Currently N/A°F in Hemet, California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Friday, March 28, 2025 2:37 AM PDT
Hemet Forecast Summary
Today Tomorrow Sunday
Mostly sunny, Breezy Variably cloudy Partly sunny
Mostly sunny, Breezy   Variably cloudy   Partly sunny
High: 63°F High: 66°F High: 66°F
Low: 48°F Low: 46°F Low: 45°F
Currently in Hemet
Alert Warning: Current weather report out of date

Temperature, Humidity, Wind & Pressure

Time:  2:37 AM PDT
Temperature:  N/A
Normal Temperature 67°F
Relative Humidity:  N/A
Dewpoint:  N/A°F
Heat Index:  N/A°F
Wind Chill:  N/A°F
Wind:  N/A
Gusts:  N/A
Barometer:  N/APressure Change N/A

Sunrise & Sunset

Sunrise Sunset Daylight
Today: 6:41 AM 7:05 PM 12:24
Tomorrow: 6:40 AM 7:06 PM 12:26
30 Day Sunrise and Sunset Almanac

Extreme Temperatures

Today Normal Last Year Record
High: N/A N/A 71°F 74°F 88°F 2015
Low: N/A N/A 47°F 43°F 37°F 2007


60 Min. Today Month Season Normal
N/A N/A 3.20" 6.25" 11.52"
Season began July 1, 2024
Past Season Precipitation Totals
Data captured from a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro 2
Local Weather Roundup
* Weather report not current
Hemet Forecast
Friday, March 28, 2025

Cool weather will continue for much of the next week with a deeper marine layer. The marine layer will be deep enough to produce areas of drizzle at time the next few mornings. Winds will continue to be elevated across the mountains and deserts for much of the next week as well. The pattern starts to favor notable precipitation chances for areas along and west of the mountains by next Wednesday and Thursday.

Today: Mostly sunny and breezy , high near 63°F .

Pollen level is rated "medium-high".

Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 43 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).

Tonight: Increasing clouds. Cool and breezy, low around 46°F.

Saturday: Low clouds early, becoming mostly sunny. Light breezes, high of about 66°F.

Saturday night:Mostly cloudy and cool. Light breezes, low near 45°F.

Sunday: Partly sunny, high around 66°F.

Sunday night: Mostly cloudy and cool, low of about 48°F.

Monday: Partly sunny, high near 69°F.

Monday night: Mostly cloudy and cool, low around 47°F.

Tuesday: Partly sunny, high of about 69°F.

Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy and cool. Slight chance of showers, low near 45°F.

Wednesday: Partly sunny. Slight chance of showers, high around 66°F.

Wednesday night: Mostly cloudy and cool. Chance of showers, low of about 46°F.

Thursday: Mostly cloudy. Chance of showers, high near 61°F.

Hemet forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.
Recently in Hemet
Date High Low Ave. Prec.
March 26 63°F 50°F 56°F 0.01"
March 25 88°F 58°F 72°F 0.00"
March 24 92°F 57°F 71°F 0.00"
March 23 81°F 52°F 64°F 0.00"
March 22 77°F 50°F 62°F 0.00"
March 21 78°F 49°F 62°F 0.00"
March 20 73°F 49°F 60°F 0.00"
More Past Weather
Hemet Featured Photos
Full Moon
Full moon: The evening moon rises above Mountain View High School in San Jacinto. Photo courtesy of Denise Leonard.
Hemet Weather News
Patchy showers and gusty winds Monday evening

An upper level low brought unsettled weather to the region Monday evening, ...

Posted March 18, 2025, 9:20 PM
Other Weather Information

The Hemet weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Hemet, California is located in the San Jacinto Valley, in western Riverside County, at the foot of the San Jacinto mountains.
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