Currently N/A°F in Riverside (Canyon Crest), California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 6:58 AM PST

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated May, 2017

Below are the questions that are asked the most about the Riverside weather site. Didn't find your question here? Ask!

Where are the Riverside weather stations located?
This is our second station in the Riverside area. This one is located at East Hills Community Church, not far from Van Buren Boulevard, in the Orangecrest neighborhood. WeatherCurrents also has a station located in Presidential Park neighborhood. We formerly had a locations in the Canyon Crest neighborhood, and across the Santa Ana River in Jurupa Valley.
Are there other online weather stations in Riverside?
There is an agricultural weather station nearby at the University of California, Riverside agriculture groves which has been in place since 1985. Registration is required to view the data.

Other local weather stations are operated at Riverside's airports by the National Weather Service. Riverside Municipal Airport is northwest of Canyon Crest in the Arlington area, and March Air Reserve Base is southeast, slightly south of Moreno Valley.

When has it snowed in the Riverside area?
The last time was on January 12, 2007. There is also documentation of snowfall from 1947. There are probably other intervening events that we haven't mentioned here; if you know of one, please tell us.

The Riverside (Canyon Crest), California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents.
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