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WeatherCurrents Announces Addition of Jim Purpura, Consulting Meteorologist

CONTACT: John Toman

TEMECULA (June 30, 2011) - The internet weather information service WeatherCurrents proudly announces the addition of Consulting Meteorologist Jim Purpura.

“Iʼm excited about bringing my experience working in National Weather Service offices across the U.S. to a new level,” said Purpura. “Iʼll be working the WeatherCurrents team to help provide live weather information to your Southern California neighborhood, with specific focus on high impact weather events.” “Additionally, as a Consulting Meteorologist, Iʼm available to work with customers to provide them with detailed weather analysis on past events, or other specialized weather services, with a level of detail the government is not able to provide.“

Purpura is retiring July 1st from the National Weather Service, where he has enjoyed a thirty year career. Since 2003, heʼs served as Meteorologist–In-Charge at the San Diego Weather Forecast Office, which issues forecasts and warnings for San Diego, Orange County, and the Inland Empire area. Prior to his tenure in San Diego, he was Meterologist-In-Charge at Corpus Christi, Texas, and before that was the Warning Coordination Meteorologist in Norman, Oklahoma. Purpura has received many Department of Commerce awards during his career, including a gold medal for life-saving forecasts and warnings issued during the record rains of January, 2005. Heʼs appeared on numerous network and cable television programs. Jim is a Temecula resident, is married, and has two daughters.

“Iʼm ecstatic and humbled that Jim Purpura is bringing his unique skills and experience to WeatherCurrents,” said John Toman, founder of WeatherCurrents. “He will help enhance the local weather service we provide to the community.” Purpura joins a small team that includes Toman and Robert Leonard, who covers the Hemet area.

WeatherCurrents serves fifteen communities in Southern Californiaʼs inland valleys, including locations in Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties. WeatherCurrents is updated minute-by-minute at

WeatherCurrents provides near-real time local weather, news and features in Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino and Ventura counties, in Southern California.
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