting at a possibility of thunderstorms next weekend.

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