Currently 57°F in Lake Elsinore, California, USA
58°F / 56°F
2 mph S
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 1:57 AM PDT
Lake Elsinore Forecast Summary
Today Tomorrow Friday
Variably cloudy, Breezy Partly sunny, Breezy Mostly sunny
Variably cloudy, Breezy   Partly sunny, Breezy   Mostly sunny
High: 79°F High: 75°F High: 72°F
Low: 51°F Low: 48°F Low: 48°F
Currently in Lake Elsinore

Temperature, Humidity, Wind & Pressure

Time:  1:57 AM PDT
Temperature:  57°F
Normal Temperature 50°F
Relative Humidity:  84%
Dewpoint:  52°F
Heat Index:  57°F
Wind Chill:  57°F
Wind:  2 mph S (180°)
Gusts:  5 mph
Barometer:  N/APressure Change N/A

Sunrise & Sunset

Sunrise Sunset Daylight
Today: 6:44 AM 7:04 PM 12:20
Tomorrow: 6:42 AM 7:05 PM 12:22
30 Day Sunrise and Sunset Almanac

Extreme Temperatures

Today Normal Last Year Record
High: 58°F 12:30 AM 74°F 70°F 93°F 2015
Low: 56°F 1:55 AM 46°F 47°F 27°F 2017


60 Min. Today Month Season Normal
0.00" 0.00" 3.27" 8.19" 11.16"
Season began July 1, 2024
Past Season Precipitation Totals
Data captured from a Peet Bros. Ultimeter 2000
Local Weather Roundup
Lake Elsinore:
Lake Elsinore Forecast
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

High pressure aloft will move out of the area and be replaced by a low pressure trough. This will bring a cooling trend starting Wednesday and continuing through Friday with temperatures mostly a little below normal Friday through the weekend. Some warming will occur early next week. Night and morning low clouds and fog will prevail west of the mountains, with a small chance of precipitation Sunday or Sunday night.

Today: Low clouds and fog early, becoming sunny. Afternoon breezes , high near 79°F .

Pollen level is rated "N/A".

Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 50 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).

Tonight: Increasing clouds. Cool. Light breezes, low around 48°F.

Thursday: Low clouds and fog early, becoming mostly sunny. Afternoon breezes, high of about 75°F.

Thursday night:Mostly cloudy, then patchy fog developing. Cool. Light breezes, low near 48°F.

Friday: Low clouds and fog early, becoming mostly sunny, high around 72°F.

Friday night: Mostly cloudy and cool, low of about 46°F.

Saturday: Mostly sunny, high near 72°F.

Saturday night: Partly cloudy and cool, low around 44°F.

Sunday: Mostly sunny, high of about 73°F.

Sunday night: Partly cloudy and cool, low near 47°F.

Monday: Partly sunny, high around 74°F.

Monday night: Mostly cloudy and cool, low of about 47°F.

Tuesday: Partly sunny, high near 77°F.

Lake Elsinore forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.
Recently in Lake Elsinore
Date High Low Ave. Prec.
March 25 94°F 53°F 70°F 0.00"
March 24 93°F 52°F 70°F 0.00"
March 23 86°F 49°F 66°F 0.00"
March 22 81°F 47°F 63°F 0.00"
March 21 84°F 45°F 63°F 0.00"
March 20 80°F 44°F 61°F 0.00"
March 19 79°F 43°F 61°F 0.00"
More Past Weather
Lake Elsinore Featured Photos
Monsoon Cloud
Monsoon Cloud: A towering cloud over the lake. Photo courtesy of John Pitt.
Lake Elsinore Weather News
Patchy showers and gusty winds Monday evening

An upper level low brought unsettled weather to the region Monday evening, ...

Posted March 18, 2025, 9:20 PM
Other Weather Information

The Lake Elsinore, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Lake Elsinore is located south of Corona and north of the Temecula Valley, in southwestern Riverside County, California.
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