Currently N/A°F in Jurupa Valley, California, USA
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N/A°F / N/A°F
Monday, March 10, 2025 4:07 PM PDT

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated July, 2011

Below are the questions that are asked the most about the Jurupa Valley weather site. Didn't find your question here? Ask!

Where is the Jurupa Valley weather station located?
In the Rubidoux area, on Riverview Drive, not far from Limonite Avenue, and about 1 mile west of the Flabob airport.
Are there other online weather stations in Jurupa Valley?

There are three other reporting stations within the Jurupa Valley city limits. One is MesoWest MCQ045. It's nearby, within a mile of WeatherCurrents station.

The Weather Channel gets its reports from a station in Mira Loma, and from the Jurupa Mountains Cultural Center, according to its web site.

Other local weather stations are operated at Riverside's airports by the National Weather Service. Riverside Municipal Airport is southwest from this station, across the Santa Ana River, about two miles away. Based on proximity, we expect this station's weather data to be close to the data taken at the Riverside Municipal Airport.

Does the Jurupa Valley station have a wind sensor?
Yes, but it isn't operating properly. We think there's a problem with it's cable. For that reason, we're temporarily not displaying wind on the site. We should have it repaired later this summer.
When has it snowed in the Jurupa Valley area?
The last time was on January 12, 2007. There is also documentation of snowfall from 1947. There are probably other intervening events that we haven't mentioned here; if you know of one, please tell us.

The Jurupa Valley (Rubidoux), California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Jurupa Valley is located in Riverside County, in the Inland Empire, north of the Santa Ana River.
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