Currently N/A°F in Perris, California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Sunday, February 16, 2025 5:41 PM PST

Perris, California Precipitation Summary

Normal season: July 1 through June 30

Average seasonal precipitation: 9.06"(230.1 mm)1

Season    Precipitation
2007-2008    7.59" (192.7 mm) *
2008-2009    6.30" (160.0 mm)
2009-2010    10.71" (272.0 mm)
2010-2011    13.70" (348.0 mm)
2011-2012    6.27" (159.2 mm)
2012-2013    5.73" (145.5 mm)
2013-2014    5.94" (150.8 mm)
2014-2015    7.59" (192.7 mm)
2015-2016    8.52" (216.4 mm)
2016-2017    13.91" (353.3 mm)
2017-2018    4.78" (121.4 mm)
2018-2019    13.82" (351.0 mm)
2019-2020    15.56" (395.2 mm)
2020-2021    5.15" (130.8 mm)
2021-2022    5.16" (131.0 mm)
2022-2023    12.79" (324.8 mm)
2023-2024    138.17" (3509.5 mm)

* Actual season start date: August 25, 2007

1Average precipitation does not include incomplete rain seasons or the current rain season.

The Perris, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Perris is located in Southern California's Inland Empire, south of Riverside and north of Sun City, along the Interstate 215 freeway.
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