Currently 71°F in Hemet, California, USA
79°F / 57°F
Thursday, September 19, 2024 6:24 PM PDT

Storm Totals: December 8th-9th, 2007

Posted December 8, 2007, 12:01 PM.

A pre-winter storm dropped significant rain Thursday night and Friday morning, before moving to the east. Scattered showers trailed into Saturday morning in some communities.

More rain and showers were due Saturday night and Sunday morning as a second, colder storm was predicted to enter the region from the northwest.

De Luz and Fallbrook led the way for the first storm with 0.95" and 0.93", respectively.

Other higher totals were along the western part of the inland valleys, with Temecula and Lake Elsinore recording 0.70". Riverside followed with 0.55", aided by a substantial shower Saturday morning.

Areas with the least rainfall were out in the San Jacinto Valley, with Hemet at 0.15" and San Jacinto measuring 0.16".

Season totals for the wettest areas were up into the 5" range, with Fallbrook, De Luz and Temecula. Fallbrook and Temecula were ahead of seasonal norms. Some other WeatherCurrents stations, including Hemet and Murrieta, were slightly behind seasonal norms.

Predictions for the storm had been for between half an inch to an inch of rainfall in the inland valleys.

Data for Perris was unavailable due to an internet service outage at the location of WeatherCurrents' station there.

The following storm totals were recorded:

Location Storm Total  Friday  Saturday  Season  Source
South Fallbrook (near Gird Road) 0.97"  0.87"  0.10"  5.15"  R.C. Blankenhorn
De Luz 0.95"  0.89"  0.06"  5.01"  WeatherCurrents
South Fallbrook 0.93"  0.85"  0.08"  5.13"  WeatherCurrents
Southeast Temecula 0.70"  N/A  N/A  5.45"  Jim Sappington
South Temecula 0.70"  0.65"  0.05"  5.40"  WeatherCurrents
Northwest Lake Elsinore 0.70"  0.62"  0.08"  4.04"  WeatherCurrents
Riverside 0.55"  0.33"  0.22"  2.78"  WeatherCurrents
Northwest Murrieta 0.39"  0.33"  0.06"  3.84"  WeatherCurrents
Sun City 0.39"  0.36"  0.03"  3.28"  WeatherCurrents
San Jacinto 0.16"  0.13"  0.03"  2.43"  CWOP 3539/WeatherCurrents
East Hemet 0.15"  0.10"  0.05"  3.05"  WeatherCurrents
Temecula (Crowne Hill) N/A  0.14"  N/A  3.83"  Bob Walton

Data for San Jacinto for the storm was taken from a nearby station, CWOP 3539. The rain gauge for San Jacinto was damaged in the October sandstorm there and has yet to be repaired.

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The Hemet weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Hemet, California is located in the San Jacinto Valley, in western Riverside County, at the foot of the San Jacinto mountains.
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