Currently 52°F in Lake Elsinore, California, USA
59°F / 45°F
8 mph SE
Thursday, March 13, 2025 5:17 PM PDT

Lake Elsinore Weather Photos and Features

Editor's Note: Newer featured photos are available.

Mountain View
Mountain View: Mt. San Jacinto lies in the distance beyond the hills east of Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Deanna Wolfe.
Canyon Hills Sunrise
Canyon Hills Sunrise: Orange and red meet mountain silhouettes, as seen from Canyon Hills in Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Deanna Wolfe.
Lake Storm
Lake Storm: Layers of storm clouds angle from the mountains southwest of Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Larry Moskowitz.
Lake Lightning
Lake Lightning: From over the lake, three lightning bolts strike over the hills at dawn. Photo courtesy of Shannon Pinck.
White Bolt
White Bolt: An exclamation point to a night of lightning and thunder, this bolt finds the ground near Horsethief Canyon Ranch, north of Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Willi Wilkens.
Hills at Sunset
Hills at Sunset: Thunderclouds loom beyond the Lake Elsinore hills at sunset. Photo courtesy of Larry Moskowitz.
Dust Devil
Dust Devil: A small landspout swirls skyward near the eastern edge of Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Shannon Pinck.
Pond at Dawn
Pond at Dawn: Sunrise reflects off of the waters of a retention pond in Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Larry Moskowitz.
Gunnerson Egret
Marsh Bird: A great egret strikes a stately pose at Gunnerson Pond in Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Shannon Pinck.
Lake Sunrise
Lake Sunrise: Clouds twist across the sky above Lake Elsinore in this March sunrise. Photo courtesy of Edward Klarquist.
River Flood
River Flood: Just south of the spilling Canyon Lake dam, water fills the San Jacinto River on its way into Lake Elsinore.
Elsinore Lookout
Elsinore Lookout: From a turnout on the Ortega Highway, a full lake brims with recent rains. Photo courtesy of Brian Endres.
Creek Levee
Creek Levee: Water trickles over this Leach Canyon levee adjacent to McVicker Canyon Park in north Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Brian Endres.
Twilight View
Twilight View: Overlooking McVicker Canyon Park, Lake Elsinore and snow-capped local mountains fade into cloudy twilight to the south. Photo courtesy of Shannon Pinck.
Orange Hills
Hills in Bloom: The hills north of Lake Elsinore are an appealing mixture of green and orange, thanks to legions of blooming California golden poppies.

The Lake Elsinore, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Lake Elsinore is located south of Corona and north of the Temecula Valley, in southwestern Riverside County, California.
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