Currently N/A°F in Perris, California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Sunday, February 16, 2025 4:19 PM PST

Perris, California Sunrise & Sunset Almanac

Note that the sunrise and sunset times, and hours and minutes of daylight displayed here assume a flat east and west horizon. Actual times depend on the obstruction of the horizon, generally by mountains. Twilight in the morning and evening means that it will be light for a few minutes before and after the times listed.

The rate of change of daylight is variable, and depends upon the time of year and the latitude of the area (the distance from the equator). So, for example, the rate of change is slowest around the solstices (the beginning of winter and summer, in December and June) and fastest around the equinoxes (the beginning of spring and fall, in March and September). The further a location is from the equator (the further north or south), the faster the rate of change each day.

The following are the sunrise and sunset times for the next 30 days.

 Date   Sunrise   Sunset   Daylight 
February 11 6:37 AM 5:29 PM 10:52:35
February 12 6:36 AM 5:30 PM 10:54:27
February 13 6:35 AM 5:31 PM 10:56:21
February 14 6:34 AM 5:32 PM 10:58:14
Yesterday 6:33 AM 5:33 PM 11:00:08
Today 6:32 AM 5:34 PM 11:02:05
Tomorrow 6:31 AM 5:35 PM 11:04:01
February 18 6:30 AM 5:36 PM 11:05:58
February 19 6:29 AM 5:37 PM 11:07:55
February 20 6:28 AM 5:38 PM 11:09:54
February 21 6:27 AM 5:38 PM 11:11:53
February 22 6:25 AM 5:39 PM 11:13:52
February 23 6:24 AM 5:40 PM 11:15:52
February 24 6:23 AM 5:41 PM 11:17:52
February 25 6:22 AM 5:42 PM 11:19:54
February 26 6:21 AM 5:43 PM 11:21:56
February 27 6:20 AM 5:44 PM 11:23:57
February 28 6:18 AM 5:44 PM 11:25:59
March 1 6:17 AM 5:45 PM 11:28:02
March 2 6:16 AM 5:46 PM 11:30:05
March 3 6:15 AM 5:47 PM 11:32:09
March 4 6:13 AM 5:48 PM 11:34:12
March 5 6:12 AM 5:48 PM 11:36:17
March 6 6:11 AM 5:49 PM 11:38:21
March 7 6:10 AM 5:50 PM 11:40:25
March 8 6:08 AM 5:51 PM 11:42:30
March 9 7:07 AM 6:52 PM 11:44:35
March 10 7:06 AM 6:52 PM 11:46:40
March 11 7:04 AM 6:53 PM 11:48:45
March 12 7:03 AM 6:54 PM 11:50:50
March 13 7:02 AM 6:55 PM 11:52:57
March 14 7:01 AM 6:56 PM 11:55:02
March 15 6:59 AM 6:56 PM 11:57:07
March 16 6:58 AM 6:57 PM 11:59:13
March 17 6:57 AM 6:58 PM 12:01:20
March 18 6:55 AM 6:59 PM 12:03:25


The Perris, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Perris is located in Southern California's Inland Empire, south of Riverside and north of Sun City, along the Interstate 215 freeway.
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