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Friday, March 14, 2025 1:36 AM PDT

Older Temecula Weather Featured Photos

(2001 to 2003)

Editor's Note: Newer featured photos are available.

Mirror Image
Mirror Image: Mount Cahuilla is reflected in Lake Riverside on a recent morning in the Anza Valley, east of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Steve Fermano.
Grape Leaves
End of the Vine: Grape leaves in the hues of fall provide a stark contrast against thick fog on a recent December morning. Photo courtesy of Dana Hagel.
Funnel Cloud
Funnel Cloud: A funnel cloud is captured, on its way back up into the sky, from afternoon thunderstorms in the Temecula Valley. The Temeku Hills clubhouse is in the foreground. Photo courtesy of Sue Keller.
Mountain Fire
Mountain Fire: The fireline casts a threatening glow from a mile away on this vineyard ranch in Glen Oak Hills, in the Temecula wine country. Photo courtesy of Robert De Armond.
Autumn Cling
Autumn Cling: A thin fog blanket clings to an avocado grove near De Luz. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Nature Trail
Oaks Trail: Shadows, sun, and oak trees vie for attention in the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve. Photo courtesy of Jon Reuter.
Summer Showers
Summer Downpour: Mother nature lets loose near the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Summer Sunrise
Summer Sunrise: Up comes the sun over scattered high and low clouds on a recent summer morning. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
June Gloom
June Gloom: A thin layer of fog protrudes over the Oak Ridge valley out in the Temecula Wine Country. Photo courtesy of Ian Fawn-Meade.
Fog Rolls In
Incoming: A common sight this time of year is low clouds and fog crawling over the hills into the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of Jim Toman.
Sunrise over Temecula Ranchos
Spring Sunrise: Scattered high clouds appear to ripple above sunrise silhouettes. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Flooded Creek Crosses Road
Sign of the Times: February storms flooded many creeks and streams, including this one near Sandia Road on the Santa Rosa Plateau. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Rain in the Wine Country
How Low: Rainclouds hug the hills during a recent storm in the Temecula Valley wine country. Photo courtesy of Ian Fawn-Meade.
Sunrise in the Wine Country
Sunrise Splendor: Sunrise turns everything hues of magenta and blue on a recent morning in the Temecula Valley wine country. Photo courtesy of Ian Fawn-Meade.
Clouds Cling to the Valley
Cloud Shroud: Just after sunrise on a recent morning, clouds hug the ground and shroud the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Rain's Almost Over
Colorful Sight: Sun and rain together make a rainbow during a recent storm over the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of Scott Bram.
Quail in the Rain
Out and About: California quail enjoy the recent rains near De Luz west of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Gold Wing Road Riders Assocation 8-Ball For Charity
Charity Ride: Motorcycle riders from all over southern California ride in the Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Temecula Chapter annual 8-Ball for Thessalonika Family Services. Over three hundred riders participated. Photo courtesy of Mick Herod.
Too Hot For The Ducks
Too Hot: Triple digits is too hot even for the ducks as they take cover under a tree at the Temecula duck pond.
Horses in the Fog
Morning Rendezvous: Fog doesn't keep these horses from nosing around on the Santa Rosa Plateau one recent morning. Photo courtesy of Jon Reuter.
Julian Fire-enhanced Sunset
Summer Sunset: Smoke and ash from the Julian fire gives this recent sunset a little different color. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Fire Helicopter Drops Water
Fighting Fires: Two helicopters, a fire bomber and multiple fire trucks quickly squelched this 10 acre fire near I15 and the South 79 exit. Photo Courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
2002 Temecula Balloon and Wine Festival
Morning Flight: Balloons rise over Lake Skinner at the 2002 Balloon and Wine Festival. Photo courtesy of Dave Corrasa.
Cloudy Sunset: Fading daylight leaves silhouettes of trees on a recent spring evening. Photo courtesy of Scott Bram.
Clouds over Temecula Valley
Spring Shadows: Storm remnants move over the Temecula Valley, leaving a patchwork of shadows.
Snow in Temecula
Snow Day: It melted as soon as it fell, but this picture captures snow fall on trees in the Santa Rosa Plateau, as it did in and around Temecula. Picture courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Temecula Sports Park
Winter in Temecula: You'd never know it was winter from this Temecula Sports Park scene on a balmy winter day.
Season's Greetings in Temecula
Season's Greetings: The Promenade in Temecula's brilliant Christmas Tree heralds a chilly December night.
Autumn in Patriotic Old Town
Fall Flags: At the north entrance to Old Town Temecula, Old Glory flies on a cloudy days as trees begin to turn their autumn colors.
Candlelight Vigil at the Duck Pond
Candlelight Vigil: Temeculans remember the victims of the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks at the Duck Pond.
Tower Plaza on a mid-summer day
Mid-Summer Day: Tower Plaza, a Temecula Landmark, framed by Eucalyptus trees and granite hills to the south.
Twilight over the West Hills
June Twilight: After sunset on spring's final day, Temecula's western hills silhouetted in twilight and city lights.
A Temecula Vineyard near Lake Skinner
Spring Scene: Vineyards dominate the hills near Lake Skinner east of Temecula.
Ducks In The Rain
Ducks utilize a makeshift duck pond on Ynez Road in in the early morning rain.
Snow on Agua Tibia
Snow on Agua Tibia Mountain

The Temecula weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Temecula, California is located in the Temecula Valley, in southwestern Riverside County, along the Interstate 15 highway. The Temecula Valley's rolling hills are home to the Temecula wine country, vineyards, golf courses, a casino resort, and Old Town Temecula.
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