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Monday, March 10, 2025 1:05 AM PDT

Menifee/Sun City Weather Photos and Features

Editor's Note: Newer featured photos are available.

Fallen Pole
Fallen Pole: Fallen power poles were part of the aftermath of a tornado that hit northern Sun City and Quail Valley. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro,
Menifee Lakes
Menifee Lakes: Lakes, sky and the foothills ringing the Menifee Valley to the east as seen at the Menifee Lakes golf course.
Menifee Rainbow
Menifee Rainbow: A evening rainbow reaches for the sky near Murrieta and Craig roads. Photo courtesy of Duffy Atkinson.
Loose Cattle
Loose Bull: A cow gazes curiously at its reflection on Scott Road in the Menifee Valley. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
White Mountains
White Mountains: Mt. San Gorgonio and the San Bernadino mountains tower above a green local meadow and foothills. Photo courtesy of John Gonzalez.
Through Palms
Through Palms: Snow-capped Mt. San Jacinto is framed between two palm trees. Photo courtesy of John Gonzalez.
Snow Drive
Snow Drive: An unusual dusting of snow covers the southern Menifee Valley near Antelope and Scott Roads. Photo courtesy of Ryan Waufle.

The Menifee, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. The City of Menifee consists of the communities of Menifee, Sun City and Quail Valley and is located in in southwestern Riverside County, California, north of Murrieta, south of Perris and east of Canyon Lake.
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